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Some lessons I've learned: having a realistic MLM approach

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#1 · Posted: 12 Nov 2009 15:52

Hi everyone. I'm new here and I've been reading a lot of the useful contributions everyone has been giving. It's great to have a place like this where people can come together and have a place where everyone can not only learn from each other but help others to avoid some of the pitfalls some of us have fallen into.

Network Marketing undeniably is an awesome industry with the possibility for incredible self-fulfillment as well as earning potential, but there are also some bad apples that people have to be wary about, and unfortunately there will always be those who end up having bad experiences because they were misled by someone or had a different idea of how much work and effort was going to be involved.

In any event, I've been in this industry for 4 years and I think that I've learned some incredible things that I'd like to share with all of you. I'm 24 now, but I grew up with my parents trying a lot of different networking during my childhood. Think of every company you can imagine during that time and my parents were involved.

As I got older I began to learn more about what it meant, but I grew very skeptical of the industry in proportion to watching them "fail" at every single company. 4 years ago, however, things changed for me and I actually ended up deciding to skip some other plans I had in life and take the leap into the world of MLM. Talk about having to change your priorities and habits!

My understanding now of what this industry is all about from when I first got involved is so different sometimes I wondered how I was able to survive, and yet I'm in a position now to maybe offer some free advice to those new in networking and even those still involved.

When I think of my situation before, and how I went from being a pauper at my parents' house (without ever even having a job), to joining the top percent of my company within the first three quarters of my first year, it's hard to believe some times.

I was also blessed in being able to purchase a new suburban home within my first 2 years, and two brand new vehicles, one of which was my long-time dream car.

I guess I feel that I have insight, not as a seasoned heavy-hitter with years of experience, but as someone who started with no previous knowledge or skill and learned the hard way about how this industry REALLY operates and what it means to increase your odds of success.

Rather than to be taken as bragging, I wish to instead give everyone perspective that there ARE real people making it in this industry. And it's not true that you have to be well connected in order to succeed, although you certainly have to make huge life-changes if you want to see life-changing rewards.

Obviously no hidden catches or purchasing of my "secrets" books or videos will be necessary. Just a lot of free upfront candor and a realistic evaluation of what it truly takes to make it in this industry.

It seems that as opportunities for homebased businesses and network marketing grow there's a proportionate increase in "miracle motivation" books and videos which are purportedly going to be the holy grail for creating wealth as long as we are faithful in buying them ourselves and promoting them for others to buy.

Some people may think that offering tips to people who aren't a part of your own business is useless, because they aren't doing anything for you, but the truth is, I feel that ultimately I DO have something to gain from it. When we help the industry and everyone in it to succeed, we are also helping ourselves! Whether we're looking to merely instill potential confidence in others by expressing ourselves or merely trying to obtain a little closure by telling others how to avoid all of the time-wasting that greets us on the road to success.

I do not doubt for one moment that a good mentor and a systematic program of advice can contribute to a more successful homebased business business, but such results can only come from an application in our own way of the methods we hear of, watch or read about, and many of the attributes must be found within ourselves and can more often than not be stimulated from freely available sources of advice. Yet, many seem to have an unconscious belief that by buying a motivational book or seminar that they are automatically getting closer to having the kind of success so passionately conjured up in their dreams. In fact, some companies almost make it a religious requirement.

I might be stepping on some toes by saying this, but the reason for such a steep rise in "how to become successful" movements is because many motivational speakers have already likely worked as a top or relatively successful distributor in a particular or several(?) network marketing company(s) and are simply not interested any more in continuing to maintain and grow their business (like all successful businesses must, if they are going to remain successful). So they decide one day that it's easier and less work if they use their past successes (if they've had any at all) and inherent talents of oratory to create a series of motivational tapes, books or movies about how YOU too can become just as successful in your business by following the steps outlined in their literature � in the end they've made money whether you have or not. Talk about discovering El Dorado! Some may view it as an escape from the "work" necessary in netWORK marketing but with all the profits intact.

Many times, instead of these individuals actually experiencing what they are talking about and helping the people out on the field achieve and make money, they're just telling others "how" to do it and being able to reach an almost infinite audience of desperate people clamoring to make more than what they are putting in. Some can make a great living off of this, and more power to them, as long as they aren't regurgitating more of the same abstract hype we've heard time and time again. After all, I'm all for free enterprise and some of them do offer a few helpful nuggets amidst the morass of endless meandering that often leaves you still wondering where the magic wand is.

I do not question that many of these authors have some great things to say, but I'm just telling you that it's not always so hard to have good results in that which you think is impossible without costly "professional" advice. Now I too might get caught in the vicious circle of putting out a book that's illustrating how other people simply put out books to make profits, but I think it's the difference between representing yourself "realistic guidance" and an exclusive "secret to success". It's simply about laying out the facts about how things really work in life and the most practical way that we can apply them.

I might summarize everything I'm about to say in two words:

Hard work

But that would be way too simplistic and na�ve for even someone like me who would prefer everything were just a little less convoluted.

Truth be told, I believe that there are some of us cut out to be leaders in networking and others who simply aren't. Some don't realize that they have a huge undiscovered potential to be good at it until you awaken it, while others have a mindset that's just too bothersome and high-maintenance to waste precious time with, and yet many times we are so afraid to lose the very people that are preventing our business from growing by putting so much, otherwise profitable, energy into them.

Becoming a networker is like becoming a doctor or a statesman (with maybe a little less cost and time). It requires education and acquired skill through application and repeated effort. You don't just get good over night either, but you can learn rapidly if you're already naturally talented in people skills or willing to discipline yourself. You might have already guessed that not everyone can be the top CEO or owner of a company either!

It's always an advantage if you find an upline who is going to be helpful and offer advice until you are able to become leader enough to take full charge of your own business without requiring outside accountability. And it can certainly be discouraging if you come into network marketing at the beginning and you feel stranded by not having someone who is there to answer your questions. Even if you happen to be a successful networker now and you're reading this, I'm sure you will agree with me that it pays to give plenty of attention to those new in a particular enterprise and that you were the same way when you first started.

Over the next few days, I'd like to share some basic principles that I've learned from being in the business for 4 years. Some of them you have already heard or figured out on your own and others you haven't. But grasping the whole picture here is what is important. So let's get to the substance now shall we?
The first principle I've learned and that I would like to share with all of you is this:


Everyone will not become financially successful in a career or job that they pursue � it doesn't matter what it is. It is impossible. It's also just as impossible to justifiably criticize the industry of network marketing as a whole if you have failed. This is why talking about a 95% or 97% failure rate (or whatever it may be) is meaningless. No matter what business it is, there will only be a small percentage that will experience the best fruits and the others will "fail" (or give up before they do succeed) because of either personal reasons (mostly the case) or simply because not everyone can ultimately win. So what should you do, quit and go live in a cave somewhere?

If you feel that pursuing a success in a particular enterprise (in this case a network marketing company) is what you want then you must simply tell yourself that no matter what it takes you WILL be part of that small percentage that wins. That's all you can do, really! And believe me, the odds of success are in your favor, because there will already be enough people who eventually give up to make room for you to win as long as you stick at it! That's what I told myself when I built my homebased business, and lo

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#2 · Posted: 14 Nov 2009 07:23

Welcome Chadwick

I might summarize everything I'm about to say in two words:

Hard work

Yep, you got it in a nutshell!

Thanks for sharing - and congratulations on your success!

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#3 · Posted: 16 Nov 2009 18:51

I have to agree, that describes any MLM. It's unfortunate there are so many expecting to make a quick and easy buck. Then again, some programs are so saturated already with tons of pre-existing marketers (older companies) that some forms of marketing become near useless.

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#4 · Posted: 16 Nov 2009 19:22

Great post. I think one thing NM's need to keep in mind is changing witht the times. If you are not using the internet today you are losing a lot of prospects. JMO.


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#5 · Posted: 17 Nov 2009 13:25


Working hard at the wrong things will never make you successful.

Look at anyone doing manual labor. If you figure out how to clean toilets twice as fast what do you get? Twice as many toilets to clean.

If you work smart (I define working smart as realizing what is getting results and what is not and making changes as you go) and work hard success will come.

Bob Firestone

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#6 · Posted: 18 Nov 2009 16:59

I don't think that it is any suprise that 97% of people fail. This is, to some extent, the fault of people who are just desperate to recruit anyone, anyone at all. I have never done well with MLM but those I know that have were always quite choosy about the people they recruited and invested a lot of time in them. I think they saved themselves and their prospects a lot of time.

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#7 · Posted: 23 Nov 2009 03:33

Hi there,

I have to admit I am a independent distributor with one of those well known Network Marketing Companies.

What I found though is I was attracted to a slightly different way of connecting with people.

More online through forums, Facebook and Twitter.

The rulebook is changing everyday, I believe we need to use what works (for you) and build upon that.

Aaron Riddell

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#8 · Posted: 23 Nov 2009 10:53

Working hard at the wrong things will never make you successful.

I agree with that statement! Although, most people automatically equate "working hard" with exerting a lot of physical effort, I think "applying conscientious effort" is a more accurate way to think of working hard.

So, with that in mind, if you applied conscientious effort to working smart, you'd excelerate your progress and attain success in a much shorter time.


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#9 · Posted: 14 Dec 2009 00:49

I agree with that statement! Although, most people automatically equate "working hard" with exerting a lot of physical effort, I think "applying conscientious effort" is a more accurate way to think of working hard.

So, with that in mind, if you applied conscientious effort to working smart, you'd excelerate your progress and attain success in a much shorter time.


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#10 · Posted: 11 Feb 2010 09:29


I am so happy to hear your success story.

I think that the main reason why so many quit this business is because they don't persist. They give up very fast and try to do something else like other new MLM companies that pay them more money.

Thanks for sharing your story with us. Very inspiring.

1-5 years of taking action and never quitting will get you to your income goals and leaving your day job.


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