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The Facts About Lead Net Pro

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#1 · Posted: 19 Oct 2010 20:00

I do not believe a discussion has been started on Lead Net Pro. In my 8 years making amazing money from home I have been searching for a tool like this. Lead Net Pro was created by CEO Dan Miller who is a marketing guru with many different companies. He saw the true need for a comprehensive lead generation software tool that would not only help you find laser targeted leads but a way to market to them.

Lead Net Pro will make companies like Ibuzz Pro, Phone Broadcast Club, Scraper Pro, Lead Dawg either go out of business or have to reinvent themselves. Most of them are one trick ponies that nickel and dime you constantly trying to sell you leads, giving you bogus email systems, or overcharging you for voice broadcasting.

I know that harvesting data to convert to leads is a very very lucrative endeavor. I would rather speak to opportunity buyers than opportunity seekers. Lead Net Pro has a 99% accurate scraping tool that can be used on google, yahoo, backpage, craigslist, yellow book and merchant circle. No other harvesting tool will filter the information for you like Lead Net Pro does. If you are in a health and wellness company you should be marketing to other health professionals like chiropractors, with this tool you can easily scrape tens of thousands of leads and fast not like all the other tools out there that bog down giving you inaccurate info that takes forever to download.

Lead Net Pro also included a voice broadcaster that has all the bells and whistles but is very very easy to use. It is only 1.8 cents per minute. No one can touch that rate. It is billed in just six second increment from the top unlike Ibuzz Pro which is 30 second minimum and is 3 cents per minute. It truly is amazing how low the price is with Lead Pro Net.

Lead Pro Net software also comes with the ability to send out thousands and thousands of emails to the information you harvest with the click of a button. Yes you need a separate hosting account that costs about a few bucks per month but it is very very simple to set up. Dan Miller does a great job at going step by step teaching you how to do this and set it up. I KNOW after doing this for years that reverse marketing works and as long as you send a targeted message to a targeted list you can strike gold no matter what opportunity you are promoting.

Again Lead Net Pro will probably cause a lot of these other companies to go out of business. I have all the tools you can imagine and can truly tell you that nothing comes close to the perfect package that Lead Net Pro has put together. I have spent thousands on other stuff. Lead Net Pro has your basic 1 up compensation plan for those that are interested. Do your due diligence and check out the site to see the comparisons that are offered between Lead Net Pro and the competition. You will be floored. Success to you all.

Chris Hurney

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#2 · Posted: 21 Oct 2010 12:57

I have to agree, Chris.

LetNetPro is a gamechanger.

Rule #1 in marketing is targeting. And as I say to my prospects, stop trying to pitch friends and family. You can only really target entrepreneurs. And this software find people who are already sold on the concept of network marketing.

The best list in terms of direct response marketing - is a BUYERS list. And these people are buyers of network marketing opps.


More tools (free lead generation + mass emailing + voice broadcasting)

And as someone who really understands even something as complex as SEO (search in google for leadnetpro and you'll find my blog - right now it's even above the main company site) this works.


Andrew Murray

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#3 · Posted: 22 Oct 2010 07:27

Wow, you guys seem like you love to work with them. Others should try them out too.



One of the main keys to success in network marketing online or just selling other people's products is that the more leads (name and email) you get, the more money you make.

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#4 · Posted: 22 Oct 2010 07:45

No one can deny leads are very important for success, not just in networking but any business.

Having a good lead generating system of any kind along with a powerful monthly residual building opportunity can be very rewarding.

Technology has certainly change the marketing method and means, but one should also know that success can and is being obtain with various was of marketing without software.

It's important that one does not feel like such great software is necessary for success but it can be a great aid.

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#5 · Posted: 23 Oct 2010 10:04

Again I cannot say it enough. It is about sending a targeted message to a targeted list. Telling that list what they want to hear and what resonates with them. It is as simple as that. The great thing about Lead Net Pro is they have put everything under one roof. So many people are afraid of technology but if you embrace it you will create massive leverage. Especially when it comes to email blasting. Here with Lead Net Pro Dan Miller the CEO has put together a perfect dummy proof system where you can easily now be sending out thousands of emails a day about your business. Everyone no matter what sales business your in can benefit from a tool like this.

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#6 · Posted: 25 Oct 2010 05:05 · Edited by: mountjoy

I agree with Chris, this is a most powerful tool. It is though only a tool. It still takes marketing skills to cultivate the leads into a purchasing list.
I have heard rumours that some think that this is the greatest spamming tool ever. Unfortunately many people do not read the full picture and act immediately on prejudice.
All that Dan Has done is use the same legitimate methods of searching for targeted leads from public domain and successfully automated it. It is how you use any tool that determines the result. Used properly and with discression this tool is a must for any business which relies on good leads.

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#7 · Posted: 25 Oct 2010 17:13

Lead Net Pro is an awesome tool however it is only as powerful as the person using it. If you send out junk or non persuasive content with it then it will not be as effective as you would hope. Remember this is just a tool to "Communicate" with your target market on a massive scale...What you communicate with determine your success or failure.

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#8 · Posted: 1 Nov 2010 12:17

Great to see some clear thinking going on here in this discussion, when I first saw lead net pro i was quite frankly dumb struck, it hit me quickly that this tool could be the biggest rival to traditional advertising if used correctly slashing the marketing budget of any business by hundreds of percent.

One of the best things I have found is that the training and instructions are fault proof, Dan Millar and his team have done a sterling job in putting this together with a lot of thought and attention to make the job of installing and using this application a real paint by numbers game allowing any would be user to paint a Rembrandt in just a few minutes every day.

I have read some posts in other publications by some of the older traditionalists who haven't looked at this carefully and are trying to put this down as nothing more than a spamming tool and yes if used by the wrong hands it could be abused. This is the Buggati Veron of automated marketing tools and for anyone sensible when they haven't had experience of driving a super car it is imperative that you take guidance before you put the gas peddle to the floor. Impressively Dan Millar and his team have put together a very easy to follow and intelligently thought out training system to help any testosterone ridden 18 year old learner drivers from driving of the cliff on their first time behind the wheel.

I agree with my learned friend that this is a compliment, a "massive compliment" to other good marketing strategies and I can't think of any business that couldn't hugely benefit from using this extremely powerful tool especially during this difficult economic era.

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#9 · Posted: 9 Nov 2010 12:29

After a few weeks with Lead Net Pro my partner and I are signing up all sorts of small business owners. They are flocking over from Ibuzz Pro, Phone Broadcast Club and all the rest. As I say in a lot of my advertising why drive a pinto when you can drive a rolls royce and for cheaper.

We are signing up cleaning companies, restaurants, and of course networkers. There is such a failure in the home based business community and the small business community in lead generation skills. So many people are passive with their advertising, depending on superpages, or google, or service magic waiting for the customers to come to them. How about being aggressive and getting your offer or business in front of others.

Lead Net Pro teaches you how to create laser targeted leads and shows you exactly how to mass market to them. It is dummy proof and for the price of $397 a must have for any serious networker or small business owner.

We have some pretty great scripts to use to contact small businesss, and of course great emails to send to other networkers. Always remember it is about a targeted message to a targeted list telling that list what they want to hear.

As time goes on and more and more networkers have Lead Net Pro you must branch out to the small business arena or offer networkers other tools. We are always one step ahead of the game.


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#10 · Posted: 26 Jan 2011 14:48

I started using LNP a few months ago, got a little interest, but mostly people saying I'm spamming them. I've tried the reverse marketing, I've tried writing truly from my heart and get the same response.

Could you recommend some verbage for me?


Warm regards,

Diane Brown

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#11 · Posted: 3 May 2011 09:47

In my experience, with the emailer, people are going to be paranoid no matter what you type. I will say that I added my skype info at the bottom of my emails and that has increased my positive response rate. Maybe even get a google voice phone number. I think this will help people see you are a real person.

Hope that helps


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#12 · Posted: 23 May 2011 15:55

What a bunch of garbage! Now listen to someone who paid for and used this junk for a couple of months straight:

1. The e-mails scraped are 90% bogus and useless
2. You will be shut down for sending spam no matter how diligently you follow their recommendation - I was, and followed their instructions to the letter.
3. If you send out postcards or mailings to the addresses, most will be returned as undeliverable - we had about a 70% return rate.

In honesty, I never used the phone broadcast platform, but think about it logically; if you are trying to operate a business, how many automated sales calls do you think you'll stay on the line with? Zero.

I have absolutely nothing to gain by bad-mouthing these guys, they may have tried to create a great just doesn't work. Save your $300.

#13 · Posted: 10 Jun 2011 22:24

I am tired of getting these robocalls. This has got to be the most unprofessional way to do business.

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#14 · Posted: 13 Jun 2011 16:32

I am unfortunately a member of LeadNetPro, in fact I am direct to Dan Miller the owner of the company. I am not active and if you read further you will learn why.

Here is the plain and simple truth:

Almost everyone involved with LeadNetPro does not really know or care about how the software actually works...they only care about selling it and they will lie, exaggerate and mislead in order to accomplish that. Don Gillette is one of the worst offenders. He has absolutely no honor and has made numerous false claims. Then he has the audacity to call himself a "Top Producer." In reality he is a piece of shit. Do not do business with him.

Fact: When you use the are almost always guilty of SPAM. Do not listen to their crap about "reverse email marketing" is still SPAM. In fact....Just Host stopped doing business with LeadNetPro...because they were not SPAM compliant. I believe LeadNetPro purchased their own servers so they can continue to send emails and SPAM at will.

Fact: The Phone Broadcaster....can only legally be used to call business. Not home numbers....not cell phones. That makes it very limited.

Fact: The scraper tools do not extract golden leads.....far from it......they extract raw lead data. There is a huge difference. Do not believe their lies. If you type in the term "foreclosure" for will not generate pure foreclosure assistance leads. You will extract Lawyers, Law Firms, Loan Agents, Loan Brokers, Loan Modification Specialists, Bloggers. Realtors...etc. as well as a couple of people who may need foreclosure assistance. If you send them an are SPAMMING. If you use the phone broadcaster and contact them at home... or on their are braking the law.

I believe that if a sale can not be made should not be made at all. If everyone believed that...there would probably be no such thing as LeadNetPro.

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#15 · Posted: 18 Jun 2011 20:47

I am a super worrier about getting dinging for spam. My only reason for wanting something like LNP is to get phone numbers easier and make real voice to voice calls so I can converse with my leads.

Harvesting phone numbers on my own is a huge waste of time and quite frankly, I hate making phone calls so it takes me time to get in the "mood" to make the calls, so if I had a bunch in front of me, I can go through quite a few before I lose my nerve

Thoughts please
Thanks so much!

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#16 · Posted: 18 Jun 2011 21:44 · Edited by: FreeCashMan

As with any marketing tool some use it successfully and others don't. Some like certain marketing tools and methods, others prefer other marketing tools and methods.

In the case of email blasting tools, there are those using it successfully to grow their business. Email blasting is very old and it's volume "thing". SPAM laws require that you give a person the right to opt-out.

As to voice broadcasting. If you are in a business you are a business, even if it's a home business. If you don't think that is the case, then research the meaning of commercial enterprise and commercial activity. If the number you use for your business in the public happens to be your cellphone, home phone, or any other phone you are open to a public call. You are in and operating a business, period. You can debate it all you like but those are the facts that were put out there in the public to promote your business make you subject to a business call. Proper VB messages will give the person the means to be removed.

As to anyone that is leading people to think that you cannot earn income, a great income, from Voice Broadcasting such is void of truth.

I know personally a man new to home business that generated $53K NET PROFIT using VB and reselling the tool (we don't use LNP, we are with Passive Online Profits) in 100 days. However, if you think his situation is a fluke you'd be sadly mistaken, while his earnings MAY be exceptional, he established a team of over 125 people in that 100 days and nearly all that consistently did the VB earned 4 figures in a 30-60 day period, and are still earning. I learned of team member that had accumulated over $6K since March.

Fact is VB has been here, and is here for the foreseeable future. Just like with emails people won't like the message but others will respond to. I personally know a lady that responded, after getting several VB, and end up purchasing a $1500 product that is strongly promoted with VB.

Scrapers. Also a tool used by many that has produced sales, from free leads. I was notified of a lady that made 3 P.O.P. sales last week from scrapper leads.

Fact is those looking into this as an automated marketing tool (for any business) you can run with people that are making money with it and use it and work it consistently or you can listen to those that are not and leave a potential big and profitable marketing method on the table for others.

Right now with the $100 price for the P.O.P. Mini (passive online profits mini) for $100 this is a tool that any marketer can now afford to have and use to expand their home business success pursuits. P.O.P. Mini has the best price for the VB and scrapper unit.
P.O.P. Ultra includes SMS text messaging system along with an email blaster.

Final fact, a person you share your business with may not like your business but they will need marketing tools all the same. Voice Broadcasting has been and does deliver results. It's good to be able to have a marketing tool that anyone can use that is effective for any biz...I think this is a form of attraction marketing in which many have been profiting from for years.

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#17 · Posted: 22 Jun 2011 20:32

The right tool in the hands of the wrong person will still equal a wrong result, and I think that's what we see a lot of in the marketplace. People who either don't know or don't care about the right way to use Leadnetpro. It's an awesome and powerful tool, and the documented success of voice broadcasting in our industry speaks for itself.

But just like anything, the people using it to spam others give everyone using the tool a bad name. It's like the people who claim Amway is an evil company, when really, the people they were in business with were the problem, and not the company itself. Just my thoughts on the subject.

When I couldn't find a ton of info available about it, I decided to do my own review of Leadnetpro.
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#18 · Posted: 28 Jun 2011 15:11

It is very true that 90% of the people who buy lead net pro do not use it effectively. Yes the amount of robocalls is off the charts. I get about 10 a day. Most of these people I hang up on right away as the messages are all the same.

Here is the key. In the first five seconds you must hit the person emotionally so they will listen.

I market a call center that closes sales for people in a big ticket industry. I realize that 95% of people make no money in this industry because they are horrible on the phone and hate and stink at sales.

I have the solution to their problem. So when I do voice broadcasting right away I say. " Heads up to all those that are awful on the phone. We have the solution to your problem yada yada"

To many people have these generic messages about earning x amount per day. People do not want to hear that because they got sold on that already. People want solutions to their problems. That is the key to getting a good ROI on voice broadcasting, or mailing.

Lead Net Pro , Ibuzz, POP, they are all just tools that you have to figure out how to use. Honestly those that teach the strategies do not want you learning how the big hitters create results. But think about it. You must offer the person a solution right away.


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#19 · Posted: 17 Aug 2011 01:07

I love how the rebuttal these "salesman" have about dissatisfied customers is that u"it must be the customers error (lmao!). They all seem to know a guy who knows a guy who made 50,000 in a month. Basically, customers get to send out unsolicited emails and phone blasts to secretaries . Anyone hear them talk about the pizza parlor owner who's made millions with it? LOL !nits the same thing ibuzzpro was saying!Pretty sad and shameless to think people are that gullible. Fact is , that's the only thing they're right about. Don Gilette (previous loan modification company owner) tried to get me to go down to western union to send money to sign up. Can you believe that ?

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#20 · Posted: 26 Aug 2011 15:13

The fact is lead net pro works for those that use it correctly. 95% of network marketers make zero money in their current business and the reason why is usually they are not good at sales and do not realize that all of network marketing is sales. People buy people. These people are business people and they are dying to earn life changing income but lack the skill set. Lead Net Pro allows us to contact them to show them what we have.

Voice broadcasting is all about solving a problem the list you are sending to has. So many people fail to do that so they get poor results. Voice broadcasting should just be one of the ways you market but it IS very effective and finding other networkers to join our business.

Business to business calls will never go away as it is the backbone of the sales in the US. Without it billions in lost tax revenue will go away. If you are in business and advertising your number you are fair game. The cost of doing voice broadcasting for b2b companies is so dirt cheap that it IS cost effective. Even if you get 90 out of 100 secretaries or gate keepers just finding one solid lead is worth it. Either that or go spend 20 bucks a lead buying it from a lead broker who sold it 30 times. Organic lead generation is a must in any business and lead net pro achieves that.

Best of success.

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