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The Cause Of Success,

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#1 · Posted: 4 Jun 2008 14:03

The cause of success is not in the environment of the individual, because if it were, all persons within a given radius would be successful, and success would be wholly a matter of neighborhood; and we see the people whos environments are practically the same and who live in the same neighborhood shows us all degrees of success and failure; therefore, we know that the cause of success must be in the individual, and nowhere else.

The sum of your success is within you. The power of success is within your grasp. Don't let it slip away.

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#2 · Posted: 18 Jun 2008 06:25

The sum of your success is within you. The power of success is within your grasp. Don't let it slip away.

I like your statement

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#3 · Posted: 18 Jun 2008 11:59

The sum of your success is within you.

Michelle, I subscribe to that sentiment 100 percent.

As much as there is to be said for the influence of environment on our success, when you get right down to it, we are the ones who must ultimately take action and claim responsibility for any achievement we make.

If you are hungry and you go to a restaurant for a meal, you wouldn't magically become satisfied...

- upon entering the restaurant
- as soon as you are seated
- just because you are among other hungry people
- when your order is placed on the table
- when the tantalizing aroma of your dish wafts into your nostrils

No, none of the above.

You can only change your state of hunger by EATING, and that's something nobody but you can do for you. Similarly, your success is tied directly to the actions you perform to advance yourself to your goals, regardless of what others are doing around you.


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Posts: 196

#4 · Posted: 18 Jun 2008 21:52

Well said Hermas, well said!

To your massive success,


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#5 · Posted: 23 Jun 2008 11:55

Still your environment does matter.

Not that it is the determinant of success - but some people have truly terrible terrible personal environments - that make their success hard.

So if you - like me - have an environment that is "good enough" - so that you can use your personal gifts to be successuful - then you should also be grateful.

A poor child born without health care - with a disease - in the inner city - is not guilty of a lack of motivation - we are guilty if we do not seek ways to help them succeed.

When we see success in OTHERS - as OUR OWN success - then we are truly successful.

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