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What the one thing you would teach about network marketing?

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#21 · Posted: 9 Jul 2010 00:13

What is the one thing you would teach about network marketing?

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#22 · Posted: 9 Jul 2010 00:55

How to put yourself in a position where targeted prospects come knocking on your door. Be the expert in your field and people will seek you out. Effectiveness over efficiency. Efficiency is worth nothing if you're not being effective. Work hard, seek knowledge, stay motivated.

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#23 · Posted: 9 Jul 2010 10:58

Effectiveness over efficiency. Efficiency is worth nothing if you're not being effective. Work hard, seek knowledge, stay motivated.

I don't believe you can separate effectiveness and efficiency or even try to subordinate one over the other. The two ought to be used in tandem for maximum benefit.

If you are effective you are producing the intended result.

If you are efficient you are producing the intended result with the least waste of time, money, and effort.

So it seems to me that the degree to which you can balance those two elements, indicates the level at which you are either working smart, or working hard.


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#24 · Posted: 9 Jul 2010 11:40

Well said. My point was simply find the way to be effective over an efficient non effective method. But of course once you find the most effective way of building your buisness you want to become as efficient as you possibly can. Once you can learn what to do, you can start learning the how part efficiently. Thanks

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#25 · Posted: 5 Aug 2010 15:58

The one thing I would teach as far as marketing would be is for those that are interested in Internet Marketing, to start out by learning the concepts of basic marketing. The money that is wasted daily from bad marketing campaigns is enormous. Find that hungry group of people in search of a product 1st, place more time on doing this one task , than place that product in front of them rather than doing things in reverse.

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#26 · Posted: 7 Aug 2010 09:17

I have been told many times to focus on the action and not the results. The results will seem slow to start but consistency creates momentum and momentum creates results.
Think of a house being built. A lot happens below ground level and eventually it starts to shape up.

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#27 · Posted: 7 Aug 2010 18:14

Get a mentor and don't try to go it alone.

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#28 · Posted: 8 Aug 2010 17:46

For me it would be that you People Join People, not opportunities. There are many places where I socially market where people have absolutely no sense of the word. They just place their links all over the place, not thinking of the impact it is having on their reputation as a marketer, and they are actually driving away people rather than attracting them.

I would teach them to actually attempt to get to know people, to show interest in every person they come in contact with as a human being, not just another sign up.

Cesar Fasano
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#29 · Posted: 9 Aug 2010 15:19

My one thing....

Focus on small steps to achieve bigger goals.

It's very simple actually. If you focus ALL your mental/physical energy in the detailed baby steps, the BIG picture get's clear more and more.

As someone else agreed with me on another post...Get momentum.

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#30 · Posted: 9 Aug 2010 16:10

I want to add to your equation massive CONSISTENT action. Many people get into a business, and they have massive action in the beginning, but as the excitement wears off, their action dies out. You have to keep your action at a consistent level for at least 30 days to see results!

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#31 · Posted: 9 Aug 2010 20:19

You need to remember it's a business and act accordingly. This means if you have no idea how to run a business, alot some time for this education also.

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#32 · Posted: 13 Aug 2010 23:01

I would have to say, without a doubt, its persistence.

Just because you throw up a video on youtube doesnt mean that you'll start generating dozens of leads within an hour.

You have to throw many up, but once you do, you're going to see leads flowing in for a long time to come.

Same holds true for article marketing or even forum marketing.

You've got to commit to it every day and once things hit critical mass - your autoresponder will overflow...

Persistence is the key!

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#33 · Posted: 13 Aug 2010 23:40 · Edited by: drknlvly6781

"Persistence is an essential factor in the procedure of transmuting desire into its monetary equivalent"- Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich

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#34 · Posted: 27 Aug 2010 19:01

In my opinion, the number one thing to learn about network marketing is that it is not a sales business, it is a relationship business. So many people get into network marketing and they treat it like a sales business. That's why they struggle. The problem is 92% of people are sales-resistant, so most people get turned off by that approach. "If I join, then I have to sound like that?" It doesn't work for most people.

Most people will join network marketing because they know, like, and trust their sponsor. This is called the KLT factor. I would say that understanding this, and learning to build relationships with people to develop KLT are the most important parts of network marketing. Sure, you may find successful network marketers who don't do this � they are highly skilled salespeople. They find that most people drop out of their downline � they have very poor retention � because they never bothered to build KLT.

Most people will try to do what their upline does. If your upline is a salesperson, that's what you'll try to do (at least in the beginning.) This is where we run into the biggest problem in network marketing. The sales approach doesn't work in the long run � and it doesn't work at all for 92% of people. My advice is to learn to build relationships and KLT. You might see slower progress at first, but it will definitely pay off in the long run. You'll only need to build your downline once.

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#35 · Posted: 13 Sep 2010 13:16

Believe in the product and service and its all about free lead generation through attraction marketing. Most people quit when their warm market is gone. But of you had a list of leads waiting to hear from you. The ball game is over.

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