Naomi Forums Member
Joined: 8 Sep 2011 Posts: 2
#1 · Posted: 8 Sep 2011 06:48
Hi Everyone,
This is my very first time on ANY Forum, so I am curious to experience the journey. I chose this forum, because it looks like it has cool and informed people here and as you all may know, being an entrepreneur can be quite lonely sometimes (especially, as I am used to working offline)
I have 3 children, I am a professional speaker and wealth creator offline (trying my hand online now) and my focus is on creating global transformation through wealth.
Well, I thinks that's it for now.
Hope to connect with some of you soon.
Have a fab day, Naomi
My Wealth My Way - With Naomi Sesay The Uk's Most Inspirational Leader In Wealth Creation How To Build A Profitable Online Business From Scratch