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Joined: 14 Aug 2007 Posts: 1562
#61 · Posted: 3 Dec 2010 02:58
Just moving this Christmas Special announcement over here as per Vishal's request to continue the discussion on this thread. Don't want anyone to miss out seeing the good news. 
Well, it's that time of year again - Christmas sales!!
For a while there, I was beginning to think that SBI was no longer going to have "sale" prices on their site/business building packages.
Since they decided to start offering the monthly payment options due to the recession, they discontinued their regular "specials." However, I'm very happy to say that they have kept the best sale of the year still intact.
From now until Christmas you can purchase 2 SBI packages for the price of one! This only applies to those who purchase the yearly package like I do, not the monthly payment plan option.
Here's how it works. For $299 you get two business building packages. The first package annual subscription begins on the date of purchase. The second package can be activated at any time in the next 9 months and the subscription starts when it is activated (giving you a year from that date).
You can use both packages yourself or give/sell one to a friend. I've done that a few times myself.
I'm a little bit jealous that I'm going to miss out on this sale personally. I would so love to take advantage of this bargain and start 2 more sites (so many ideas in my head), but I'm already juggling five SBI sites and I just don't have the time for more at the moment. Maybe next Christmas?!
Anyway, I know a few of you have asked me recently about the ins and outs of SBI, so I wanted to pass on the good news about the Christmas special. There's no better time than now to get started.
Blessings, Angie Here in Australia they often call this time of year, the Silly Season. I honestly can't remember if we used that term in the US - I've been here too long!
Anyway, before the "Silly Season" gets into full swing and time gets away from me (as it so often does these days), I wanted to wish all of my friends here a wonderful and blessed holiday and a very blessed and prosperous new year - both online and offline.
Blessings, Angie
Joined: 30 Aug 2007 Posts: 3090
#62 · Posted: 3 Dec 2010 05:25
Thanks Angie and right back atcha! Silly season is a great term... very fitting. lol
bbray95 Forums Member
Joined: 23 Sep 2010 Posts: 42
#63 · Posted: 4 Dec 2010 20:15
6 Dec 2010 21:11 - Attached on merging: Question about Site Build it?
Ok... I'm very close to purchasing Site Build It, I have a few Niche ideas im considering. Should I decide before I make the purchase on the exact niche I'm going to use or do they help you decide on your niche with some tools in the Site Build It program. If that's the case then I will just go ahead and make the purchase Instead of waiting a while until I come up with something.
Thanks for your help.
Joined: 30 Aug 2007 Posts: 3090
#64 · Posted: 4 Dec 2010 23:01
I am thinking you might change your mind anyways as you go through the training videos on your niche. 
Yes, as you go thru the tutorials they will help you decide on which niche to go with , or it did me anyways.
Have fun - do you have your hard hat on?
bbray95 Forums Member
Joined: 23 Sep 2010 Posts: 42
#65 · Posted: 5 Dec 2010 09:48
O Ok thanks for your help mountain mom.. I thought so but wasnt sure
Joined: 14 Aug 2007 Posts: 1562
#66 · Posted: 5 Dec 2010 21:03
I would second that advice. Don't settle on an exact niche until you go through the first part of the SBI training and use their research tools.
Even if you have a pretty good idea of what you want to target, the brainstorming and keyword research tools will help you refine your niche topic to get the best angle on it.
And certainly do NOT purchase a domain name. Your domain comes with your SBI package and it can be a pain to switch over a domain from an outside purchase because of required time delays.
I hope you'll love SBI as much as I do. I can't wait to see what you come up with. 
Blessings, Angie
Joined: 30 Aug 2007 Posts: 3090
#67 · Posted: 6 Dec 2010 20:05
PLUS if you get your SBI this month, you can get TWO for the price of one and then if you have TWO niches you want to go with, you can get the one up and going, and then start the second one about 6 - 9 months from now... The beauty of that is that you have over a year until you have to pay anything on the second site, so if you never use it, you can always cancel before it comes due.... but I have a feeling you will use it.
ElizabethFM Forums Member
Joined: 19 Oct 2010 Posts: 7
#68 · Posted: 7 Dec 2010 23:56
Here I am again. I have now looked at SBI. Phew! Some say it's a scam, others do reviews on it. How do I get to the actual SBI page - everything seems to be by other people. 1. Do these people get money to promote SBI? 2. If you pay once off $299. for 2 sites (special) - how can it be a scam? or is there a snag? re-registration or other costs? Thanks, Elizabeth
Joined: 14 Aug 2007 Posts: 1562
#69 · Posted: 8 Dec 2010 01:30
Hi Elizabeth,
I have no idea why someone would call SBI a scam. That word means different things to different people. Some people call something a scam online simply if they have to pay money for something which, of course, is absurd. 
Other people might say something is a scam because they tried it and didn't succeed (sometimes because it IS a scam, and sometimes because they don't follow instructions!).
Then there are those who don't know anything about something and just call it a scam so as to promote whatever it is they are promoting instead.
Those are just a couple of the common reasons things are referred to as scams. I tend to reserve the phrase for those programs that either take your money and give you nothing in return, or those that make false claims (get rich quick) that deceive the buyer.
Anyway, enough of that. I've been using SBI very successfully for 4 years and so I know for a fact that it isn't a scam, but it's up to each person to look diligently before they leap. SBI has a good BBB rating, last time I checked - which means something to some people, but in the end is no final guarantee.
One thing I can say about SBI is that they offer a 90 day 100% refund. So, a person can try it out for themselves and if they determine that it's not for them, they can get their money back even if they've used it for nearly 3 months. That should give some assurance and sense of security to even the most nervous skeptic.
As for the promotion of SBI, yes they do have an affiliate program. I'm an affiliate with SBI and so is Viola. There may be a couple of others here in the forum, but I can't think of them off the top of my head. Viola and I are both SBI users, though you can become an SBI affiliate whether you own the program and use it or not.
So some of the people you see promoting it may be an affiliate only and others may be SBIers as well as affiliates.
Basically that means, we don't get paid to promote SBI, but we do get a commission if someone purchases SBI using our referral link. That's affiliate marketing in action! 
Don't be confused about the $299 special. The $299 price is for a one year site building package. That needs to be renewed each year. So the price to maintain one website business is $299 per year.
During this special sale, you get two packages for the price of one for the first year. The purchased site subscription starts immediately and will be renewable one year from date of purchase.
The free site can be activated any time during the 9 months following purchase. It will then be renewable one year from the date of activation, so you won't necessarily be renewing them both at the same time.
I have 5 SBI sites and they are all renewable on different dates, which may be important to you in the early days when you don't have as much income coming in. 
As for how you get to the actual SBI page, any of our affiliate links to SBI will redirect to take you right to the SBI page.
SBI stands for SiteBuildIt which is the product name of the website business building package. The company name that the product is under is Sitesell. So, if you wanted to go directly there, avoiding affiliate links so that no one received a commission, you can just go to
When there, you can click through using their top navigation to learn more about the company and their products and services.
I hope that explains things a bit better for you. Let me know if you have any further questions.
Blessings, Angie
ElizabethFM Forums Member
Joined: 19 Oct 2010 Posts: 7
#70 · Posted: 8 Dec 2010 12:02
Hi Angie, Great answer for a left brainer like me. I will do my homework and be ready to roll in January (so will miss the special) but that's o.k. In the meantime I will study - study - study. Received your newsletter confirmation e-mail and look forward to chatting with you some time in the future. Elizabeth
Joined: 14 Aug 2007 Posts: 1562
#71 · Posted: 8 Dec 2010 17:50
Hi Elizabeth,
Sounds like a solid plan. We'll keep in touch.
Blessings, Angie
Joined: 14 Aug 2007 Posts: 1562
#72 · Posted: 25 Dec 2010 03:53
Merry Christmas to all my fellow Work At Home Forum Members! I hope each of you enjoy a wonderful day with family, friends, and loved ones as you celebrate the birth of the Savior. 
I also wanted to remind those of you who have been considering SBI that their special Christmas sale (buy 1 get 1 free business building packages) ends Christmas night.
May each of you have a blessed and prosperous New Year!
Blessings, Angie
Mr Michael Forums Member
Joined: 9 Feb 2011 Posts: 6
#73 · Posted: 10 Feb 2011 14:35
This is a very long thread and some of you have really put a lot into it. Congrats on that, by the way and I would like to add my 2 cents too, if you don't mind...
Before I found SBI! back in 2005, I had been in a really bad car accident (in 1994 & again in 1997) but because of that, I was not able to get any kind of real job making any kind of money. Especially not the kind of money I needed to support my family of 6...
So when I found Site Build It!, I was very, very excited and even though I was on disability where I only got about $500/mo., I managed to do without a little more of the stuff I already didn't have to save the $299 to buy a site (but with the new $29.95/mo. plan, it is so much easier for me to afford)...
That was back in 2005 and now, after building 5 sites with SBI!, I have decided that my payments to SiteSell will continue for the rest of my life and I have learned so much about the net from my computer since then that I wanted to share what I've learned on my newest site...
On my site, you will find no fluff & no hype. Just the broken down nuts & bolts for building a real income from home. I don't have to commute to a job (which I'm glad for because I live alone and have no vehicle), I never have to do what some boss tells me and my income is always growing without the possibility of ever stopping...
Mr Michael Forums Member
Joined: 9 Feb 2011 Posts: 6
#74 · Posted: 10 Feb 2011 15:27
Yes Angie and I wanted to share with everyone just how much trust & faith I have in Site Build It!...
After all I've been through with my 2 severe auto accidents (the long hospital stays, the discrimination & the hard times financially), I have a hard time trusting or putting any faith in anyone or anything but I can't say the same about the SBI! program...
Yes, I found it and jumped in with both feet without even holding my breath and my first site was a flop. Not because of SBI!, not at all but rather, because of my eagerness to make a living for me & my family...
I have actually bought the SBI! program 5 times for 5 different sites but my last & most recent one is an accumulation of everything I've learned while traveling down that road and, with 3 very powerful & constantly-growing sources of income, I am preparing to live the most exciting life ever...
On my newest site, you will find no fluff or hype of any kind and I am very proud of the work I've done & will continue to do for the rest of my life...!
vache Forums Member
Joined: 13 Mar 2011 Posts: 1
#75 · Posted: 13 Mar 2011 03:20
hi dear forumers> I am quit new and i want to create a web site which will be in armenian. do you think SBI will be appropriate for it.
Joined: 14 Aug 2007 Posts: 1562
#76 · Posted: 15 Mar 2011 03:20
Hi Vache,
I know that there are several languages that people have made SBI sites with, but I'm not 100% sure about Armenian. Instead of guessing, I would suggest you ask them directly.
Simply go the SBI site and at the very top of the page and the very bottom of the page there is a link to contact them via email and a phone number to call if you prefer to speak to someone in person.
Let us know what you find out.
Blessings, Angie
jaesun16 Forums Member
Joined: 21 Mar 2009 Posts: 269
#77 · Posted: 22 Mar 2011 07:33
There are many sites that offer you more investment.
Mr Michael Forums Member
Joined: 9 Feb 2011 Posts: 6
#78 · Posted: 22 Mar 2011 07:38
Now that didn't make much sense. How can any site "offer you more investment"? I'm not sure you understand what an investment is so let me help you... When you invest in something, that means you put your own time, energy or money into that something and you hope you will make or receive a return on your investment... Hope that helps, Mr Michael
Joined: 14 Aug 2007 Posts: 1562
#79 · Posted: 22 Mar 2011 16:25
I think jaesun16 may have been saying that there are many sites that require more investment. That seems to make sense, so I'm guessing that was the intent.
Mr Michael Forums Member
Joined: 9 Feb 2011 Posts: 6
#80 · Posted: 22 Mar 2011 19:45
Yes happywife, that makes much more sense and thank you for setting me straight...!