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has anyone seen the ZEEKREWARDS OPPORTUNITY ??

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#181 · Posted: 28 Feb 2012 00:13

hello Missbunny and everyone,

MissBunny - Just sharing my experience with ZR so far. Keep in mind individual result will varies.

I am receiving residual income from ZR. I started Oct 21st, 2011 as Silver member. I quickly went to diamond and let the points build up in 2011. Jan 2012 I started to cash out 10%, now 15%, and planning to increase to 20% in April. I request for a check about once every 2 weeks and everything is working as ZR stated.
Only 4.5 months with ZR so far and I'm earning (in my pocket) more than my retirement pension after 20 years of service! LOL.

Just like starting most businesses - silver, gold, and diamond is like the size of your store. You can start small and grow little by little or you can go big. Some people may see bigger store means more risks - true. On the other hand, the bigger the store, the more one could make, the faster one could recoup the start up cost, and enjoy the benefits. Diamond membership may cost me $99/mo but my one day earning more than covers that. By the end of March I would have recouped more then what I have put in. After that, it is all icing on the cake. As always only put in what you can afford to live without. ZR is just a vehicle that is on the right track. How fast you want to drive and get there is up to you. I don't know what the future holds for ZR but the company is working hard to accommodate the growth and stay on the right track. Hey did anyone knew how Microsoft or Apple would have turned out back in the 80's?

Best wishes and please refer to older posting or ZR back office to learn more.


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#182 · Posted: 29 Feb 2012 02:31


Hello Annette,

Its been a while since I last visited the forum. With all the changes taking place at ZR, it all seems overwhelming. I hope I'm able to cope with the training. I have still to listen to the training calls.

Is there a delay in posting the Retail Profits for 29th Feb.? Mine has not been updated as yet.



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#183 · Posted: 29 Feb 2012 03:45


Hi Flo,

I've been away for awhile as well. I'm having fun, but keeping very busy with my team, so I'm not able to visit here all that much anymore.

With a new law going into effect, ZR had to make some changes. Don't let it overwhelm you, the changes are a good sign of the company staying on top of things and keeping everything compliant. Just read through ZeekRewards News and listen to the calls (or recordings) when you can. Get in touch with your upline for team info and support.

The posting of the daily rewards in the back office is currently behind about a day or two during this busy time of growth and change. Hopefully they will catch up soon. It's well worth the slight wait though, as the daily rewards continue to be wonderful.

Best wishes to all


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Annette & Chris
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#184 · Posted: 29 Feb 2012 10:00

Hey guys,

I see a healthy correspondent going on here so I feel free to ask some questions and maybe get some answers here.

I just enrolled as a free affiliate as I am a little skeptical about the whole zeekrewards idea...maybe I don't really understand it completely so I will give it a go for 60 days and see where it will take me.

I just wanted to ask if after 60 days my bonus points turn into VIP points can I generate any income from that? Can I use the VIP points to then upgrade to "silver"?
I dont really get the whole idea of me needing to by bids or to buy VIP points in order to make Im putting in money to make less? If anyone can unmask these question I would be more then thankful.

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#185 · Posted: 1 Mar 2012 15:30

The changes that Zeek recently has made are wonderful also......

I think that Zeekler, the Shopping Daisy, and the Free Store Club are wonderful products and services that we all should be proud of. It is still a young company in the Penny Auctions arena so that is why there will be great improvement ahead as they do tweaks on the Zeekler web site.

I am also excited about the changes they have made to get the company on strong legal footing. There is less chance now it can be taken down by gestapo agents.

I am also pointing new qualified DIAMOND sign ups in Zeek under my username (those who have also almost maxed out their VIP bid purchases) to an advertising company where they can get customers on the cheap. Just a couple of days ago when I heard about the changes I spent $38 and got 25 customers. That is less than $2 per customer.

Again, the changes that Zeek Rewards has recently made will only make the company stronger and less likely to be taken out by the forces that are trying to destroy business in the country where Zeek has its offices.

Zeek Rocks and I am celebrating,

Mr. Portable Income

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#186 · Posted: 1 Mar 2012 17:04

Hi Shelterman,

How is it working out with the rotator?
How do I sign up?


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#187 · Posted: 1 Mar 2012 21:17

@ PortableIncome
how or where do you get 25 customers for $38. im new to this..

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#188 · Posted: 1 Mar 2012 22:09

Hi. I have a few questions regarding customers.

I am a Silver member, and purchased 200 sample bids. The bids haven't posted to my account yet, but I just acquired my first customer. My back office shows that 50 bids have been deducted from the company pool and given to my first customer.

1) Did I not receive "credit" for this because the bids didn't come from my personal account?

2) How many customers do I need to get? Since I'm giving away 50 bids at a time, and I bought 200 Sample bids, does that mean I only need to find 4 customers?

3) How often do I need to acquire customers to be able to fully benefit from the RPP? Do I need to get 1 customer a week or 5 customers a month or something?

Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much!

Fortune seeker
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#189 · Posted: 2 Mar 2012 01:27

Hello, every body, I am new to this forum. I just joined Zeekrewards a month ago and it seems to be good. I have not drawn any money from it but the munber keeps growing. Some time I feel it is unreallisticly too good, but the fact is that my friends around me gett big check every week. I am that that I joined.

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#190 · Posted: 2 Mar 2012 11:10

My friend wants to join Zeekrewards, but there is no more 5cc. So does that mean, he has to first get 2 zeekler customers and then buy bids? And if he doesn't get 2 zeekler customer and he buy bids, he won't make money?

That sucks? Does he just need to get 2 zeekler customer for life and he is okay or is it every month? I am so confused and he really wants to join.!

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#191 · Posted: 4 Mar 2012 19:17

@Portable income
Where do I go to get the customers for purchase?
I would greatly appreciate it!

Nikki L.
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#192 · Posted: 5 Mar 2012 03:40

Hi all I am Francesco and I write from Italy.
First of all, sorry for my bad English (it isn't my motherlanguage so..).

Then, I have a couple of question to make.

1) I started about 2 weeks ago, I am Silver Member, I purchased 250 Bids. Is there anyone who could approximately tell me, how many points will I have in 2-3 Months?

2) I created a Website (i have to post in it my ZeekRewards's Review and Suggestion). Do I have to ask "ZeekRewards" if I can post all contents in italian, cause I know they have a really strong Privacy and they wanna stay away from Legal Issues and so on.
So, I don't wanna lost my earnings, only because I have created a Site Unofficial that speaks about zeekrewards, I don't wanna use words they don't want (as Investiment, Compound...).
Can I use this site?
Because I have spent a lot of money (for me, it is a lot!) to buy the domain.

3) Are there any methods that "lead Leads" (people, I mean) to your ZeekRewards Link? I heard about YouGetPaidToAdvertise but haven't money to spend at the moment. Because, you know, even if you haven't Referrals you can make money with the program, but It's better if you have them, or not?

Thanks In advance, sorry for my very bad English.


P.S. Annette, you are a very generous woman! Thanks for sharing with us your experiences bout the program (ZeekRewards, I mean).

ZeekRewards: make money online, it's simple!
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#193 · Posted: 6 Mar 2012 08:50

1) I started about 2 weeks ago, I am Silver Member, I purchased 250 Bids. Is there anyone who could approximately tell me, how many points will I have in 2-3 Months

Joining at Silver your awarded 110 bonus points. These turn into VIP points in 60 days. So 110+250=360 points.
After 60 days, assuming an average of 1.4%/day point credit, my math shows about 475 points.

3) Are there any methods that "lead Leads" (people, I mean) to your ZeekRewards Link? I heard about YouGetPaidToAdvertise but haven't money to spend at the moment. Because, you know, even if you haven't Referrals you can make money with the program, but It's better if you have them, or not?

The YouGetPaidToAdvertise video series is designed for just that. You stated that you have created a website. Isn't that what you created the website for? Active affiliates under you will increase your point accumulation and speed up growth.

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#194 · Posted: 6 Mar 2012 17:46

I have been in Zeek Rewards since July and LOVE IT!! Yes, they have had a lot of changes, but each and every change that they have made is for the good of both the company and it's members.

I have a huge team and we work together. Myself and the other team leaders help our downline to get their customers and at least 2 upgraded members.

I might have to go into business selling customers...LOL.

If you are sitting on the fence --- get off and join. You'll make money and be happy that you did

Fortune seeker
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#195 · Posted: 11 Mar 2012 10:48

It seems that every one signed up with ZR made money. The company has been perfect so far. Now, the main concern is, will the company last for a while? The key element for that is, does the company make money? Does any one know?

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#196 · Posted: 11 Mar 2012 11:17


Hello Nikki88,

Do not purchase customers. It is against the ZR policy and could get your account deleted. Watch out!

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#197 · Posted: 11 Mar 2012 12:36

Fortune seeker

If you have already signed up with ZR then go to the Back Office and click on Recorded Conference Calls - Affiliates Only. Most of your queries will be answered there.

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#198 · Posted: 11 Mar 2012 13:25

Fortune seeker

Zeekrewards make money from various ways:

1. one is from the auction site For example $100 is auction off. The final winning bid is $20.00. Keep in mind $20 = 2000 bids total X .60 cent = $1200. In all the company collects $1220, pays out $100 = net profit $1120. There are many auctions and they run 24/7 so imagine the daily profit.

2. membership fees. Once you have 2 preferred members under you , you will get additional commissions from everyone in your matrix including those you did not signed up yourself.

3. Wholesale store

4. Bid purchased by you and customers. Bids that you give away cost you $1 but only worth 60 cents to your customers. About 40 cent is used to pay your upline commissions. The bids you give away also expires in 30 days. I'm sure a lot of bids do not get used so more profit to the company. You do want to encourage customers to use up all bids since more bids also mean more profits.

I think there are some more other ways but the auction is the main one.

ZR is on the right track. It was very easy when I first joined about 5 months ago. Since then they had to modify few things to accommodate changes in rules and regulation. So join now, run with it full speed, and you can enjoy the benefit fairly quickly.

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#199 · Posted: 13 Mar 2012 13:51

hey everyone! I've also been doing zeek rewards for a few weeks and my account keeps growing ! Everything seems great but I have not found anyone that could address my following question.
I keep buying bids but how do i go about giving them away? If I cant find people to give them away to am I just wasting my money? I could not understand this concept ! Someone told me they give themselves away on their own so I dont have to worry about that?
Somone please shed some light!

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#200 · Posted: 14 Mar 2012 00:54

@ Oskcaz, Well ive only been in Zeekrewards for a month. And to my understanding and my knowledge, when you buy sample bids through your Zeekrewards backoffice, you go to give bids. But before you give bids you are going to need some customers. Go to your Zeekler account and on the front home page of your zeekler account, you will find a form where you will refer a friend, or somebody, anybody you know. Just input their information as well as yours, then you submit it. Notify whomever you send that invite to to approve it and create an account through your link that you sent them, then when they create their account through your link, they now become a customer to you. When you go back to your Zeekrewards backoffice, you will back to give free bids or sample bids, then you will click on the customer link to scroll down, you should be able to see that friend of yours in the dropdown line in your zeekrewards back office. You then type in how many bids youd like to give away to that customer. So that's how it works. everytime you want a new customer that's how you create a customer. Also in the give bids thing in your zeekrewards back office, there is also on the bottom, it has an automatic bid giver option, you can select how many bids youd like the system to automatically give away to your customers. Hope that helped you out. Good Luck.

Louganis T. Sunia
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