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time2livelife Forums Member
Joined: 20 Jan 2009 Posts: 25
#1 · Posted: 21 Jan 2009 05:50
Hi guys,
I've been PL'ing for the last few weeks and I am now working thru the projects section. I decided to do some blogs on Poker. So, again took some ezine articles and posted them to my blog on blogger. Then after doing the pingomatic, applied for adsense on the posts and followed the steps. I got an email from google this morning saying that they had rejected it due to "Page Type" - specifically;
We're unable to approve your AdSense application at this time because we feel that your site does not comply with the Google webmaster quality guidelines. More specifically, we believe that your site does not add value or provide unique content.
I am not expecting to make $$ from this project but I would have thought a new blog on poker tips and tricks would have qualified adsense to work? Or am I being a bit nieve here?
Any comments or suggestions are welcomed
Newbie Shield
Joined: 22 Sep 2007 Posts: 2226
#2 · Posted: 21 Jan 2009 08:25
Hi Time,
Sorry you're having trouble.
Google thinks that you've copied pages from other sources (with few or no changes to the content) and that your site is either spammy or deceptive.
If you have anything that is less then transparent or if you've used the articles of others - changing little or nothing before publishing - change it and reapply for Adsense.
Google wants original content on a site that offers value to visitors and isn't deceptive. Your site will have to meet or exceed those qualifications if you would like to have Adsense on your site.
It's best to write posts straight from your own mind and to be 100% transparent with everything else on your site (no tricky redirects, no link cloaking, etc).
Is there anything on your site that would cause it to get flagged?
~Newbie Shield~
time2livelife Forums Member
Joined: 20 Jan 2009 Posts: 25
#3 · Posted: 21 Jan 2009 09:04
Hi Newbie Shield, thanks for the response.
It was just one of the projects I was working thru on the PL course. I obviously don't want to go into great detail and give the game away as the technique is in the PL course.
It was the articles 2 blogs that I was doing as the exercise, applied to adsense, then it gave me that rejection email.
As I say, I'm just "playing" just now and wondered if I had done something wrong,
Sonni Forums Member
Joined: 10 Jun 2008 Posts: 448
#4 · Posted: 21 Jan 2009 12:23
If you can't think of things to write go to Ezine Articles and get ideas there. Go to the most viewed articles section of the categories that are your niche read and rewrite in your own words, don't copy.
Or just get the ideas and use those. Or you can go to the 1st page of G in your niche and read the sites get ideas, rewrite.
After awhile you become an expert by studying the work of the ones who have gone before you and know what to write, how to market etc in your niche. They know what you need to know. Sonni
time2livelife Forums Member
Joined: 20 Jan 2009 Posts: 25
#5 · Posted: 21 Jan 2009 18:49
First EZine article published - yeehaa! 
This is actually more fun than I thought it would be.
I decided to stick to what I know for just now (IT) and work on that for the time being. I am not expecting any massive conversions (or even any conversions at this stage) - so long as I stick to the PL system and learn the tools of the trade.
I might become a lifer on this site - lol,
Thanks again - and watch this space
showmestate Forums Member
Joined: 19 Jan 2009 Posts: 44
#6 · Posted: 22 Jan 2009 16:03
I'm a newbie as well. And I've got a few blogs going (just doing my training thing as described). But, during the projects, he says to copy intact articles from others (or create your own). But, it sounds like Newbie Shield and Sonny are saying to copy intact from others.
Also, I've been going through all of this 10-12 hours a day everyday since I started, why continue to have content on a blog from someone else's article (with their links) when trying to promote Affiliate products? I am understanding the backlinking and spider search for the content, but won't you lose a potential sale by adding others?
Showmestate - Just starting in this business and am excited as heck...
showmestate Forums Member
Joined: 19 Jan 2009 Posts: 44
#7 · Posted: 22 Jan 2009 16:05
By the way, I started another post on my previous question, but since I had a question along the line of time2livelife, I thought I'd also ask you
Showmestate - Just starting in this business and am excited as heck...
Joined: 30 Aug 2007 Posts: 3099
#8 · Posted: 22 Jan 2009 16:25
time2livelife: First EZine article published - yeehaa! This is actually more fun than I thought it would be.
I think you are getting hooked.
time2livelife Forums Member
Joined: 20 Jan 2009 Posts: 25
#9 · Posted: 22 Jan 2009 19:59
I believe I may be 
Ok I've now got 3 different niches, 9 different blog posts, 4 pending articles - and I'm loving every minute of it 
I just checked my AdSense page (moreso out of curiosity) and I seem to have had 24 impressions, 1 click and 4 CTR? (And as expected $0 lol)
That any good at this stage??
Joined: 30 Aug 2007 Posts: 3099
#10 · Posted: 22 Jan 2009 22:53
Absolutely - and when your articles get out there all those numbers will go up - I remember the first time I looked at my adsense and I almost jumped out of my chair!
It wasn't much - like .49 or something but I knew right then that it works and all I needed to do was more of what I was doing already...
I still don't make gobs and gobs with adsense but I do make money every day with it and it keeps climbing up there.
time2livelife Forums Member
Joined: 20 Jan 2009 Posts: 25
#11 · Posted: 23 Jan 2009 04:23
So is it worth finding a niche and buying a domain at this point? Or keep playing with adsense and keep practicing skills?
It seems clear to me that even though the practice projects I am doing just now aren't intended to generate income YET it seems entirely possible that they could do?
Time will tell I guess
Joined: 14 Aug 2007 Posts: 1565
#12 · Posted: 23 Jan 2009 06:16
showmestate: I'm a newbie as well. And I've got a few blogs going (just doing my training thing as described). But, during the projects, he says to copy intact articles from others (or create your own). But, it sounds like Newbie Shield and Sonny are saying to copy intact from others. Also, I've been going through all of this 10-12 hours a day everyday since I started, why continue to have content on a blog from someone else's article (with their links) when trying to promote Affiliate products? I am understanding the backlinking and spider search for the content, but won't you lose a potential sale by adding others?
If you use articles from an article site like ezinearticles, you are required to use them exactly as they are without changing them, and keeping the links in tact. That is someone else's work and they get full credit for it.
I have no idea why PL is telling you to do that. That is not a good way to make money online. As time2livelife has experienced, Google isn't going to approve your site for Adsense unless you have your own unique content.
Why waste your time using other people's material when you can be writing your own and building your business? Your learning experience (or practice) can be profitable to you instead of someone else, or just doing 'busy work.'
My first site (learning experience) is now a full fledged business that brings me in a decent chunk of money each month. Why not just do it right the first time?
Just my 2 cents. 
Blessings, Angie
Newbie Shield
Joined: 22 Sep 2007 Posts: 2226
#13 · Posted: 23 Jan 2009 09:24
showmestate: saying to copy intact from others
Hi Showme,
Would you mind clarifying what you meant here? I've always argued that you should never copy from others.
Getting general inspiration from others is fine but always write from scratch and from your own mind.
~Newbie Shield~
showmestate Forums Member
Joined: 19 Jan 2009 Posts: 44
#14 · Posted: 23 Jan 2009 10:12
Thanks happywife.. Newbie Shield, it was in a couple or places, what I mean by copying intact, is copying per ezinearticles rules to include everything on the source, which I fully understand the reason to copy the exact content. It was in one of the projects training when he showed how to create content quickly in a blog, by taking articles from ezinearticles (or creating your own) and putting in your blog. But, since I posted last night, and receiving others feedback, I think I understand what he's trying to accomplish a little better. I think I need to slow down, because I'm getting information overload. Perhaps, I need to step back and just focus on two aspects (ie. Affiliate Marketing and Article writing).
Thanks for all your help
Showmestate - Just starting in this business and am excited as heck...
Newbie Shield
Joined: 22 Sep 2007 Posts: 2226
#15 · Posted: 23 Jan 2009 15:18
Hi Showme,
Thanx for clarifying.
It's easy to feel overwhelmed with new info. You came up with the right solution - to focus on one or two aspects at a time after you feel you've gotten a pretty good overview of the fundamentals. Maybe it's time to drill down into each aspect - one at a time.
It's all very interesting and it's hard to stop reading. I understand how you're feeling. The good news is that even after all this time, I am more interested in it than ever. I wish the same for you and for everyone.
~Newbie Shield~
showmestate Forums Member
Joined: 19 Jan 2009 Posts: 44
#16 · Posted: 23 Jan 2009 15:36
Yes, I will do that. Thanks
Showmestate - Just starting in this business and am excited as heck...
molinatore Forums Member
Joined: 27 Apr 2009 Posts: 32
#17 · Posted: 4 May 2009 23:32
Hi,..Anjie,..i really like your site!!
Would Be Nice To Make Money On Line!!
molinatore Forums Member
Joined: 27 Apr 2009 Posts: 32
#18 · Posted: 5 May 2009 23:06
happywife ,..i was at your site and i love it, i am reading a lot and i will now try to attempt on building my own site, have a great site,..what a blessing!
Would Be Nice To Make Money On Line!!
Joined: 14 Aug 2007 Posts: 1565
#19 · Posted: 6 May 2009 00:01
molinatore: happywife ,..i was at your site and i love it, i am reading a lot and i will now try to attempt on building my own site, have a great site,..what a blessing! Thank you. That's very kind of you to say so. I think you may be talking about my site. It's still a baby site and has a long way to go. My other sites are much more established, but I just haven't had much time lately to devote to my new one. I'm glad, though, that you enjoyed visiting.
Blessings, Angie