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smprops Forums Member
Joined: 22 Jan 2011 Posts: 1
#21 · Posted: 22 Jan 2011 14:30
Hello there:
I'm a mom in the corporate world and transitioning to my own online business. I did come across Chris Farrell and signed up. There are so many videos and tutorials that it's amazing. He also gives away alot of things for free that others would want to sell.
I've also tried many other programs that promise you the world, but don't deliver. What I see in Chris's program is amazing
I'm up and running. take a look
beldezarr Forums Member
Joined: 2 Feb 2011 Posts: 1
#22 · Posted: 2 Feb 2011 10:06
I have heard a lot of good things about Chris Farrell but can not find any one who is actually making money selling his products or making money selling their own due to his program. Can any one tell me they are making $$ and a ball park of how much?
TJamMoneyMan Forums Member
Joined: 11 Nov 2007 Posts: 1222
#23 · Posted: 3 Feb 2011 18:44
beldezarr: I have heard a lot of good things about Chris Farrell but can not find any one who is actually making money selling his products or making money selling their own due to his program. Can any one tell me they are making $$ and a ball park of how much? I recently just made about $240 employing what I have learned so far at Chris Farrell's site. I plan on making a lot more too! There is also the money I SAVE by not being scammed, and/or wasting my time doing things bass-ackwards...
However, I only recently got involved with the CF membership.
Don't count on the testimony of others. Review this for yourself!
It's all about 'how to' make money online.
You simply MUST learn the things CF is showing you if you plan to make money online. Whether you ACTUALLY put it to use or not.
Whether you learn from CF or not!
jgthomas Forums Member
Joined: 13 Nov 2010 Posts: 17
#24 · Posted: 6 Feb 2011 11:07
TJamMoneyMan: I recently just made about $240 employing what I have learned so far at Chris Farrell's site. I plan on making a lot more too! Hi TJamMoneyMan,
How long have you been a member?
TJamMoneyMan Forums Member
Joined: 11 Nov 2007 Posts: 1222
#25 · Posted: 6 Feb 2011 14:37 · Edited by: TJamMoneyMan
jgthomas: How long have you been a member? 5 weeks.
beldezarr: I have heard a lot of good things about Chris Farrell but can not find any one who is actually making money selling his products or making money selling their own due to his program. Can any one tell me they are making $$ and a ball park of how much? CF's site teaches you what you need to know, no doubt about it.
My experience will defintely be different from yours, to be sure.
I already have a ton of products to promote. What I learned at CF taught me what to value in sites I am promoting. He opened my eyes to what would be best for me to concentrate on. I also learned a few things I didn't know before.
I haven't been trying much yet to sell HIS program but you can do that as well. He gives you a great squeeze page, so all you have to do is drive traffic to it.
CF's site is designed to show you everything you need to know to promote ANYTHING online. In ADDITION, you can promote CF's membership as well.
Some plans, mostly clickbank promo product deals, specifically target certain IM techniques which, from their experience, have been the best performing techniques for what they are promoting. They usually automate much of the promotional process also.
They may be more geared to those who are looking for, "how much money can I make in a certain amount of time?".
Since I have a number of plans that I promote already, I was able to take a look at CF's ENTIRE selection and decide which ideas might work well for what products. I was able to improve my promotion of several plans I have already been working with.
You will definitely find something there you haven't thought about before - unless you are very experienced already.
I usually find though, that just about any decent plan has a promo idea you hadn't heard of, thought much about, or perhaps have forgotten.
Since you can join CF's site for FIVE DOLLARS(!!!). Since you can download ALL videos and other teaching materials to your own computer. Since there's virtually nothing he has left out - and/or there's bound to be SOMETHING there you'll benefit from. Since you need to know this stuff anyway. Since there's a 60 day guarantee period.
It's really a no brainer. At least take a look for goodness sake!
bhuff85 Forums Member
Joined: 29 Jun 2010 Posts: 72
#26 · Posted: 8 Feb 2011 20:11
From what I've heard, this membership site is gold. I haven't joined up with it, but that's the word I've heard around a few other forums.
At the price point it's at, I may consider checking it out. It's always worth it if a few nuggets are picked up here and there.
laimonas Forums Member
Joined: 13 Feb 2011 Posts: 3
#27 · Posted: 16 Feb 2011 02:05
Chris Farrell is really great teacher, and his membership website is a real deal. It's not only for newbies but for intermediates as well. What I love the most about his website that you can get ton's of ideas ho to generate traffic without SEO, and deeper understanding about IM business. Besides it's not expensive. I'm user of his website and really happy, although I'm not newbie. I'm also member of Affilorama products, and love Mark's stuff, but for some people it can be expensive, especially if you are new to IM. But there is a lot of cool free stuff.
Homie Forums Member
Joined: 24 Feb 2011 Posts: 1
#28 · Posted: 24 Feb 2011 11:54
Hi, I'd like to know how much time needs to be invested in the Chris Farrell scheme.
Need I give up my day job?
TJamMoneyMan Forums Member
Joined: 11 Nov 2007 Posts: 1222
#29 · Posted: 19 Mar 2011 19:42 · Edited by: TJamMoneyMan
Chris Farrell really out does any other IM course.
He sends you special deals, even if you have signed OUT of the regular monthly course.
I don't know why ANYONE wouldn't at LEAST take the $5 seven day introduction and see what he has to offer.
Did I mention that he actually ALLOWS you to download the entire video teaching series?
Why would anyone pass that up?
Yeoch Forums Member
Joined: 30 Oct 2009 Posts: 120
#30 · Posted: 21 Mar 2011 20:58
I used Chris Farrell free ebook to create my first website back in Feb 2009 (see post #4 of this thread). In those early days, Chris didn't have videos, let alone CF Membership.
While many of you said about using his resources to make money for oneself, I used his in making money FOR OTHERS. See the difference?
jaesun16 Forums Member
Joined: 21 Mar 2009 Posts: 269
#31 · Posted: 22 Mar 2011 07:23
You don't necessarily need website for online business.
Blogging is one of the free way to start off online business
KB24 Forums Member
Joined: 4 Sep 2008 Posts: 73
#32 · Posted: 23 Mar 2011 12:31
I am thinking about joining his site.. my question is how good is his free hosting? I may go with my own paid hosting..
blm1822 Forums Member
Joined: 24 Mar 2011 Posts: 1
#33 · Posted: 24 Mar 2011 19:37
I have recently joined Chris's membership site. As a beginner to online marketing I love the site. I set up two webpages so far. I have also set up a blog to share my successes and failures.
For everything I have leared and am continuing to learn I think its a great starter site.
I look forward to updating my blog with great success!
joseph1 Forums Member
Joined: 12 May 2011 Posts: 10
#34 · Posted: 13 May 2011 06:20
jaesun16: You don't necessarily need website for online business. Blogging is one of the free way to start off online business Don't you think a blog is a website, there are blogs which have keyword rich content continuously added and there are static websites.
leariedv Forums Member
Joined: 20 May 2011 Posts: 3
#35 · Posted: 20 May 2011 23:03
I can also speak on Chris's behalf he is a great coach. He explain things in a very simple way, his videos are great for those who learn by visual.
frozensun11 Forums Member
Joined: 20 May 2011 Posts: 4
#36 · Posted: 23 May 2011 00:35
I am doing the Chris Farrell program and it is legit. He offers a lot of value for the cost of his membership and is very honest. He guides you through building a website to generating traffic to promoting on Facebook step by step.
In the end what internet marketing all boils down to is good old fashioned hard work, once you know what to do, you have to do it, this has always been the hardest part for me! Chris Farrell's video instructions, actually makes you do the work! So from there it's up to you to buckle down and get to promoting and writing and working!
Good luck!!
Yeoch Forums Member
Joined: 30 Oct 2009 Posts: 120
#37 · Posted: 25 May 2011 02:42
Chris Farrell is a concise teacher who teaches well. He was a broadcast presenter, so he knows how to relate to people. His lessons on Internet skills are worth the membership monthly fee.
I observe a trend. Quite a number of those who joined the CFM left after a few months. I could understand some of the reasons. One is the US$37/month recurring cost. After learning most of his lessons, they left. Of those who left, there are people who stopped their Internet endeavors completely, due to the combined cost of web hosting and auto-responder.
Well, premium web hosting at unlimited bandwidth and web space should not be more than US$36/year. Less than the monthly cost of CFM.
For your information, I have had my web hosting at US$11.95/mth since Feb 2009. And, I had my first client only on Dec 2009. Nine months without any outcome.
To-date, my website brought in more than US$50,000 from complete strangers. Effective 22 May 2011, my web hosting cost is US$2.95/mth only. At such a low cost, imagine how much longer my empty stomach could stretch when compared with US$11.95/mth.
For those who have stopped their Internet web hosting, I hope I can be of help to revive your Internet dreams.
Ros G Forums Member
Joined: 30 May 2011 Posts: 4
#38 · Posted: 30 May 2011 09:25
I am not a paid member of Chris Farrell Membership site but subscribe to his weekly newsletter which is FULL of valuable step-by-step instructions/videos. He certainly over-delivers in these and they just keep coming!
I can only imagine that being a paid member is giving access to everything you'd need - I just don't have time at the moment!
Attn: Newcomers and Beginners Make Money From Your Own Simple Website..Click here >>> Google Sniper 2
Takuyah Forums Member
Joined: 3 Jun 2011 Posts: 10
#39 · Posted: 3 Jun 2011 05:58
Although I know most of the stuff that he teaches, I find that he has done a really good job in his program especially on the traffic generating videos.
He has given the full spectrum of traffic generation and if we can master about 2-3 types, it will good enough.
cmc49 Forums Member
Joined: 6 Feb 2011 Posts: 3
#40 · Posted: 21 Jul 2011 18:16
I am a member of Chris's and love the site. I find myself referring back to it all the time for pointers on how to do things. He explains things in simple terms which make it easy for me to understand.
....and at my age that is a good thing