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Joined: 27 Jun 2006 Posts: 354
#21 · Posted: 27 Nov 2006 18:46 Reply
I want to be clear that I do not promote Advantage Conferences and don't intend to. I always try to make sure that anybody I sponsor is going in with open eyes and a willingness to work hard and learn how to market.
I know a lot of folks get burned by the ongoing cost of lead generation and advertising... it happened to me. Now what I counsel people to do is really lay a solid foundation and test marketing strategies on a small scale until a winning formula is reached.
The major mistake people make with marketing high-ticket training programs is rolling out a big marketing campaign that is just not thoroughly thought through. They do this because they are eager to get into serious cash-flow.
Getting into the business is one thing. Staying in it and prospering in the long term is another.
aboveandbeyond Forums Member
Joined: 6 Dec 2006 Posts: 1
#22 · Posted: 6 Dec 2006 16:37 Reply
I wanted to respond to this post to warn others about Advantage Conferences. My eyes were opened to the fact that this has to be a ponzi scheme as others have mentioned. I didn't know about that and I only wish I did before I joined. That's why I'm writing this.
The company didn't honor their 100% money back guarantee for the conference and revealed the true nature of things. The conference is not worth it--they hardly talk about business at all and nothing extraordinary, as they promised, was said. It is cleverly disguised by weaving in Christian sentiment and big fan-fare (that is low too to use religion). It wasn't even professional or organized. The Reps are supposed to sell the "product" -- the conference-- and how can someone sell that if it isn't worth it? It isn't ethical or moral.
When I advised the president that I wanted my money back, he nastily told me that wouldn't happen. He refused to honor his promise and continued to ignore my messages. I then found out that he had removed the 100% guarantee from the site and that's fradulent misrepresentation.
So I urge others to avoid Advantage Conferences and not join!
Joined: 27 Jun 2006 Posts: 354
#23 · Posted: 8 Dec 2006 11:50 · Edited by: malibumentor Reply
For people who like seminars.... and I DO! here are some suggestions to look into. These are not income opportunities... but you will probably learn things about yourself that help increase your income, if that is what you want. I have a resource page on the website in my sig line below, with a short list I update occassionally.
Here Are A couple that deliver tremendous value for little or no money.
T. Harv Eker, author of "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind.
Christopher Howard [Link removed - Admin] gives away free tickets to his remarkable 3=day "Breakthrough to Success" weekend seminar. These are coming up in January, 2007 in Los Angeles and San Jose, California. Worth flying in for.
humbledbygrace Forums Member
Joined: 25 Nov 2006 Posts: 3
#24 · Posted: 16 Dec 2006 00:21 Reply
I agree with aboveandbeyond about the Advantage Conferences. Read this scathing report about the founder of AC, Tim Darnell, just published in the Houston Press;
humbledbygrace Forums Member
Joined: 25 Nov 2006 Posts: 3
#25 · Posted: 16 Dec 2006 00:26 Reply
It is worth the read;
Millionaire Mindsetters
No skeptics need apply to this get-rich-quick proposition
By Craig Malisow
Article Published Dec 14, 2006
Everyone in this room wants to be a millionaire. What sets them apart from the rest of the schlubs who want the Big M is they're attending the Millionaire Mindset Conference in the downtown Dallas Hyatt Regency. They have shelled out between $995 and $9,995 for the privilege of hearing bona fide millionaires -- Christian millionaires -- tell their Horatio Algers.
[Article edited for copyright issues - Admin]
Joined: 27 Jun 2006 Posts: 354
#26 · Posted: 1 Mar 2007 21:31 Reply
Quoting: humbledbygrace They put up the money but then were overwhelmed by the advertising costs and by not being prepared for what they need to do to be successful. Even as the 1-up and 2-up program work when properly understood, it seems that only a few individuals can make the "big" money.
------------- Its unfortunate that this perception is out there. There are plenty of people who work the 1-up and 2-up programs who make 6-figure incomes. Its very attainable for a person who treates it like a business. I am not saying that AC is a good choice, just that the business model is valid.
Its not true that only a few individuals can make the big money. If you mean over 1 million per year, its certainly true that only a handful get to that level - but they get there just as you or I would get there - by working their way up in the system, starting with meager skills, making a few sales, reinvesting in education and advertising, making a few more sales, and so on.
The major reason people fail with the business model is they QUIT! After quitting your chance of making money goes to ZERO. So those who wish to be successful make plans not to quit the business they started, but find a way to succeed.
Its true that ongoing marketing costs are sometimes higher than a beginner would expect - but I have built a successful business by doing tons on no-cost marketing online, so I can testify that success is not deteremined by the size of your budget (though a realistic marketing budget is necessary for any business startup), but by your desire to make it work.
Bucky Forums Member
Joined: 18 Jan 2007 Posts: 37
#27 · Posted: 5 Mar 2007 17:41 Reply
Quoting: malibumentor Its unfortunate that this perception is out there. There are plenty of people who work the 1-up and 2-up programs who make 6-figure incomes. Its very attainable for a person who treates it like a business. I am not saying that AC is a good choice, just that the business model is valid.
Yes...treat this like a business! In no other industry, would someone think that they can come in and make 6 figures without doing anything. Just like anything in life, you must work at it to succeed.
The 1-up and 2-up programs are a valid model. The reason that they do get a bad name, is that there are shady people out there just trying to rip people off and make a quick buck.
If you find that you believe in the validity of the model, then go out and find a great product and find a good sponsor. Talk with them and make sure they have a lot to offer you. Make sure you trust them and want to work with them.
Then work at this with whatever time you have and don't give up!
Joined: 27 Jun 2006 Posts: 354
#28 · Posted: 11 Mar 2007 23:57 Reply
Quoting: Bucky If you find that you believe in the validity of the model, then go out and find a great product and find a good sponsor. Talk with them and make sure they have a lot to offer you. Make sure you trust them and want to work with them.
Great comment. What it comes down to is asking yourself this...
- does the business model make sense? (if it does, rest assured, finding others who feel the same way is just a matter of consitent action).
- where can I find somebody who I want to partner up with? (remember, your sponsor may profit from YOUR product purchase, but if s/he assists you in becoming successful s/he'll make a lot more money and get warm fuzzies:lol
VOAC Forums Member
Joined: 18 Mar 2007 Posts: 2
#29 · Posted: 18 Mar 2007 12:33 Reply
aboveeandbeyod, Did you file a comlaint with the BBB or Attn Gen of TX? VOAC
deepsouth Forums Member
Joined: 29 Apr 2007 Posts: 1
#30 · Posted: 29 Apr 2007 00:30 Reply
[b]Anyone that calls Advantage Conference a great company is a LIAR that caught up in the game.
I am like 90%+ of those that signed up with AC, I lost money. In my case, I lost thousands of dollars.
Advantage Conference people are really very creepy and scary. They know most everyone loses their money but yet they still try to deceive them. I guess it's just to help recover their loses.
Most don't tell you about the thousands of dollars advertising that will be lost for the most part.
Anyone promoting AC should be ashamed.
TopMentor Forums Member
Joined: 6 Oct 2006 Posts: 115
#31 · Posted: 12 Jun 2007 13:29 Reply
Advantage Conferences is absolutely a viable business model.
The only thing I don't like about it is the passing up of the first 2 sales... this is why most people don't earn any money with it.
etweetyb Forums Member
Joined: 18 Jun 2007 Posts: 2
#32 · Posted: 18 Jun 2007 20:43 Reply
Ok. I am VERY glad I found what all of you are saying. I was very close to signing up to do this until I read this.
If this isn't going to be the "work at home" opportunity for me, IS there a "work at home" that works!??!??!??
IF anyone knows about a work at home that doesn't require selling, please contact me at
Joined: 27 Jun 2006 Posts: 354
#33 · Posted: 20 Jun 2007 11:31 Reply
To be in business to turn a profit requires that selling occur. There is NOW WAY around this. You can, however, delegate the selling to people who are good at it if you are in a position to compensate such professionals.
This is part of how I run my business. Still, learning about the sales process and at least being familiar with sales techniques is one of the best educations you can have in your own business.
The only place sales doesn't occur is in public sector jobs: so if you want to be a civil servant, fine. If you want the financial freedom that is possible for a business owner, something is going to have to get sold and somebody will have to take care of taking the order... either YOU or somebody you emply to do the job.
Of course with the internet there is a possiblity to automate a great deal of the process... but when the prouduct gets up much above $100.oo there usually needs to be some sort of conversation, especially with an income opportunity.
TopMentor Forums Member
Joined: 6 Oct 2006 Posts: 115
#34 · Posted: 26 Jul 2007 20:19 · Edited by: TopMentor Reply
Advantage Conferences can be a very expensive way to get started in home business as it can cost you over $7000 and then you have to pass up 2 sales.
There are much less expensive and better ways out there to get started in a home business in my opinion.
Brian McCoy McCoy Marketing Group
doduedilligence Forums Member
Joined: 3 Aug 2007 Posts: 1
#35 · Posted: 3 Aug 2007 11:46 Reply
I am pleasantly surprised to see the ethics of these kinds of companies debated her. I strongly agree with the reverend. I believe he makes some very valid points. I will go on to say the following:
A) NONE of these types of schemes are begun to provide anyone but the people who started them with money. Granted, they need some people to hold up as examples in order to make it work to their benefit. Which leads to :
B) The people at the top pull the strings. If you think that they can't (and don't) manipulate the system, i.e. your income, you are naive. Think about this: Have you ever seen any really homely people earning hundreds of thousands? It's not good marketing to put unattractive people on stage or in video promotions.
C) If any of these sytems had any true merit on their own they would be snatched up by a publishing house or a rep firm so fast and for so much money it would make your head spin. The founders of these companies would hav no need to prey on "network marketers", better known as the "you pay me to market my product for me crowd"
Greedy, naive people get what they deserve. Greddy, intelligent people get the greedy naive peoples $. Ever heard the saying that if all the wealth in the world were magically distributed evenly, most of the money would be back in the hands of those who had it to start with in less than a year?
Joined: 27 Jun 2006 Posts: 354
#36 · Posted: 11 Aug 2007 13:39 Reply
With due respect,
I think you make an error of judgement by assessing the direct sales industry as being about Greed.
Its understandable... because people who want freedom are attracted to money as the means to have it and many advertisers work that angle mercilessly.
Actually, most people want to make more money, yes, but thats because they are mostly not making enough at their J.O.B.s, lack of money is stressing them out, and they correctly assess that becoming a business owner is the logical course of action to earn more money.
Most folks are not so hung up on Ferraris and Mansions as they want to pursue things they enjoy like:
-more family time -hobbies like horseback riding or travel
Furthermore, they generally like the idea of:
- not comuting to work - dressing as they like, and not spending a lot on "office" clothing - being home with their kids, pets, plants, spouses, etc...
Its not really about greed, my friend... and I know, because I speak with a lot of people who want to be in the industry.
Its about Freedom
TopMentor Forums Member
Joined: 6 Oct 2006 Posts: 115
#37 · Posted: 11 Aug 2007 14:16 Reply
Well put Loren...
I couldn't agree with you more!
VOAC Forums Member
Joined: 18 Mar 2007 Posts: 2
#38 · Posted: 1 Sep 2007 18:55 Reply
Yes I did
ausgaz Forums Member
Joined: 28 Jun 2009 Posts: 1
#39 · Posted: 28 Jun 2009 05:25 Reply
Check it out very carefully on . A lot of people have lost big money. It appears to be an outright scam
Don't be scammed