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You guys are making it too complicated....

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#1 · Posted: 14 Feb 2010 13:56

Hi everyone,

I am sitting here at home and thinking to myself. Why aren't people succeeding in network marketing and I started to have a thought in my mind that a lot of people just don't like to sell an opportunity to others. By "others" I do mean family, friends, co-workers, or even just contacting everyone who is 3 feet from them.

I get that. 10 years ago when I was first introduced to this business offline, rejections and the thought of contacting people on the street was not for me.

Then came the internet and again I was taught to call people and help them get started but after talking on the phone with so many people every day, I think I talked to 10 a day and wasted 3-4 hours on the phone with people who were not serious at all.

To make a long story short and not to bore you, I have finally understood how easy it can be to sponsor others and not have to pick up the phone and call them and still get people to join my team and take action too.

It is really simple. OK, not to spam this forum, I am going to share what I do that works. I do not call people. I don't beg them to join me. I do not harass anyone to take action. I don't contact family or friends. I have people come to me and join.

How do I do that?

In another post I mention the only things that I do and have a very good success.

Here's goes:

1. Many of you have heard the term "funded proposal" which really means that the company that you are with gives you a link to promote and your only job is to bring traffic to it. Not just any traffic of course. You want targeted traffic. So you do want work at home and home based business traffic.

People have the option to enter their name and email and when they hit the SUBMIT button, the system basically does the selling for you. Now, would you need to call or email each prospect? NO, NO, NO.

Why would you? The system is doing the selling and sorting for you.

2. In order to generate new leads per day, you will need to advertise. How do you advertise online?

PPC in my view is the best way to get people getting to your page and signing up for free. Then the system does the selling and sorting for you. So you will have to learn how to effectively advertise online through PPC ( Pay Per Click)

3. You keep doing that on a daily basis. You bring in 10-20 new and fresh new leads per day. As soon as someone on your team UPGRADES and becomes a full and paid member, you teach them the same thing. It is as simple as that. You find 5-10 people like that who will do the same thing and teach their teams to do the same, and imagine where your business will be at in 2-5 years.

This business is not a over-night thing like a lotto ticket. It takes times but you don't have to make it so complicated.

It is as easy as 1-2-3.


Matt Zenittini
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#2 · Posted: 14 Feb 2010 16:38

PPC in my view is the best way to get people getting to your page and signing up for free.

I agree. A lot of people don't "get" PPC. If you spend .65 per click in PPC and you only make .10 per click.. Is it worth it?

People don't realize that in the future the list they are creating is going to make so much more for them than they spend.

Create a budget you can afford to invest... EVERY MONTH.

And invest that much in PPC every month.

You will see your money come back ten fold over time.


Yeah I can help you..

But you have to prove you want it.
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#3 · Posted: 16 Feb 2010 17:02

PPC in my view is the best way to get people getting to your page and signing up for free. Then the system does the selling and sorting for you. So you will have to learn how to effectively advertise online through PPC ( Pay Per Click)

Any recommendations for product lines or programs that teach effective PPC methods? I'm very hesitant to delve into PPC, mostly bc the horror stories have scared my Credit card right back into its wallet!

Its interesting that you've posted this, I've been hearing a lot of complaints about the infamous "Google Slap" on NW marketers for PPC. Hopefully you can make a recommendation that will coax my wallet back out of hiding!

Matt Zenittini
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#4 · Posted: 17 Feb 2010 01:10

Its interesting that you've posted this, I've been hearing a lot of complaints about the infamous "Google Slap" on NW marketers for PPC. Hopefully you can make a recommendation that will coax my wallet back out of hiding!

Google punishes people who are not promoting real value.

The big thing is that your keywords that you bid on.. Match text on your landing page as well as words in your link (is helpful)

Make sure you have a quality landing page with good info.. And write good ads.. High click through rates makes google like you.

GOOGLE is truly king of PPC.


Yeah I can help you..

But you have to prove you want it.
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#5 · Posted: 17 Feb 2010 15:19

Many people do use google for leads, it's the conversions that are the greater challenge. But the search engines PPC if used properly and effectively can be productive.

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#6 · Posted: 17 Feb 2010 17:21

Any recommendations for product lines or programs that teach effective PPC methods? I'm very hesitant to delve into PPC, mostly bc the horror stories have scared my Credit card right back into its wallet!

There are some good free lessons in the Thirty Day Challenge to get you going.

Kyle and Carson from Wealthy Affiliate have published an ebook "Beating Adwords" that is a good resource.

You do not have to be a WA Member to get the book.

Adwords does have a learning center as well that may offer some help.

Begin with a highly targeted campaign and a budget you can afford and keep a close eye on this for a while.

Good luck to you!


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#7 · Posted: 27 Feb 2010 00:30

That's true ppc is the fastest way to generate leads. I always recommend for people to use smaller ppc services first to get familiar with how the process works first.

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#8 · Posted: 27 Feb 2010 08:54

PPC should be a good staple in your marketing plan... but not the only thing. PPC can be a jungle if you have not studied PPC experts. (no I'm not going to sell you an ebook on PPC marketing.) As mentioned, the key is in providing valuable info on your site that is directly applicable to what your ad is saying.

There are tons of ways to generate leads besides PPC.

Classified ads
and so on.

Diversify your marketing and establish multiple sources of leads.

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#9 · Posted: 1 Mar 2010 21:51

PPC is cool if you know what your doing. I'm not bashing it at all but i have definately lost my shirt before. Before anybody starts PPC they should definately at least read one book about it.

Besides PPC there are some other great ways to generate traffic and it's free. So even if you are on a shoestring budget you can still get in the game.

The fist one is article marketing and i'm sure you have probably heard about it before, but if done right it can bring you free residual traffic for years.

How do you do this?

By writing keyword focused articles. All you have to do is use the Google keyword tool to find keywords that get at least two thousand searches per month with the least amount of competition.

Put the keyword in the headline and once in each paragraph. If done correctly that article will get placed on the first page results in the search engines giving you free traffic for years and by doing the work just one time.

Can you imagine just having 10 or 20 articles like that?

Another free method is forum marketing, which everyone already knows about that since we are all on here. Adios! Good Marketing!

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Cesar Fasano
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#10 · Posted: 4 Mar 2010 17:16

I agree with most of you..PPC is certainly a powerful way to attract leads and close sales IF you know what you are doing.

I've done some of it myself and the sweet thing about it that you can get yourself (and your opportunity) out in the marketplace very FAST.

Now, as someone already mentioned it should not be the ONLY strategy for your game plan.

About the slaps..the rules have changed.

For what I've studied, your keywords, landing pages, offer, follow up and any other variable that I might be missing can get your campaigns slapped or your account suspended.

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#11 · Posted: 7 Mar 2010 20:03

Yea for right now, promotion wise I'm not looking to Tango with PPC.

We do mostly free advertising (we pay for some vid adverts) and so far its working well.

And if we advertise in a bad spot at least its not costing us anything =)

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#12 · Posted: 27 Mar 2010 21:20

I agree with you ImportEyedea. I am using free forms of advertising. I am afraid of PPC until I get more education on the subject. It sounds like a great way to advertise but, I am just to hesitant to put to much money into it.

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#13 · Posted: 11 Apr 2010 14:21

I agree with you ImportEyedea. I am using free forms of advertising. I am afraid of PPC until I get more education on the subject. It sounds like a great way to advertise but, I am just to hesitant to put to much money into it.

Make sure that you don't procrastinate too much with PPC. PPC is the best and most effective forms of online marketing and once you master one niche and want to get into a new one, you will want to be able to use PPC to maximize your earnings.


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#14 · Posted: 12 Apr 2010 18:47

Tal, you're awesome! Very good advice, yet again!


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