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priceworthy Forums Member
Joined: 28 Jun 2011 Posts: 15
#1 · Posted: 29 Jun 2011 11:03
I am wondering what you all think about this opportunity
[Post edited. Generic link added - Admin]
FreeCashMan Forums Member
Joined: 31 Dec 2007 Posts: 1125
#2 · Posted: 30 Jun 2011 00:28
Zeekler is getting a lot of attention, as with any "do nothing get paid" program. Well one gets paid for posting free classified ads, but that's nothing.
I actually enrolled, but never put any money into it.
My concern with promoting this to others is that it's a spin on the get paid to surf program. 2% daily for looking at ads, except no surfing posting.
I've heard stories of people cashing out 4-5 figures on their "investment". Great!
My challenge is that you have to pay the monthly fee to qualify for the cashout which helps cover the 2%, but more so this is essentially in investment vehicle, that is not licensed and sanctioned by the S.E.C. (Securities & Exchange Commission), nor is there any reason to expect that it will be, therefore, it's going to be shut down at some point in time, it would appear based on history.
They may try and hide the investment but when people start putting in big 4 and 5 figures to buy Penny Auction bid credits in which they have no plans to use or got into it for that intent, this will be seen by the gov't as an investment that is unauthorized and unlicensed which means Jail time for owners.
However with that being said, those that like this type of deal go get your 2% daily and enjoy. Risk what you are willing to lose, and may you gain big.
And as always, diversify your home income streams, like you would your retirement fund, as Murphy's Law does take effect on even the greatest of home biz.
priceworthy Forums Member
Joined: 28 Jun 2011 Posts: 15
#3 · Posted: 30 Jun 2011 08:07
This company has been in business for over 10 years . if you would like to hear all about how they plan to be here for many more years ... Then please join in the conference calls below to hear from all the company leaders .. Also they have open Q&A on these calls
MONDAY - THURSDAY. 4:00PM 760-569-7676 access code 223177#
MONDAY - THURSDAY. 9:00PM 512-439-6511 access code 227292#
MONDAY & WEDNESDAY. 9:30PM 760-569-7676 access code 223177#
FreeCashMan Forums Member
Joined: 31 Dec 2007 Posts: 1125
#4 · Posted: 30 Jun 2011 13:40
True they've been around for a long time, but make it plain that they have just started doing the zeekrewards investing plan.
Again, get the money that on the table just understand the facts of your participation.
Joined: 17 Mar 2007 Posts: 1201
#5 · Posted: 1 Jul 2011 14:47
It is amazing that I have been online since 2002 and have never heard of this opportunity before.
There are so many of them online. Some come and go so you have to be very careful as to who you take action with.
Do your due diligence before you get started.
priceworthy Forums Member
Joined: 28 Jun 2011 Posts: 15
#6 · Posted: 1 Jul 2011 15:35
I have been a DIAMOND MEMBER since 2007 with this same company At the time I signed up they were called FREESTORECLUB but Change is a GREAT thing at times and this opportunity is going to be around for a long long Time And you will make money daily as they say you will
<Snip> [Post edited - Admin]
ronniebranch Forums Member
Joined: 11 Apr 2009 Posts: 27
#7 · Posted: 2 Aug 2011 20:09
Zeek Rewards is Changing my life and my partner Corinne's life. We are having great success in this program in such a short period of time. I highly encourage folks to look more into this program because it eliminates the need to sponsor where as it can take six months to grow your personal development and to learn to master marketing.
While we can certainly teach you that, but it is nice that our team can make money aside from just the leaders. If your team succeeds the leaders will only be that much better off. If anybody has any questions about this exceptional program I'm here to help. I am a active business builder and leader for this great program and I have vast knowledge in marketing building systems and getting leads and I am here to help.
I hope your having a great day my friends
Ronnie Branch
silverkinguk Forums Member
Joined: 18 Sep 2011 Posts: 6
#8 · Posted: 19 Sep 2011 01:33 · Edited by: silverkinguk
I'm currenty in Zeek Rewards as my friend introduced me to it you get paid to post ads for the company.Later need to upgrade but the good thing is you can compound bids as well as your money growing in time for yourself and bids on the auctions they hold there.
Are you in the village?
My Website:
Joined: 30 Aug 2007 Posts: 3116
#9 · Posted: 3 Dec 2011 23:08
Just wondering how the zeekrewards is going for you'all? I had signed up but decided not to go for it then as I didn't want to buy bids, and you have to be a member in order to benefit from the daily payout so was just curious if anyone here is actually drawing a monthly check.
Elysium Forums Member
Joined: 25 Oct 2008 Posts: 239
#10 · Posted: 4 Dec 2011 01:08 · Edited by: Elysium
Hi MM5,
Did you sign up as a free affiliate and do your daily ads? That can give you a chance to get to know the company while you increase the free bonus points you receive upon joining. You don't need to buy any VIP bids unless you want to earn from the profit share right away.
After your first 60 days, you do need to purchase a one-time minimum of 10 VIP bids (@ $10) as a premium affiliate if you want to earn from the retail profit pool with your bonus points balance that has now become VIP points, but you can also earn in ZeekRewards many other ways - even as a free affiliate.
I joined ZeekRewards after doing a bunch of research and asking a lot of questions. It was really important to me to understand it all, and to find a supportive team. So far I must say that I absolutely love it.
To be in compliance with ZR legal, affiliates can't really mention paycheck amounts, but you'll find that there are many happy campers who are taking out very nice weekly amounts. (Some are disgustingly nice, lol) I have yet to hear of anyone not getting paid.
This is a legitimate business with a 14-year-old company behind it. People won't find a 'get-rich-quick' scheme here. But they do earn daily from the company's profit share, and also earn commissions if they want to. By repurchasing VIP bids with their daily cash rewards or commissions, affiliates build up a nice income.
Once you understand how it all works it's really a lot of fun, especially this time of year... with all the holiday shopping going on, Zeekler Penny Auctions is in full swing!
Elysium Forums Member
Joined: 25 Oct 2008 Posts: 239
#11 · Posted: 4 Dec 2011 04:34
Just wanted to add for clarity...
The VIP bids themselves do not earn from the profit share. VIP bids are given away to Zeekler customers as 'free bid samples' and the action of giving them away turns them into VIP points. The points is what earns from the profit share.
Giving away the free bids can be a lot of fun. People really like getting something for free. But if you're shy about giving them away, ZR offers a company co-op known as the '5cc' that will guarantee you customers to give bids to.
The bonus points balance you earned from your first 60 days are automatically turned into VIP points, and do not need to be given away to customers.
You can move forward with your ZR business a couple different ways. You can be 'active' and sign up Zeekler customers and ZeekRewards affiliates to earn commissions, or you can be 'passive' and upgrade to 1 of the 3 premium affiliate levels, purchase VIP bids, join the 5cc, and let things run on automatic.
Some people do both. Just do whatever you enjoy most.
Shelterman Forums Member
Joined: 8 Dec 2011 Posts: 11
#12 · Posted: 9 Dec 2011 00:44
mountainmom5: Just wondering how the zeekrewards is going for you'all? I had signed up but decided not to go for it then as I didn't want to buy bids, and you have to be a member in order to benefit from the daily payout so was just curious if anyone here is actually drawing a monthly check. Mountianmom, I've been a Diamond in ZR for almost 3 months and have done real well...nearing a job replacing income. I've withdrawn 3 times now just to satisfy myself that it's the real McCoy. I'd encourage anyone to become involved, if nothing else but a free subscriber to familiarize yourself on how it all works.
I am closely associated (or more accurately my sponsor is) with the top echelon of ZR. My sponsor lives near Lexington, NC where Rex Venture Group, LLC (the company that owns Zeekler and ZeekRewards) offices are located and has met with the owner and CEO Paul Burks on more than one occasion. Anyway, one of my sponsor's team members decided to visit the office and meet the CEO himself and recorded a meeting between a group of foreign ZR members and Paul Burks.
If you would like to get an INSIDE LOOK about Zeekler from the man himself, the founder and CEO Paul Burks, here is a 60 minute VIDEO (no text) shot by that member.
There is some REALLY GREAT information in this video that you will NOT hear ANYWHERE else...
Please go watch it NOW, as we have no idea how long they will keep it up...url= false&bgcolor=0xffffff&color=0xffffff&wm=false&fitp=false&curl ]Here it is.[/url]
I hope everyone enjoys this as much as I did.
mogulmedia Forums Member
Joined: 13 Aug 2010 Posts: 28
#13 · Posted: 9 Dec 2011 07:41
I agree that you just need to make sure any program is reputable.
There are so many out there and some are dodgy! You must be certain that whatever program you decide to put all your effort and energy into that you're gonna get rewarded.
On the face of it though this site seems reputable and they have been around for a long time which is a good sign.
Shelterman Forums Member
Joined: 8 Dec 2011 Posts: 11
#14 · Posted: 9 Dec 2011 10:50 · Edited by: Shelterman
Sorry about the link in the last post. I'm having trouble adjusting to the way this forum works. Here it is again: false&bgcolor=0xffffff&color=0xffffff&wm=false&fitp=false&curl
Shelterman Forums Member
Joined: 8 Dec 2011 Posts: 11
#15 · Posted: 9 Dec 2011 12:07
LOL...that link didn't last long! I was afraid of that as it was a private link. I will try to get it back up for us. Luckily, I downloaded it to my HD, so if I have to I'll post it somewhere'll be worth it as it is VERY good.
Elysium Forums Member
Joined: 25 Oct 2008 Posts: 239
#16 · Posted: 9 Dec 2011 17:29
There is some information about the company and the people behind the business available by clicking on the "About Us" tab at the ZeekRewards site.
Also, everyone is welcome to attend ZR's live conference calls. The days and times are listed on the main ZR page on the right side. There are also some recorded calls available as well.
Always good to see other Zeek family members here... welcome to the forum Shelterman!
Joined: 30 Aug 2007 Posts: 3116
#17 · Posted: 9 Dec 2011 18:47
Thanks Annette!
I might sign up again as a free member. I simply wanted to downgrade from silver to free but then my account got cancelled and I didn't want to start from ground zero again, but maybe I'll have to. Don't want to lose out on a good opportunity.
Shelterman Forums Member
Joined: 8 Dec 2011 Posts: 11
#18 · Posted: 9 Dec 2011 23:26 · Edited by: Shelterman
Ok...I've uploaded the private Paul Burks (CEO and owner of ZR) interview as an UNLISTED Youtube video. As such, it will not appear on any Youtube searches. I really think it's best that it remain this way
If you want a deep insight on where this company is heading and the thought process behind WHY this company was developed, drop everything and watch it. My sponsor has mentioned that Paul is a really "down to earth" person and it really comes out in this video.
As sold as I am on ZR, I still had a couple of concerns and they were both addressed in in this video and I was VERY PLEASED with the way he answered them.
Here it is:
Elysium Forums Member
Joined: 25 Oct 2008 Posts: 239
#19 · Posted: 10 Dec 2011 11:59
Wahoo! My son and I just won a little home music system at Zeekler!
It's the "iLive Music System" that retails at $65.09 and we won it for just $0.33 ...using only 3 bids! It will be listed in the "Winner's Circle" for a while.
That was fun!
Shelterman Forums Member
Joined: 8 Dec 2011 Posts: 11
#20 · Posted: 17 Dec 2011 20:16
I thought this would be interesting for us...
In the latest leadership call posted on the ZR back office, Paul Burks co-hosts the conference call with Dawn. He starts out talking about the evolution of Zeekler and a little the current status of Zeekler and makes some interesting remarks about how Z currently stands in the Penny Auction area in terms of comparison to the competition and overall growth. I find it interesting that he really doesn't look at his company as "starting" with Zeekler, but looks at it as an adaptation that the company as a whole has made to a current trend and that they are always looking to various trends to apply this same business model (which he calls "Exact Method Marketing") to. In other words, I came out of this with the impression that this opportunity that we have found won't end when the penny auction trend ends (if it ends), but will be ongoing and applied to whatever trend that develops in the future...and us affiliates will be welcome to come along for the ride...does anyone find this interesting or is it just me?