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WDShevi Forums Member
Joined: 2 Jan 2012 Posts: 6
#21 · Posted: 2 Jan 2012 16:53
Will I had read all of the comment post. I wanted to know about this product before getting into it.
I'm starting a trip on the 3rd, this will be my test run for XP3. My first two tanks of gas will be with no additive (logging: Temp, Mileage, Price, and MPG). After the two tanks I'll start using XP3 additive, keeping track of all the data on a spread sheet. After several tank of gas with additive, I will stop to see if the mileage decreases, stays the same, or increases.
The trip will be from Minneapolis, MN to Fort Myers, FL so this will give a true test. I'm not a distributor nor do I work for anyone associated with the company or product.
A lady-friend of my wife was asking me on how she could sell this product. I'm a business consultant, asking her if she had tested it out for herself. She stated she was getting 100 miles per tank extra, with extra pep to her four cylinder vehicle. Tell her about my trip and told her I would test XP3 for her, I'm not excepting any money and I paid for the product I'm using.
If anyone has input or would like to see anything done with XP3, as long as it is within reason and not too costly on my part, let me know.
WD Shevi
WDShevi Forums Member
Joined: 2 Jan 2012 Posts: 6
#22 · Posted: 21 Jan 2012 11:17 · Edited by: WDShevi
Is anyone interest in the results of a 4,000 mile test? It's surprising!
Joined: 15 Oct 2009 Posts: 411
#23 · Posted: 21 Jan 2012 11:34
WDShevi: Quote Is anyone interest in the results of a 4,000 mile test? It's surprising! Yes, but make sure you do an equal test not using additive after which so you can see that the cleaning of your engine is the only benefit, not using it in every tank as promoted. That is the real test, and it will save you even more money.
Success to all,
TJamMoneyMan Forums Member
Joined: 11 Nov 2007 Posts: 1222
#24 · Posted: 21 Jan 2012 14:06 · Edited by: TJamMoneyMan
WDShevi: Is anyone interest in the results of a 4,000 mile test? It's surprising! I certainly have zero interest in a "4,000 mile test" conducted solely by and in the interests of no other party than the one try sell me a bogus product.
Now when you can show me "the results of a 4,000 mile", or any relevant test conducted and monitored by the EPA, I'll be interested...
WDShevi Forums Member
Joined: 2 Jan 2012 Posts: 6
#25 · Posted: 22 Jan 2012 17:07
My test was done on a 4000 mile trip, I do not sell this product as I stated earlier. The test in the 4000 miles was done with and without XP3 and yes I have all the data.
TJamMoneyMan Forums Member
Joined: 11 Nov 2007 Posts: 1222
#26 · Posted: 23 Jan 2012 03:24
This is the INTERNET! In the Twenty First Century.
We know nothing at all about you and your reasons for posting.
Why should anyone believe you or anything you are saying?
How about posting verifiable proof? As in, an 'independent third party' controlled and verifiable test?
Anything less is pure-d B.S. As well as an insult to our intelligence...
Joined: 14 Nov 2010 Posts: 732
#27 · Posted: 23 Jan 2012 08:57 · Edited by: Just2EZ
TJamMoneyMan Ah, come on TJam, let him/her post his/her "results" for the FTC to see. No point in pre-judging what s/he has to say before s/he says it. Besides, it's more fun to rip em a new one after they distort the facts.
WDShevi: Is anyone interest in the results of a 4,000 mile test? It's surprising! So surprise us already if you think you can, why the promise then the tease? You said you would report back before the trip so do it already.
WDShevi Forums Member
Joined: 2 Jan 2012 Posts: 6
#28 · Posted: 23 Jan 2012 09:12
The time will come. I did the test as an independent person with no ties to the company or product. I need to give the courtesy to the person that asked me to do the test before posting the result on the internet. Bogus I'm not and the result are true. Have patients!
TJamMoneyMan Forums Member
Joined: 11 Nov 2007 Posts: 1222
#29 · Posted: 26 Jan 2012 12:18
Just2EZ: You said you would report back before the trip so do it already. Sigh... I'm still waiting on the test results of running a car on water - going on THREE YEARS now!!
If there's a solution to the current need of a car to burn gas, and too damn much of it at today's prices, it would NOT be kept a secret for very long!
Joined: 14 Nov 2010 Posts: 732
#30 · Posted: 26 Jan 2012 12:28
TJamMoneyMan: Sigh... I'm still waiting on the test results of running a car on water - going on THREE YEARS now!! LOL, You stand a better chance of water for gas working than XP3! HHO generators are powering welding torches and furnaces now. Hydrogen power is for real even if water for gas is a gimmick. There are commercial HHO generators on the market. In fact boats have used them for years.
cubby104 Forums Member
Joined: 26 Jan 2012 Posts: 2
#31 · Posted: 26 Jan 2012 15:33
I am a nobody, just trying Xp3. So far in my 06 Chevy Duramax with 150,000miles, now on my fourth tank. I'm at 1.9 mpg better. My wife in her 10 chevy Malibu with 22,000 miles, she is currently getting oner 5mpg better. You guys should quit knockin' everyone at just try it. Thats what I'm doing. So far I am happy with it. my next oil cange I will start to see if I see improvements on my oil samples. If I see proof, I will try selling it. I am a huge sceptic,but will try anything once.
TJamMoneyMan Forums Member
Joined: 11 Nov 2007 Posts: 1222
#32 · Posted: 26 Jan 2012 23:12 · Edited by: TJamMoneyMan
cubby104: improvements on my oil samples I sure hope you're not talking about those "samples" they show you, of your car's fluids, at Jiffy Lube et al!
(Pssst... that's a scam too!)
cubby104: I am a huge sceptic,but will try anything once. If you "will try anything once", you don't sound like much of a skeptic!
Being "skeptical" is good. Trying "anything once" can get you killed, or worse...
But "just try it", is the motto that keeps scammers scammin'.
cubby104 Forums Member
Joined: 26 Jan 2012 Posts: 2
#33 · Posted: 27 Jan 2012 05:09
The oil samples are sent to a lab, If I was at the shop, I would even give you the name. After reading your responses Tjam, I can only think of one other person that I have met in my 45 years on this earth as negative as you. A Negative Nancy. I spent $80 for 2 16oz bottles just to try it. In my diesel trucks I have run Powerservice for years, because everyone I talked to in the heavy truck industry said it was the best. So here I am trying this additve, no more Powerservice, Howes, or any other additive, other than Xp3. -25 outside I went out to my truck, not plugged in, glowwed the glowplugs, hit the key, gave it a minute to make sure the turbo was getting oil and drove. I have had diesel trucks for the last 10 yrs. And I know for a fact, if I would have done that with out Powerservice 911 in it, my fuel would have jelled up. Putting in 911, in cold weather cost $10 per tank, Xp3 about $2 per tank. I have also noticed the added power. I drive the almost exact same route everyday, I know what hills my truck downshifts on. About the middle of my second tank, comeing out of the Arches, up the hill into Lewiston, the truck did not downshift. It always did before,now it doesn't. I always set the cruise at 55, I have not changed the way I drive just to try and make it work. If I have to throw the hammer down to pass a slow person, that's what I do!
TJamMoneyMan Forums Member
Joined: 11 Nov 2007 Posts: 1222
#34 · Posted: 31 Jan 2012 01:43
cubby104: The oil samples are sent to a lab, If I was at the shop, I would even give you the name. After reading your responses Tjam, I can only think of one other person that I have met in my 45 years on this earth as negative as you. It's just that I've just "been on this earth" considerably longer than you. I know people willingly lie and cheat, and fudge test results, in order to make a buck. I also know there's plenty of money to be made from folks who will drop nearly ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, just to "try" a product.
I am not impressed with "samples... sent to a lab". Unless you can show proof of custody and control factors, as well as reputation and verification, this means nothing.
cubby104: If I see proof, I will try selling it. It's pretty obvious you are laying claim to "proof", and ALREADY "selling it"!
WDShevi Forums Member
Joined: 2 Jan 2012 Posts: 6
#35 · Posted: 31 Jan 2012 11:54
This reflexes a test made by me on a trip to Florida with a 2000 Lincoln. I do not sell or make any remarks about this product, other than the facts of my drive and experiences which happen. My drive did not very and followed the speed limits (+ or � 3 miles per hour) in both direction. My drive from Minneapolis, MN to Ft Myers, FL was completed in a day and one-half and the return was over three days. First tank got 19.56 MPG without XP3; this was highway and city driving. Second tank received 26.92 MPG without XP3, this was all highway driving. Third tank received 24.11 MPG with XP3, after putting the additive (XP3) in the fuel tank, the car started spitting and shuddering in a short distance, soon after starting the car. The car had gotten a little better after a while but still running ruff. I check with the station about the gas, no other complaints Forth tank received 21.99 MPG with XP3, Troubled about the product, although thinking the product may have flushed out water that may/or may not have been in the fuel tank, I tried the product in my second tank. (I have to say, I use my car till it almost empty and fill it up to the top at all times.) After adding XP3 the car started missing worse, soon after the car was started and driven a short distance. Fifth tank received 19.97 MPG without XP3; the car was a little better without the additive (XP3). Although still running a little ruff, took the car in to be check. This cost was 450.06 for replacing one fuel injector plus clean and flush fuel injectors and fuel rails, clean throttle body and air plenum chamber and reset base idle. Work completed at 107889 mileages. This driving was in town. Sixth tank received 19.97 MPG without XP3, The car was a little better without the additive (XP3). Although still running a little ruff, took the car in to be check. This cost was 450.06 for replacing one fuel injector plus clean and flush fuel injectors and fuel rails, clean throttle body and air plenum chamber and reset base idle. Work completed at 107889 mileages. This driving was in town. Seventh tank received 21.78 MPG with XP3, To give the produce a fare test I used the additive at this time ones again (XP3), being told you wouldn't see a difference for two to three tanks of gas. Highway and in town diving. Eighth tank received 22.89 MPG with XP3, Added additive XP3, Highway and in town (30 miles) diving. Ninth tank received 23.62 MPG with XP3, This is my third tank of fuel after car repairs, added additive XP3, All highway driving Tenth tank received 25.58 MPG without XP3, with no additive added and all highway driving my gas to mileage improved. Eleventh tank received 19.56 MPG with XP3, to give the product XP3 a fare test, the additive was used once again. All highway driving, my gas to mileage decreased. Final tank received 25.7 MPG without XP3, with no additive added and all highway driving my gas to mileage improved again.
Joined: 14 Nov 2010 Posts: 732
#36 · Posted: 31 Jan 2012 12:41
WDShevi Ouch, we can see why you wanted to talk to your friend before reporting back. One caution everyone can take from your report is don't run your tank to empty. Almost all gas tanks accumulate gunk in the bottom that can clog your gas filter. Sometimes it can get past the filter and clog your injectors too. XP3 may have dissolved some gunk in your filter letting it pass. Older cars will have more rust/gunk in the bottom of the tank.
Thanks for the honest report of your experience. What did your friend think of your report?
odallagher Forums Member
Joined: 31 Jan 2012 Posts: 1
#37 · Posted: 31 Jan 2012 21:18
Rlopez250 I have been using Fuel Direct XP3 since last June, and I am getting an extra 100 miles per tank of gas. Which is about 75 cents per gallon savings for me! My 2003 vehicle has more power than it did when I bought it brand new. So glad I found this product.
TJamMoneyMan Forums Member
Joined: 11 Nov 2007 Posts: 1222
#38 · Posted: 31 Jan 2012 21:19 · Edited by: TJamMoneyMan
I'm sure the XP3 people appreciate all your purchases!
WDShevi Forums Member
Joined: 2 Jan 2012 Posts: 6
#39 · Posted: 2 Feb 2012 00:56
TJamMoneyMan It was an expense lesson , if XP3 would have worked thought of selling the product. You have to wonder ; when you have to pay money to have the privilege to sell a product. I had called the supplier several times; they would not return my call.
TJamMoneyMan Forums Member
Joined: 11 Nov 2007 Posts: 1222
#40 · Posted: 3 Feb 2012 22:21 · Edited by: TJamMoneyMan
WDShevi: It was an expense lesson, if XP3 would have worked thought of selling the product. You have to wonder; when you have to pay money to have the privilege to sell a product. Nothing worthwhile comes without cost!
But at least you are playing the ETHICS card by buying and testing, BEFORE selling, so GOOD 4U!
WDShevi: I had called the supplier several times; they would not return my call. Well then, I guess they fo' sure ain't gonna return your money!

On the bright side? You're ONE LESSON wiser!