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Looking at the big picture

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Joined: 3 Sep 2007
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#1 · Posted: 21 Sep 2007 15:18

When you sign up for an online marketing program, you have to realize that no matter what the testimonials say, you are not going to start making money over night. If you're lucky, and with tons of promoting your products, you might start making a slight profit in about 3 to 6 months after signing up. Personally I believe 99% of all testimonials are not real. I would really like to know, Is there anyone on this forum who can afford to buy a home costing millions of dollars and drive extremely expensive automobiles from monies gained via your online business? You don't have to actually have these items, but could you buy them if you wanted too? The people selling these systems didn't get rich by doing what they're doing what they're telling you to do, they got rich by selling the system to folks like us.

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Joined: 20 Sep 2007
Posts: 3

#2 · Posted: 21 Sep 2007 23:15

Quoting: duckbird
Personally I believe 99% of all testimonials are not real.

Wow. What a sad view of the world! I believe you're mistaken. We know the statistics that basically less than 5% make it, but the other 95% + don't survive because they give up. I think people with this view may have a product they're not sold on or excited about. Come on over to our side and your thoughts may change!

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Joined: 22 Sep 2007
Posts: 9

#3 · Posted: 22 Sep 2007 20:13

I agree that you you won't start making money right away and it does take a long time. I started with a company where I did make money my first month and every month I have been with them. It hasn't been a lot yet but that's partly because of my own laziness.

You get out what you put in. It's hard work making money online but I have faith that one day it will support me full time. I have a five year plan because I know it does take time.

I don't know I'd say the majority of testimonials are fake. Some people just work a lot harder than others. Some people join something don't see immediate results or the results they want and quit too soon.

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#4 · Posted: 27 Sep 2007 19:19

Quoting: duckbird
When you sign up for an online marketing program, you have to realize that no matter what the testimonials say, you are not going to start making money over night. If you're lucky, and with tons of promoting your products, you might start making a slight profit in about 3 to 6 months after signing up. Personally I believe 99% of all testimonials are not real.

What you are saying is true to a point. There are definately a lot of "fake" testimonies out there, but not all of these testimonies are fakes, and even though many people who sell the products do not know what they are doing (in other words, can't make money by the techniques their ebooks teach), this is not the case with all programs out there.

For example, Carson and Kyle from Wealthy Affiliate not only have made lots of money online, but have been teaching others how to do it successfully for two years. Most of their testimonies come from actual forum posts in the "General Success" part of their forum - and these testimonies can be verified by checking out this part of the forum when you join.

So...even though many "gurus" probably don't know how to make money outside of selling their ebooks, there are some who do know what they are doing and can help you earn money online.

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Joined: 27 Nov 2007
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#5 · Posted: 13 Nov 2008 05:11

You get out what you put in. It's hard work making money online but I have faith that one day it will support me full time. I have a five year plan because I know it does take time.

Yes, i agree with you. It is really need a lot of hard work in order to make money online.
My business is progressing slow and steady, hopefully by end of 2009, i can quit my job and work from home.

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Joined: 13 Aug 2008
Posts: 27

#6 · Posted: 14 Nov 2008 18:50

It's possible to do. However you have to plan
out an advertising campaign. I agree that
not all the testimonials are fake, however
I'm sure some are embellished.

If you want to generate tons of traffic,
you have to plan out your promotion in
advance and use all the communication
channels to introduce your product to
the market effectively, in order to
get the biggest impact.

For example, if you've made money
online, consider what you did and
work at convincing 10,000 other
people to do the same, all at around
the same time.

You being the recipient of
those benefits of course.

You're on the right path,
just keep digging. Research
the terms "product launch".


Know someone who is texting while driving ? Make $700,000 this year with your own text messaging business.
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#7 · Posted: 14 Nov 2008 19:27

I feel that if you use a "program" your chances of making money are much lower than if you develop a product / service yourself after doing a lot of research.

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Joined: 24 Jun 2005
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#8 · Posted: 15 Nov 2008 09:29 · Edited by: A8ch


When you sign up for an online marketing program, you have to realize that no matter what the testimonials say, you are not going to start making money over night.

I agree with you that the majority of people marketing online will not start making money overnight, and that can be attributed to various reasons. For those that do hit overnight, "beginner's luck" could be the explanation in some cases. But it's only when you truly understand marketing concepts and learn how to apply the tools correctly that you can generate sustained profits. And that takes a bit of time.

Personally I believe 99% of all testimonials are not real.

I'm sure that not every testimonial is real, but to believe that as many as 99% are fabricated, is to discard the relevance and power of the testimonial as a marketing tool, and that could be a mistake. The testimonial (a real one) is an extremely effective third-party endorsement.

The people selling these systems didn't get rich by doing what they're doing what they're telling you to do, they got rich by selling the system to folks like us.

Some people are shakers and movers with imaginative and creative minds, who are not afraid to take risks. They work hard to develop new ideas and blaze a path for others to follow. They ignore the failures along the way and keep going until they succeed. In so doing, they become the most qualified to lead the way.

Then they are those who watch these people and try to copy them in an effort to shortcut their way to success. There's little we can do to prevent this, except try to determine the real deal from the wannabe.


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