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#21 · Posted: 5 Dec 2008 03:12

I also joined IPC and right away got through the set up very fast .
Its an easy learn. the key as in any thing is ads. = traffic = $
So the beginner starts with free ads. and the first thing I noticed is
a guy from Detroit running the same Ad in ALL cities every single day.
Well that is the competition , get on the hussel , organize your ads in groups of 10 per day , and different every single day of the week .
M - pre planed ads, T- and so on. These are acccuired be copy & paiste
from word pad. They stress being organized prior to ganging up on free sites like Cregs list, US free ads, and many others. So if you have it in you to OUT perform the Detroit guy ( complete with video) then mabie it will work. Put my guess is it will be over saturated very quickly.
just my two pennies

Most would be scared of this post.
It really seems like so much work.

Im a little scared reading this myself, even though
ive been thinking about joining ipc. Ive got another
project going, so im putting ipc on hold. Hope im not
making a mistake here, by putting this off.


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#22 · Posted: 5 Dec 2008 03:18

I use both IPC Programs. The independent Profit Center is a $200. program to join, but you earn $200. each time a person joins. This may seem High to some but it keeps the tire kickers out. I have been promoting it for just going on a year,and average $3000. per week.

omg, thats sweet.
Ive been looking for another product to market, and i think it will
be IPC. Ill market the hell out of it, but not now though. lol

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#23 · Posted: 5 Dec 2008 09:49

Most would be scared of this post.
It really seems like so much work.

Im a little scared reading this myself, even though
ive been thinking about joining ipc. Ive got another
project going, so im putting ipc on hold. Hope im not
making a mistake here, by putting this off.

It is quite a bit of work but it's rewarding. Both financially and emotionally. May sound cheesy but it's a good feeling to do the work to build your business up and see the progress you've made and the results that come from it.

I've been with IPC since July and IPC Instant Cash since the end of October and I wouldn't change a thing.



#24 · Posted: 6 Dec 2008 05:29

Thanks for your responses

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#25 · Posted: 6 Dec 2008 10:33

No problem

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#26 · Posted: 9 Dec 2008 01:18

Glad to have found this blog and its great to hear how many other people are pleased and earning extra money with the IPC programs.

The Original IPC program takes a bit more work to keep on geting sales but it looks like the vote is swaying towards the same compinsation plan IPC Instant Cash does, I'm pretty exsited about that.



#27 · Posted: 12 Dec 2008 11:25


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#28 · Posted: 12 Dec 2008 14:54 · Edited by: BeInProfitMode

The Original IPC program takes a bit more work to keep on geting sales but it looks like the vote is swaying towards the same compinsation plan IPC Instant Cash does, I'm pretty exsited about that.

It will be interesting to see how it all pans out.

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#29 · Posted: 13 Dec 2008 14:42 · Edited by: helptowealth

As one of the Top Earners in this program IPC Instant Cash I can tell anyone that the system does work. The problem is people don't really understand what marketing is all about.

As far as comments on the price point, sometimes it is a good idea to have something to fit all budgets. some people can not afford $97 but have $77 and want to get started asap.

There are some advertising resources I have found that are perfect for beginners in this program. So far I have plugged in several of my new team members.

If you know how, you can really take on the "be my own boss" lifestyle in IPC. I highly recommend having someone else do the advertising for you. All you do is collect the money and pass your resources to your team...

Making money online is easy when someone else does it for you
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#30 · Posted: 14 Dec 2008 12:02

The problem is people don't really understand what marketing is all about.

That's why it's great to be joining the IPC programs because they teach you so much.

As far as comments on the price point, sometimes it is a good idea to have something to fit all budgets. some people can not afford $97 but have $77 and want to get started asap.

I've definitely found this to be key. If you're just marketing one price point you're limiting your possibilities.

I have everything ranging from free to $15 up to $249.



#31 · Posted: 14 Dec 2008 16:34 · Edited by: bigmoneyPRO

Yes i agree you must have a business for all levels so people
can work there way up from whatever amout of money the have
at the time! ipc instant cash is a great low level program thats
only $97 to get started with complete training and support for
anyone trying to start a home business!

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#32 · Posted: 15 Dec 2008 19:22

As a fairly newcomer to web marketing, this has got to be a great way to learn about the business.
With the training you get from IPC all the good information you get is going to useful for any business that you start on the web plus you get your own business thrown in, I think its good value for your money and with some work you should soon get your investment back.
This small investment in time and money now will pay you for years to come.
I would recommend it as a good starting point.

May your day be a Golden one
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#33 · Posted: 16 Dec 2008 11:31

I definitely wouldn't be where I am right now if it weren't for the original IPC Program. IPC Instant Cash is no different as far as training value. It really is a great way to get started.

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#34 · Posted: 19 Dec 2008 00:05

highly recommend having someone else do the advertising for you. All you do is collect the money

how do you do that?

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#35 · Posted: 25 Dec 2008 20:05

Hello everyone! I want to take the time to wish all of you a Merry Christmas, and Happy new Year!
And if you are looking at the IPC programs, I assure you they do work. The keys to any program is: Work and Training. Where do you want to be this time next year? Looking at a Home Based Business, or Working a Home Based Business?

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#36 · Posted: 25 Dec 2008 20:15

The keys to any program is: Work and Training.

Amen to that. You get good returns when you follow the training and you put in the work.

By the way, great looking blog Dan.

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#37 · Posted: 27 Dec 2008 00:18

the first thing I noticed is
a guy from Detroit running the same Ad in ALL cities every single day.

I find that quite hard to believe.

Who is this?
What ad has he placed in EVERY city, EVERY day?

Do you have a link to this ad?

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#38 · Posted: 27 Dec 2008 00:27

highly recommend having someone else do the advertising for you. All you do is collect the money

how do you do that?

good question!

Does 'helptowealth' have an answer for us?

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#39 · Posted: 27 Dec 2008 09:48

the first thing I noticed is
a guy from Detroit running the same Ad in ALL cities every single day.

This actually is not too far off of the mark. I've seen this ad myself on Backpage. Maybe the title or some words in the ad were changed, but it was quite apparent that it was the same ad posted over and over. I was surprised to see it myself, I thought sure that it would have been flagged. It was about a month or so ago when I last saw it, but then again, it's been about a month or so since I was last on Backpage.


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#40 · Posted: 27 Dec 2008 11:23

The other day I was on the phone doing some training, again I was asked if this IPC program was being saturated? No.. what is being saturated is the ads, People are using the same old $200 dollars over and over again. That ad was shown as a template, not to be copied and pasted all over. The biggest complaint I get is when someone is at a stand still, is what am I doing wrong. Well first thing out is what are you using for ads? The same comment is I just copy and past the ads they give me! If you see the same ad over and over and over, do you read each one? Do you think other people do? The Program is not saturated, the ads are! Be creative.

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