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Joined: 19 Jan 2010
Posts: 7
#1 · Posted: 19 Jan 2010 16:32

Hi Forum Members,

If you're an MLM'er and you've tried every recommended strategy known to MLM mankind (but are still struggling in your home-based business), it's not your fault. I encounter a ton of natural frustration with new distributors so it's important to tell you a few keys things about owning your own home-based business: 1) hire people who have mastered the marketing if you can.., 2) if you can't hire anyone to guide you, pick only the top people who've been around a long time. I will say from personal experience, it's not what you're marketing that counts, it's HOW you go about doing it. The Top MLM Dogs will say "no" to this advice, but just reserve any judgement for the time being and look at any viable business offline. Walk into any of your favorite stores and see what they're doing. It's no different online. What you've got to find is a marketing system (of proven means, educational know-how, and real business strategies) helping you put your MLM business together. Maybe that's not what you'd like to read because there are no real shortcuts to owning any home-based business. The truth is -- your biggest first challenge is to find a hungry market who wants what you have to offer. Then, you're putting your name out there (online and offline) to attract business. It's never a quick thing. I do know that you can use article marketing online. That's publishing helpful articles carrying only your name. Then, you're most likely advertising yourself through free and paid means (pay-per-click). Based on the sensibility of your content, you'll then begin to draw people to you. Supporting your success using proven means. bkb2012

B. Brinkmeyer, MBA
Internet Marketing Consultant
Onstage Marketing Mentor
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Posts: 3046
#2 · Posted: 26 Jan 2010 12:26

Welcome bkb2012 - just a quick tip on your posting.

If you can separate your stuff into several paragraphs, it makes it easier for folks like myself who are scanners to read and we will be much more likely to respond.

I usually click exit really fast if I see a long drawn out post - I am much too lazy to read it.

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Joined: 19 Jan 2010
Posts: 7
#3 · Posted: 26 Jan 2010 20:54 · Edited by: bkb2012


Thanks for the advice.

I will do just that.


B. Brinkmeyer, MBA
Internet Marketing Consultant
Onstage Marketing Mentor
Forums Member
Joined: 19 Jan 2010
Posts: 7
#4 · Posted: 26 Jan 2010 21:04

Revised Post For Struggling MLM'ers --

If you're an MLM'er and you've tried every recommended strategy known to MLM mankind it's not your fault.

I encounter a lot of frustration with new distributors so it's important to tell you something about owning your own home-based business:

1) There is an extensive learning curve if you're going online.

Don't let this reality bother you. There's nothing more satisfying than working from home.

2) Hire people who have mastered the marketing if you can..,

3) if you can't hire anyone, for a smaller sum, you can study from some of the best marketers.

4) It's not what you're marketing that counts, it's HOW you go about doing it.

The Top MLM Dogs will say "no" to this advice, but reserve judgement by looking at what viable businesses do offline.

Walk into any of your favorite stores and see what they're doing.
It's no different online. What you want is a marketing system (of proven means, educational know-how, and concrete business strategy).

Find a hungry market who wants what you have to offer.

Put your name out there (online and offline) to attract business, but only advertise your name.

Publish helpful articles under your name online because people only buy in the presence of true expertise.

You have to publish yourself extensively and consistently, but you don't have to be a master writer. Just share what you know best.

Over time..., advertise yourself through free and paid means (pay-per-click).

Based on the sensibility of your content, you'll draw people to you. Become the hunted..., not the hunter.

Supporting your success using proven means.

B. Brinkmeyer, MBA
Internet Marketing Consultant
Onstage Marketing Mentor
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