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has anyone seen the ZEEKREWARDS OPPORTUNITY ??

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#221 · Posted: 23 Mar 2012 07:58

BUT ZR pay lots of money out also...

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#222 · Posted: 23 Mar 2012 08:41

New Memeber if ZR here. I to am allitle confused on the bid things and where/when it is changing. I joined 3/9 (by the way am thrilled with company so far). Money hit my account on 3/16. My sponcer told me to get a few friends to sign up to give away to. Well the min my money hit my account ZR gave those bids away. I was happy about this. I currently have my give away set at 500. In the last couple of days 500 a pop has been given away. I am currently over 2000 "current advanced bid". I am try to understand if this is good or bad thing? Sponcer says a good thing, but I am alittle concerned since I didnt have the bids in there to give away. Should I be dropping my bid give away to 25? Thanks

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#223 · Posted: 23 Mar 2012 21:19

Can someone please explain to me what happen after the 90 days when VIP points retired?? I had read the FAQ but I still not get it and my sponsor is not helping me at all. Say I put in xxxx amount to start with to buy bid, then on the 91st day, what happened to that amount? I know it does not go to the Cash Available, which I thought it does. So, do they just disappear???? Thank for the help!

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#224 · Posted: 24 Mar 2012 02:10

you are correct. I have put in $750 and im just approaching the 90 day mark and so my initial $750 will retire. After that everyday your points that you earned from day one will expire. For example on day one of your start with Zeek if you had accumulated 12 vip points, on day 92 you would recieve your normal points minus the 12 and the next day the same would happen and everyday thereafter.You can check in your retirement calender the exact amount that will retire each day.

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#225 · Posted: 28 Mar 2012 12:11

This is from Paul Burks.
The company is growing and they be asking us to be patient while they get their servers etc set up for the volume.
I am posting this here and I hope it helps everyone understand who is trying to get some confusing points sorted out.

Greetings Friends,
Paul Burks here. It's been a while since I have written to you via the newsletter, but I have several things that I wanted to share with all of you and thought this might be the fastest way.
First let me say THANK YOU to all of you for helping to turn Zeek into a worldwide phenomenon! You are the driving force behind this growth and it is changing MANY people's lives for the better. You are a part of history in the making.
With every new success that we all achieve together, however, there are new challenges that come with it. I wanted to personally discuss some of these challenges with you and let you know what is being done to address them.
First, let's talk about Alexa. In case you are not familiar with it, Alexa is an independent web information company that "ranks" the millions of websites in order of amounts of traffic. For example, the site with the number ONE most traffic is Number TWO is Facebook, followed by YouTube at number THREE. Wikipedia lands at number SIX.
Then there's little ZeekRewards. Our Alexa ranking this morning is 312 IN THE WORLD! That puts us ahead of sites like CBS Sports (465), TMZ (427), eBay (432), (442), even (321)! You can ALL be proud of having made ZeekRewards one of the most visited websites in the world!
But what does all that traffic mean in terms of our servers? Well, it means that the number of computers around the world trying to connect to ZR was outstripping our servers' ability to respond to those connection requests. Over the past two weeks we have been in "upgrade" modality to meet the increased demand. We have added several new servers and drive arrays including the super fast SSD San drives. Our engineers, Alberto, Guido and Javier have worked with total dedication with Our Master programmer, Dan Olivares, to expand our capacity with as little interruption as possible to the flow of your business.
I compare it to trying to change a car's sparkplugs with the engine running! It's not an easy task and they have done a remarkable job.
When you are already dealing with server issues and you throw in a few other challenges it can be a little frustrating. For example, we also just changed credit card processors, we are in the middle of implementing a new eWallet payment system, we are nearing the launch of our new Compliance Training system, we are transitioning away from the 5cc system and we've made huge expansions in our support staff.
There's just a LOT going on here and it can create a bit of chaos!
Here's the GOOD NEWS: We are making tremendous progress on all of those fronts.
Alberto, Guido and Javier have been given a free hand to do whatever is necessary to manage any and all bottlenecks with the servers, including a complete redesign of our database structure to make it more scalable. (I mean, who KNEW we'd grow this fast??!) They are working day and night on that end of things.
Dan Olivares has worked tirelessly twenty-four-seven to manage the integration with the new credit card processor, managing challenges with the AlertPay/SolidTrustPay integration, implementation of our new fraud management software and many more items.
Our home office staff has done a remarkable job with processing sample bid purchases that come over the fax, in the mail, and by UPS and FedEx every day. For the most part, all incoming purchases are being processed the day they arrive or the next day at the latest.
Inch by inch we are beginning to see light at the end of the tunnel! Thanks for your continued patience and support.
So, what can you do to help? There are several things.
First, understand that there are hundreds of thousands of you (millions if you count customers as well) and only a relatively few of us. Therefore, if only ten percent of you report that the server is running slow, or that you are having a problem with the credit card gateway or that the eWallet won't let you pay for bids, that translates into tens of thousands of support tickets that are reporting issues we are already aware of and working on.
You see, that onslaught of tickets completely buries our support team with issues they have to read and respond to and prevents the really urgent issues from being handled quickly. People who are reporting really important issues that need to be handled can't be sorted out from the thousands of tickets that are just really complaints about things that are already being handled. One affiliate actually submitted FIFTY-TWO tickets over a two day period because his credit card was declining!
So here's what I'd like to ask you to do. Only submit a support ticket or call the call center or open a live chat session if it is an issue that absolutely cannot wait. Don't use those venues as a "complaint" department or a training center. If you have questions about how something works or general questions about Zeek, ask your upline or read the FAQs or attend the 4PM Live Training Call and Webinar instead of contacting Affiliate Services.
For example, submit a support ticket if you submitted a payment more than ten days ago that has not yet been posted to your account. But try to cover the entire issue in the first submission. How did you send the payment (FexEd, UPS, etc). Was it a cashier's check or personal check? What bank? What checknumber? And especially important, has it actually cleared the bank. Then, PLEASE do not submit another ticket the next day asking why the first ticket hasn't been answered yet.
Here's one other favor I'd like to ask of you, and I ask this with the deepest sense of gratitude to MOST of you who are totally supportive of everything we are trying to do. PLEASE do not feed or be fooled by the "rumor mill". There are elements out there that LOVE to twist our challenges to fit their own agendas. Zeek is extremely healthy, debt free, growing like crazy, overwhelmed with positive feedback and changing lives around the world.
Not everyone will stick with us through these growth issues. Some will drop out. Others will try to turn these issues to their advantage and attempt to pull affiliates into other pursuits. Just be aware of these things and don't be fooled. We will come out on the other side of these challenges stronger and better equipped than we went into them. I wish you could all see the progress we are making from my perspective.
I know that none of this makes you feel any better if it is YOUR check that hasn't shown up or YOUR payment that didn't get processed yet or YOUR upgrade that didn't process yet. All I can do is tell you we are doing everything humanly possible to get those things handled and we WILL get them handled. Try to be as patient as you can.
Last, due to our constant battle against fraud we have had to put a great many fraud prevention mechanisms in place which can inconvenience a hard-working affiliate (but must be there to prevent the fraud that is occuring.)� The solution is to set up and duplicate the use of eWallets instead of credit cards.� Please set up and use one of our approved and integrated e-Wallets.� Set up more than one.� While we integrate all Once again, THANK YOU for being the amazing family to me that you have all become.
To your MASSIVE Success!

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#226 · Posted: 2 Apr 2012 20:59

Is anyone had this issue:From back officeZeekrewards where
" available cash" I accidently bought subscription instead bids.How can I fix this problem?

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#227 · Posted: 2 Apr 2012 23:08


Have you already joined ZR? If you haven't done so already, you could join under me. Go to my blog and sign from there. I have been in ZR since December 2011 and am doing quite well. I have a Sponsor who is always willing to help. If I am not able to answer your queries, he will certainly solve them for you. Our team is great. So, head over to my blog and sign up.

Best of luck !

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#228 · Posted: 3 Apr 2012 21:35

Does anyone else have problem getting to ??? I just tried to get there from my bookmark, but it gave me "Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to" Then, I tried get there from google search BUT it does not work either. I am getting so frustrated since I wanna place my ad!! Hopefully this is just a temp. error and the site will be back up soon.... is it just me or anyone else encounter this problem?

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#229 · Posted: 3 Apr 2012 23:26

I am from India. I haven't experienced any problem. Everything has been working fine.

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#230 · Posted: 4 Apr 2012 06:28


Thanks for replying! I finally able to get on today. That was pretty strange.

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#231 · Posted: 4 Apr 2012 09:00

To flo2010, How you request your pay check, from India? And do you have SSN/Tax ID?

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#232 · Posted: 4 Apr 2012 09:01

ZR will mail you the check from US to India? Just wonder how you get paid?

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#233 · Posted: 5 Apr 2012 11:22

yes, I couldn't log in to Zeekrewards or Zeekler for about 30 min last monday but sites are up now. Best to Do you ad in the morning when the cycle is not running. Don't wait till last minute only to get caught up in something else and miss your ad. I learned my lesson.

By the way, got a new cell phone so now I can do my ad without having to get to a computer.

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#234 · Posted: 7 Apr 2012 18:04


What do you think of mandated changes due to disclosure of illegal compensation plan. No retail customers means trouble from FTC, never mind SEC for look of passive investment opportunity. Had concerns from start, but can they make this legal or not is the real issue.

Success to all,

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#235 · Posted: 7 Apr 2012 21:22

I have a few questions that I am unsure on: I was wondering if you can answer them.

In order to get free customer from Zeek, you need 2 PRC. I heard that one PRC per household. Is that true? So if I fake two household, then can I use the same CC or should I use two different one. I plan on using a visa giftcard.

Also, it would be unlikely to get caught using fake name right because they hold no documents on the user right?

Also, I heard that it will be extended till April. Is that true? So what happens after april for those who don't have PRC?

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#236 · Posted: 8 Apr 2012 12:58

Freebusiness once you join you can watch the actions and actually there is a button to see the summary of what an item sold for and how many real bids were placed. I saw a flatscreen tv won for $35 and then the real bids were 30,000 So the company made a huge profit. so the lucky Joe with the right timing came in right at the perfect time after two days of bidding.. So people do win. I was not told by my sponsor that I got free bids as an affiliate. I noticed them up in the right hand corner of the zeekler page..go check. So as you build points in the backroom you also get playing points.

Thanks, but I was hoping for a real person as opposed to an anonymous winning bid. In all the forums I have yet to see anyone of credibility state they had won anything with a low bid.

As to the issue brought up about legality of compensation plan and changes required, what are the thoughts on this change? Seems to me that when regulators are involved this early, it will be a good test for company to see if they can comply. With no traditional retail consumers as customers, just those who are promoting it, this is a red flag to me.

Success to all,

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#237 · Posted: 8 Apr 2012 13:54


Are u from India?

ZR will issue you a check once your commission accumulation is over $23.50. It will be sent to the address you have mentioned in your Profile. However, you can also opt for payment through SolidTrustPay or AlertPay. You can change your settings under Update Profile Information.

As regards SSN/Tax ID, I do not have the same. I have still not looked into the tax issue.

Hope this helps.

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#238 · Posted: 9 Apr 2012 09:54

WTH? Zeekrewards is down? I can't load the pages for hours? Is it only me or everyone else too?

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#239 · Posted: 9 Apr 2012 10:15


I'm from India. I'm too facing the same problem, which started yesterday. I've been able to log in sporadically. I'm afraid it will interfere with my ad placing. Hope things come to normal soon.

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#240 · Posted: 9 Apr 2012 10:38

Same because my ad has expired, so I am a little worry I won't get my share

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