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Put the internet to work

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Joined: 17 Dec 2008
Posts: 6

#1 · Posted: 19 Dec 2008 09:58

Does anyone know how to really put the internet to work? I have just signed up with an MLM and I know there are a lot of people who use the internet to promote their product. I have yet to get a real handle on it.
Also, what are newsgroups, and how do you use them?


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#2 · Posted: 19 Dec 2008 11:48

Also, what are newsgroups, and how do you use them?

A newsgroup is similar to a forum or discussion board. It is comprised of people who use the Internet to discuss ideas and share experiences on a particular topic. It can be a source of valuable information, and an opportunity to establish contact and friendship with people all over the globe.

A quick Web search for newsgroups on your topic(s) of interest will return hundreds of options to choose from. And to get started you simply subscribe to the group(s) you are interested in.


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#3 · Posted: 20 Dec 2008 02:00

I have yet to get a real handle on it.

Welcome Maxworks - I have been at it for awhile and am stilll learning.

I don't think you will ever get done learning about the internet so hang on - and just take it one bite at a time... newsgroups and forums are a great way to get aquainted with the internet.

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#4 · Posted: 21 Dec 2008 14:04

Yes learning the internet takes time just take your time and learn
all you can learn day by day thats what i did when i first got on the
net like 10 years ago.I am still learning new things everyday news
groups are boards where you can post messages everyday search
on google for them you just sign up and start posting

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#5 · Posted: 21 Dec 2008 18:10

Does anyone know how to really put the internet to work? I have just signed up with an MLM and I know there are a lot of people who use the internet to promote their product. I have yet to get a real handle on it.

It's a huge learning process, that's for sure. I think for longevity and success, you want to create a web presence that has people coming to you, rather than you having to chase people down as is typical in MLM.

My first MLM related site is still young (the parasite site) so I'm more of an experiment rather than the voice of experience. So far, so good.

I build a website about problems that my MLM products solve so that when people are looking for information relating to their specific problems, I can gently lead them to the solution.

It's just one method, but suits me, since I don't like high pressuring friends, family, etc., to try to build my business.

Take some time to study and learn the ropes of online marketing. It pays in the long run.


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Joined: 17 Dec 2008
Posts: 6

#6 · Posted: 23 Dec 2008 08:44

thank you all for your help and support. I just posted again about newgroups because I did not even know how to get into my post until now!!!
I am going to have to try this newsgroup thing. I will let you all know how I make out.


Look, Feel, Live to the Max
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