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has anyone seen the ZEEKREWARDS OPPORTUNITY ??

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#461 · Posted on 23 May 2012 10:27

Thanks Elysium and Annie39.

I begin to think to buy customers from a legal 3rd party. I have been told that it was cheap. Do you have an idea where I could find one?


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#462 · Posted on 23 May 2012 14:24

You get paid to advertise.....I am sure we have all heard that before...but what does it mean?

How much? � On average 1.5%. Of what ? your points. I am now confused !

That is what i thought when I first heard about Zeek rewards last year. What A Big Mistake Because I did not find out more on what it meant to get paid to advertise

I lost out on Thousands $$$$... really!!

Now I really know how it works and I've developped a strategy to get the maximum on commissions.

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#463 · Posted on 23 May 2012 19:59

How come I'm not receiving VIP points although my Bid Repurchase is in 100 percent? In my retail profit pool it was said that I repurchased a bid but I haven't received a point for the past few days. I hope someone can answer my question.

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#464 · Posted on 24 May 2012 07:44


I am having the same issue,
why is my vip points not increasing since may 20th
mine is also @ 100% repurchased

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#465 · Posted on 24 May 2012 08:05

it is RPP run delay

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#466 · Posted on 24 May 2012 09:56

patmaepach and tedduz

Friends, it happens that they are late for differents reasons.

Don't forget to read the Zeekrewards news. It is very usefull.

The company is experiencing some growing pains but you can always keep up with the latest on


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#467 · Posted on 24 May 2012 13:35 · Edited by: Elysium

This was just recently posted by Brett (official rep) in the Zeek Support Forum:

"The delay in the in the RPP Being Posted is causing a delay with the giving away bids to customers.

If bids are not given away to customers the points do not transfer over to your VIP Points Balance, thus you will not earn any points (money) ... for that day.

This does NOT occur on all accounts.

To check and see if your account was affected.

1) Log into your Zeek Rewards Account. This is for EVERYONE to do with their own account please. EVERYONE, regardless of who is posting your ad.

2) Click on "Bid Give Manager" on the menu.

3) Look on the top LEFT hand side menu at the green number.

4) IF the number is greater than "0", you will need to give the bids away manually to the customers that are located in the drop down menu that is labeled "GIVE BIDS To". Find a CUSTOMER in the list NOT an AFFILIATE and click on their name put the number of bids in the "# of bids", and click "give bids". The amount of bids that did not transfer over will now move to the VIP Points balance immediately.

PLEASE make sure that you keep an eye on this in your account until further notice."

Stay tuned to ZeekRewards News and the Zeek Support Forum for updates.


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Annette & Chris
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#468 · Posted on 24 May 2012 14:00

I just checked that, and can't give bids manually, the customer turned into grey and you can't click that.

Update, I have RPP on May 21, 2012

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#469 · Posted on 24 May 2012 15:30


We are all very lucky to have you in this forum.

Thanks for the help


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#470 · Posted on 24 May 2012 16:22

I have the same exact problem as shop4fun
my own customers also turn into gray and my bid generated is now 31
.I cant give them out

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#471 · Posted on 24 May 2012 21:07

Thanks for the help

You're welcome, and thanks for the nice words. I try to pop in when I can.
Lots of other Zeeksters here who are a great help as well.


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Annette & Chris
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#472 · Posted on 24 May 2012 21:08 · Edited by: Elysium

I have the same exact problem as shop4fun

Brett did mention that other people are having the same problem with customers being greyed out. A report has been made, and corporate is aware of it.

Oh, and there is a new update that was just posted over at ZR News:

I hope they get the system fixed and caught up soon. Zeek has been a lot of fun, and these 'growing pains' kinda blow, lol.


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Annette & Chris
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#473 · Posted on 25 May 2012 10:41 · Edited by: EasyMoneyTools

does it look like this shop4fun- (up to 0 bids) I think it means that you can't give this customer any more bids as there is a limit of how many bids you can give to each customer....I am new to this I could be worng but i am just guessing

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#474 · Posted on 25 May 2012 11:23

I was told one can give up to 1000 bids , this is the response I got from the offical rep

" Brett Gurney (Official Rep) 18 hours ago
all subscriber can now give away 1000 biids to their customers. they get the "old" limit on the initial give (when the customer signs up) and then they get the remainder as you get the bids to give. up to the 1000.

however there is an issue or glitch right now with customers greying out keeping you from manually giving the bids that show in green. they are aware of this it's happening to others

I hope it gets solved soon , because my bids are generating and I cannot give it out

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#475 · Posted on 25 May 2012 12:40

Hello! I am a new diamond member and i am from Greece!
I have one Bid Generate Point i must to give it away to a customer or an affiliate! Will i win vip? (sorry for my english)

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#476 · Posted on 25 May 2012 23:57

Thank you Elysium and Daniel I have another question, my cousin just bought 100 bids but since zeekrewards is facing a problem we have to give bids to customers manually. the problem is she doesn't have any customer yet since she's new in the business. She doesn't even have vip points yet. what shall we do?

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#477 · Posted on 26 May 2012 17:19


Get some free customers to sign up. Otherwise, there are services like zcustomer where you can purchase leads.


Give the bid away to a customer (not an affiliate) and you will be given a VIP point. Remember each sample bid given away will give you one vip point.

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#478 · Posted on 27 May 2012 17:19


Which one would you suggest to me? AlertPay, SolidTrustPay or NxPay? I am having difficulties with AlertPay. I think they are overwhelmed. The fees with STP seems a little bit high and I am not sure with NxPay. I wish I could use Paypal.

Thanks for your comments

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#479 · Posted on 28 May 2012 12:32

In order to give the bids away you just go to, login under your username and password, click on Register, then enter in a new customer. It isn't just a customer and not an affiliate, you always want to give away your bids to NEW customers. If you give them to affiliates or existing customers you will only receive 50% of VIP points instead of 100%. Example I give 50 bids away, I only receive 25 VIP points in the RPP.

You can always find free leads online to give them away if you don't want to give them to your friends and family.

Alert Pay is hooking up with so at this time you are unable to create a US bank verified account. Solid Trust Pay is good for receiving funds as I believe they charge the least. Nxpay charges only a $1.50 to load money then purchase bids. I find this to be the quickest and easiest one to purchase bids.

Annie Blanchette
[email protected]
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#480 · Posted on 29 May 2012 05:10


You said that if you give them to affiliates or existing customers you will only receive 50% of VIP points instead of 100%.

I agree with you that you will receive 50% VIP if you give bids to an affiliate but I thought that you can give up to 1000 bids to a customer and receive 100% of VIP points. Am I wrong?


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