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Scam or Real Opportunitiy

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Joined: 26 Apr 2010
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#1 · Posted: 27 Apr 2010 11:46

I'm ask all the time if their is any legitimate work from home businesses out there that are not scams. The answer is Yes! I want to share some key factors that I would stay away from. Anyhting that promises you will make a lot of money in a short period of time with little effort. Sounds to good to be true!

Starting any business will cost you some money upfront but you can locate low cost startups with support that can cost as much as $400 to thousands. Is the company publicly traded and past all the SCC requirements. Do they disclose financials? Have they been in business for awhile? Do they have real success stories?

Here is a big key. No guarantee for success. This is not get rich quick. You get paid for only the effort you put in. These will be legitmate business opportunities.

Alot of people will call companies scams because they did not make any money but also did not go to work. Work = $

Good luck!


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#2 · Posted: 27 Apr 2010 12:34

Alot of people will call companies scams because they did not make any money but also did not go to work. Work = $

Amen! Good word.

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#3 · Posted: 27 Apr 2010 21:54

Absolutely. There are some shady characters out there, but for the most part there are a slew of good legitimate companies that are in it for the long haul and want their reps to be successful.

People start calling companies scamish when they are not willing to do the work and are expecting big money overnight. Success takes time, effort, and hard work.


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#4 · Posted: 29 Apr 2010 04:31

Hello wrlawrence,

You are partially right. Before joining any online company, the best thing to check the credentials is ask for references. Talk to people who have worked before or are working. You will get a good feedback from them.

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#5 · Posted: 29 Apr 2010 11:29

yes check things out and make sure to be able to tell the difference between real information and a disgruntled ex employee so to speak. They can come in loud and clear as well. Any business takes work and consistency and committement and alot of people can't seem to do that nowadays. You treat an online or any business just like a job. You show up everyday and work at it. You might not make money the first week or the first month. It can get discouraging. We are so into instant gratification we forget it takes awhile to build up something.

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#6 · Posted: 29 Apr 2010 14:49

You make a great point about entrepreneurs calling legit opportunities 'scams'.

In many cases "scam" is a 4 letter word for a lazy entrepreneur. There are scheisters out there but there are plenty of lazy people who'd rather call a legitimate venture a scam rather than take responsibility for their results.

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