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has anyone seen the ZEEKREWARDS OPPORTUNITY ??

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#261 · Posted: 20 Apr 2012 06:51

Hey Zarko thanks for the reply.

Well from the way you described it that seems like an easy way to make money. I will try it out later today wish me luck! Have you had any success with this site? I always prefer to ask a real person instead of testimonials and screenshots of photoshopped paypal accouts lol

Hi BCG, I can't say how much I made, BUT, I did make my first commission a few days ago and I opted to buy more VIP bids instead of cashing it out. I'm still a newbie with Zeek, but it looks like it's worth it - at least I got more out of it in 10 days than I made with 3 times the money I had in our savings account for over a year! So that's something

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#262 · Posted: 21 Apr 2012 00:12


Hello Annette,

Nice to see you here after a while. I just wanted to know if it's safe to advertise on safelists and other such places, with our own ad. I have seen persons advertise on listQUIK etc. using their own ads. Any idea if this is allowed by ZR.

I would like to be sure about this issue before I start advertising on safelists and other such places.

Do you think I should send the ad I intend sending out, to ZR Support for their approval? I don't want to get on the wrong side of ZR.

Please let me know your thoughts on this issue.

Regards and have a nice day.


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#263 · Posted: 21 Apr 2012 02:35


Hi Flo

Where you advertise is up to you (provided ads from Zeekler/ZR are acceptable to those sites). But when it comes to what you use to advertise with, I still recommend that affiliates only use the pre-approved ad materials in the back office (under "Place Your Ad" and "Sales & Training Tools") until we are compliance certified - or corporate tells us otherwise.

I know what you are saying about other types of ads being out there - I see them too. But these people are doing this at risk of losing their accounts by being non-compliant. Every now and then I hear affiliates say that they got in trouble and almost lost their ZR account because of this. If you have a certain ad you would like to use, then I would go ahead and see what support says. It's better to be safe than sorry.

When sending information to an individual who has asked about ZR, or has joined your team, be sure to stick to the facts obtained from the ZR site, ZeekRewards News, and the Zeek Income Disclosure Statement.


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Annette & Chris
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#264 · Posted: 21 Apr 2012 02:40


Hello Annette,

Could you please give me some advice ? I have written yesterday the post 259.

Thank you in advance

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#265 · Posted: 21 Apr 2012 03:03

Thanks a lot for your reply.

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#266 · Posted: 21 Apr 2012 04:08 · Edited by: Elysium


Hi Ella, welcome to the forum.
The delay in first-time posts here can make them easy to miss. Thanks for pointing me to your post number.

If you started as a free affiliate back in July, then that means your bonus points balance transferred 60 days later into VIP points - about September. The VIP points then could earn cash rewards from the retail profit pool for 90 days - but it sounds like you were not upgraded during that time and didn't place daily ads, so I'm guessing that you missed out on earning cash rewards with those points. When the bonus points transfer into VIP points, the 90 day clock starts automatically, regardless if you upgraded or not. So by about December, your VIP points would have stopped earning.

It's always frustrating to hear about sponsors who don't make any contact with their downline members. It's unfortunate. If you click on "Update Personal Information" in your back office, it will give you your sponsor's username. You can type that username, in place of your own, in your ZeekRewards link, to bring up their site. If you're trying to get in touch with your sponsor, you could try filling out the "Learn More" box at their site (telling them you're in their team and to contact you), or you could contact support.

Once an affiliate cancels membership, they usually cannot re-join for 6 months. So the only thing I can suggest is getting in touch with support about your situation (chat, call, or submit a ticket) and see what your options are before you cancel. Maybe they can work something out with you.


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Annette & Chris
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#267 · Posted: 21 Apr 2012 04:49

Thank you very much for your response Annette. At the time I joined last year I did not very well understand what we have to do, that why I gave up on it. But this year I said to give it a try and upgrade, then I found this very usefull forum and your very good answers that helped a lot of us. Thanks again

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#268 · Posted: 21 Apr 2012 05:11

You're welcome Ella. I wish I could offer more help.
I really hope it all works out for you!


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#269 · Posted: 21 Apr 2012 20:37

I was wondering if anyone else tried go to ZR website and it ask you to enter code to verify?? What up with that?? Never seen it before...

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#270 · Posted: 21 Apr 2012 23:24

Its a security code that's all. Its for our benefit.

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#271 · Posted: 22 Apr 2012 09:44

Hello again,

I have another question. On the website it says:

"Silver Affiliates pay just $10.00 per month for their Silver subscription and receive 10pv/month on the purchase and renewals. "

I know PV means Personal Volume but I dont know what it reffers to, and what can I do with it, or how it is used ?

My supposed sponsored didnt yet answer... I'll wait few more days till I will contact support for the previous problem...

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#272 · Posted: 22 Apr 2012 15:31

Hi, i have been an affiliate since last month. I forgot to renew my subcription of diamond member, what can i do?

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#273 · Posted: 22 Apr 2012 15:56

I know PV means Personal Volume but I dont know what it reffers to, and what can I do with it, or how it is used ?

PV (personal volume) helps you achieve rank. It's a result of your subscription level, and the subscription levels of those you sponsor - combined. It can be pretty awesome because you can qualify for higher earnings.

You can read about it at the ZR site by going to "Get Paid" and then "Qualifications/Ranks". I also mentioned a little about it in post #154 on page 8 of this thread.


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#274 · Posted: 23 Apr 2012 05:25

Thank you, Annette. Always good to have you here clarifying our dilemas

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#275 · Posted: 23 Apr 2012 05:57

I forgot to renew my subcription of diamond member, what can i do?

If you missed a subscription payment, you were likely downgraded to the Free Affiliate level. Everything will still be there, but you cannot earn from the daily profit share while a Free Affiliate.

To upgrade again - just click on "Upgrade Now" in your back office, then choose the subscription level you want and pay your subscription. Continue doing your daily ads and you should be good to go.


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#276 · Posted: 23 Apr 2012 06:03

Hello Annette,

My subscription was due on 19th of this month and the same was paid via SolidTrustPay. When I noticed that my subscription was not updated on ZR I checked my STP account and I found that my subscription has already gone out to ZR. On 22nd I noticed that I had been downgraded to Free Member. I have written to Support and am awaiting their response. I have also asked them to credit my account with lost earnings. I hope they attend to this issue and sort it out asap. Earlier too there was an error in my earnings of which I informed but the matter is still pending. Guess it was overlooked due to the recent server upgrades etc. etc.

I have not been able to log into my Zeekler account. The Zeekler page opens, but when I try to log in the url in the browser changes to "https" and shows "page cannot be found". Are you experiencing any such problem?

Since I'm unable to log into Zeekler, I'm unable to chat with them and resolve this Subscription issue. Anyways, I hope Support looks into my issue as soon as possible.

Bye and have a nice day!


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#277 · Posted: 23 Apr 2012 06:30


Zeek has been having some STP issues recently. If you haven't seen it already, there is an article at ZeekRewards News with steps you can follow.

I have not been having any problems logging into Zeekler or ZR, but some others have. There was an article at ZeekRewards News offering a temporary link that can be used to log into ZR. Maybe it will help you.

Hope it all gets worked out!

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Annette & Chris
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#278 · Posted: 23 Apr 2012 08:22


Thanks a million Annette. I've sent them all the details and I hope the issue is resolved asap.


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#279 · Posted: 23 Apr 2012 13:28

Hi folks, just joined this forum and happy to be here. Zeek is truly an excellent enterprise. Has anyone seen the Troy Dooley uTubes on Zeek...really supportive.

zeke hanzl
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#280 · Posted: 24 Apr 2012 07:41

same problems, can't login ZK website just now. Will try later , hope ZK will get back ASAP

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