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Ways to Stay Productive

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#21 · Posted: 29 Nov 2010 05:59

For the part-time home business success seeker I've found that having that calendar planning of when you sit down and work your business is of the utmost importance for success.

To succeed one needs to be about putting in work for themselves as they do for others to earn a living. When that happens you will soon find yourself earning a living from putting in work solely for yourself.

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#22 · Posted: 12 Apr 2011 09:45

I think taking time out for personal development each day is important for staying motivated. This can be in the form books, videos, chatting with leaders, etc.

Fueling your mind is essential for success. So, by taking at least 30 minutes out each day to fuel your mind with some sort of personal development will help to keep you focused and motivated as well as keep you moving towards your dreams and goals.

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#23 · Posted: 20 Apr 2011 19:03

I think I share the same sentiment with most everyone here when it comes to taking a break. It's so hard to take a break when I know that I have a million and one tasks on my to-do list. But I do remind myself that walking away from a project is the best thing you can do to gain new perspectives.

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#24 · Posted: 26 Apr 2011 15:19

These are all awesome tips-- some i've used and some i am reminded to use more--

any ideas on the social aspect? my work is 75% solo and 25% with clients-- it should be the other way around or at least 50/50--

since the economic slow down on luxury services i have to spend more time revising my business strategy, product mix and marketing. i didn't realize how much my motivation is stimulated by the buzz of other people--

any suggestions besides the tv or other noise-makers?

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#25 · Posted: 2 May 2011 08:35

1. Make a daily work schedule and stick with it!
2. Take a 10 minute break every hour so your brain doesn't turn to mush.
3. Eat well. Junk food is not brain food.
4. Go to the gym. Staying healthy is a must for success
5. Go to bed and wake up at the same time each day. This will help you stay organized.
6. Leave some time for family and friends.

That's a great tips and list of staying productive..
Thanks for sharing..
Good day to you..

Kate Reber
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#26 · Posted: 9 Jan 2012 14:36

The best way that I found to be productive is writing out a schedule and sticking too it!

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#27 · Posted: 14 Feb 2012 19:03

Hi Annette! Please get in touch with me.



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