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Keys to Success

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#1 · Posted: 27 Apr 2010 15:14

Find something you can get passionate about.
Set your goals from long term to monthly to daily and read them every day.
Study and take action
Don't get distracted.
Listen & study others who have made it.
Don't listen to those who have done nothing.
Think Big!
Become a dreamer again.
Your are responsible for your own success and don't blame others.

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#2 · Posted: 27 Apr 2010 21:41

Get and a vision for your life and DON'T quit! Success is what you get after you failed a number of times. Failure just showed you what not to do the next.


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#3 · Posted: 28 Apr 2010 18:57

Great qdvice!

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#4 · Posted: 28 Apr 2010 23:07

What I did just before I got started is I downloaded an audio book called Think and Grow Rich which is on of Napoleon Hill's products. It gets your mindset right and explains the importance of thinking positively. I highly recommend it.

Legitimate home based business. Low start up costs, no skills needed. Anyone can do it.
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#5 · Posted: 29 Apr 2010 22:23

Never, ever give up!
When the going gets tough - DO NOT quit!
Anything worth while takes hard work - roll up your sleeves and go to work.

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#6 · Posted: 29 Apr 2010 22:42

Have a plan and execute the plan day by day. Don't listen to your dead beat go no where friends and family members that don't understand what you're doing. Inch by inch everything will be a synch.


#7 · Posted: 4 May 2010 13:51

Great advice!

Don't listen to your dead beat go no where friends and family members that don't understand what you're doing.

Love this quote! WE are the 5% that are walking in the opposite direction from everyone else. Having a job or rather depending on a job for your security is the new risky.

When I first went out and started building a network marketing business many of my friends and even family members thought I was insane. I had an MBA so why in the world would I not want to get a great job? Haha, now they are all worried about being laid off and are coming to me to see how I can help. I'm not laughing that they're worried about their job, just find it ironic that they're now coming to me.

Hey, I mean if a job is right for you then that's great, it just wasn't a good fit for me. I've always marched to the beat of my own drum and am so grateful that I now get to run my business the way I want to instead of running someone else's.

Just remember, you chose to work from home because you saw an opportunity that you weren't afraid to take advantage of.

Congratulations! 97% of people are too afraid to try anything new and can't get over that fear to move forward!

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#8 · Posted: 4 May 2010 15:33

I side with Carrie.

I've received hell from my family and friends for doing what I wanted to do with my life. As I've become more successful they realize the method to my madness.

I'm convinced the #1 reason people quit - or never start their own biz - is for fear of what their friends and fam will say if they fail. This is of course, a form of insanity because you are living that person's life instead of your own.

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#9 · Posted: 4 May 2010 18:38

One of the biggest reasons people fail is "FEAR". If it's something they've never done it's kinda hard to get out of your comfort zone. It's easy to punch a clock and wait for the "MAN" to pay you but it takes some hard work and determination to go solo and find your own way.

In the words of Jim Rohn...Profits are better than wages. How many "Profit Earners" do we have here?


Elur MLM
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#10 · Posted: 18 May 2010 03:48

One thing I know for sure in all succesful people and financially free; they work very very hard for few years then enjoy the fruits of your labour. And the opposite who wants to be rich but never get rich; they will tell you you can earn $$ very fast with very little work or none.

Elur Worldwide will begin it's MLM prelaunch campaign from May 15 - July 15. The Elur MLM official launch will be on July 16th, 2010.
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#11 · Posted: 20 May 2010 00:39

Just focus on your product and try to be positive never give up and

make survey for your product and asking people what is the best for

your product

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#12 · Posted: 23 May 2010 13:00 · Edited by: FreeCashMan

A home business success strategy must involve a marketing plan for success.

Develop one, apply it, tweak as need, apply it, and apply it.

Once you have a marketing strategy to generate targeted quality traffic to what you are offering consistency should indeed payoff. I've done this personally and I know it works.

And don't try and learn it all before apply the marketing knowledge learn as you go.

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#13 · Posted: 23 May 2010 17:17

Surround yourself by successful people - people who have what you want. Join a networking or mastermind group in your area for starters...

-Joel and Veronica Yager

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Michael Merry
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#14 · Posted: 30 May 2010 21:04

Need inspiration? I felt the tears welling near the end of the video.
Check it out. Length, 6 minutes.

Shipra Chopra
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#15 · Posted: 31 May 2010 05:36


Hi. This is just fantastic! I have also set up a business with few partners some time back. Earlier I was in a job but later I decided to quit the job and work for myself than others and work the way I want. I believe that "Working for yourself gives you infinite opportunities to grow wealthier while being in a job always has a limit associated with your individual professional growth"! Good luck to all aspiring and settled home based business people!

Shipra Chopra

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#16 · Posted: 31 May 2010 13:52

So true Carrie, once we realize that network marketing is a better way, we can feel great about being part of the small percentage who are going against the norm. Normal is so overrated anyway.

Lots of people thought Henry Ford, Albert Einstein and others would never succeed so let them laugh....we're in good company.

Ginger Hogue

Michael Merry
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#17 · Posted: 8 Jun 2010 16:04

One of the biggest reasons people fail is "FEAR". If it's something they've never done it's kinda hard to get out of your comfort zone. It's easy to punch a clock and wait for the "MAN" to pay you but it takes some hard work and determination to go solo and find your own way.

Good point! And well said.
I might add that success in business requires clarity on the essentials:
>why are you in business?
> what are your goals: what, exactly, do you expect to accomplish?
> your plan for accomplishment: is it a good plan, is it realistic?
> a time frame
There is no point in setting a goal without a date. A goal is an event, and an event is defined by what and when . Without the when, the what often never gets moving.
When the essentials are properly established, the probability of success increases dramatically

Elur MLM
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#18 · Posted: 9 Jun 2010 06:59

Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm. -Sir Winston Churchill

Elur Worldwide will begin it's MLM prelaunch campaign from May 15 - July 15. The Elur MLM official launch will be on July 16th, 2010.
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#19 · Posted: 9 Jun 2010 14:12


If you desire something badly enough that you cannot think of anything else but that "desire", that "thing" or "goal" and really go for it, no matter the going and you focus so that it wax stronger and stronger as days go by, my friend your thinking become a reality.
"You become what you think about" "You become what you think about" Remember it : because everything is possible to whom that believeth.Be precise and focus your energy that is all there is to it.

#20 · Posted: 11 Jun 2010 02:06

Are you a Kangaroo or a Koala?

Kangaroos hop from one program to another, looking for that magic system that will make them instantly rich.

Koalas however stay in one place, like their precious eucalyptus tree, because they have found that everything they need is found right where they already are. And they know they don't have to look anywhere else.

Realize that, and apply lazer focus to your efforts!

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