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An article a day... who knew!

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#1 · Posted: 11 Jan 2009 18:45

My new year's resolution is to write at least one article a day to promote my websites.

Eleven days into it and I have seen a definite boost in visitors and sales :)

It takes me no more than an hour a day, and I still have to time to keep up on the social networking sites and to research and ad content to my projects.

I can't wait to see what 2009 brings!

Anyone else noticed that daily persistence and consistency with a certain method is really effective?

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#2 · Posted: 11 Jan 2009 19:02

Lars, that's a realistic resolution and I hope you manage to stick to it. Having at least 365 new sales representatives promoting your sites by the end of the year, will have a positive impact on your bottom line.

I'd add that "daily persistence and consistency" applied to any worthwhile objective is a sure way to become effective and see measurable results.


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#3 · Posted: 11 Jan 2009 23:43

Hi Lars,

That's a good plan and good results. I'd have to give it the nod especially since it's working well for you.


Having at least 365 new sales representatives promoting your sites...

Good way of putting it.

I'd add that "daily persistence and consistency" applied to any worthwhile objective is a sure way to become effective and see measurable results.

Yes. Is there any other way? That's the only way I know of that actually works and I've been doing it that way since my late teens with everything I've ever valued.

That approach has never failed me and it's a cornerstone of my general philosophy.

Well said, I'm with you.

~Newbie Shield~

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#4 · Posted: 12 Jan 2009 08:19

That's a good idea.

I don't think i can do it everyday.
Now i only write two articles a week.

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#5 · Posted: 12 Jan 2009 11:46

I can finally do 4 in a day, but it does take me the whole day. I'm not a fast writer and research takes forever which is the preparation part. A lot of people outsource it and I may do some of that later if I can afford it and the writing is good.

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#6 · Posted: 13 Jan 2009 22:23

that's a good idea. the more information you put out there, the more traffic that's generated

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#7 · Posted: 14 Jan 2009 00:24

I have seen great results adding content and Social Bookmarking, just getting content out there.
Have a prosperous week!

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#8 · Posted: 14 Jan 2009 07:32

Excellent post Lars and A8ch. Even if you cannot write an article every day, it's good to consistantly write articles to promote your website. More exposure is the key.

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#9 · Posted: 14 Jan 2009 19:53

I'd add that "daily persistence and consistency" applied to any worthwhile objective is a sure way to become effective and see measurable results.

That is exactly right. Just keep moving forward and there is no way that you can fail unless you give up.

"Champions Never Quit" - Tim McGaffin II


#10 · Posted: 14 Jan 2009 22:02

Excellent plan. It can only bring you greater and greater success. Here is a paradigm shift - to give you daily motivation. Consider that each page is helping to build your brand.

When you think of it that way, you'll recognize the power of your actions.

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#11 · Posted: 15 Jan 2009 15:56

Consider that each page is helping to build your brand.

Thank you everyone for your input :)

I'm glad we're on the right track. I started feeling lost, sort of jumping from one system to the next; I kept getting distracted by little ebooks and things in my email.

I realized that, just because there's some listbuilding software or traffic exchange site or whatever in my face, doesn't mean that article marketing is dead.

It's not easy writing every day, but I spend a lot of time brainstorming and writing paragraphs in my head while I'm cleaning carpets lol (wayy too much time spent staring at the ground).

Using others' ideas is an excellent way to to do it. If you have a knack for paraphrasing and branching off of other works of writing, the process goes a lot quicker.

It's also been really fun to bring in my own personal interests and incorporate them in an interesting new twist on somewhat boring subjects.

Does everyone submit perfectly unique content? Or do you sometimes bounce off of other articles, etc., to generate a constant flow of content?

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#12 · Posted: 16 Jan 2009 00:20

Do you create your own sites and how much experience does it take?

I am an IT Project Manager who loves the Internet. It is a whole new world with great opportunities for all. I love poetry more on a spiritual level and I try to encourage people through this avenue.
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#13 · Posted: 16 Jan 2009 00:51

Does everyone submit perfectly unique content? Or do you sometimes bounce off of other articles, etc., to generate a constant flow of content?

My article content is inspired in several ways. I get ideas from magazine covers, newspaper headlines, radio announcements, billboards, tv ads, ebooks, other articles, solving a problem on my own, something I learned, listening to other people, and so on.

There is a newsletter publisher who often uses personal, everyday experiences she has with her family and friends, to illustrate an important aspect about managing an online business.

I once got an idea for a ebook from the title of an article that was totally unrelated to Internet Marketing.

I believe that if you are really dedicated to your business and focused on advancing it, you naturally tend to function at a higher level of awareness. As a result, you constantly attract ideas and recognize opportunities that others who are less serious may miss completely.


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#14 · Posted: 16 Jan 2009 14:58

if you are really dedicated to your business and focused on advancing it, you naturally tend to function at a higher level of awareness. As a result, you constantly attract ideas and recognize opportunities

Exactly what I'm finding. I have a sudden spark of inspiration in the middle of the night, while I'm at work out and about, when I'm talking to my boss about his traditional business techniques, when I'm on a hike, anywhere.

o you create your own sites and how much experience does it take?

I've created three sites in the last 2 months and they all run successfully, the money they generate being directly proportional to how much I focus on each one.

I took a semester of web design in high school to learn what the hell html is, to learn the importance of visual balance and color schemes, and a bit of hosting basics.
This definitely helped, but the site builders are sooo easy to use now it almost doesn't matter until you want to build a dazzling site from scratch when you get serious.

Websites boosted my sales exponentially, and within a few short weeks, so I highly recommend giving it a go!

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#15 · Posted: 16 Jan 2009 16:59

I love all the ways people get inspirations. Good stuff. I tend to get my inspiration from the keywords that will drive people to my site, because ultimatly that is why i am writing the article, drive business. Spend the time and do the keyword research upfront and then tailor an article, you will be very pleased with the results.

Mathew S. Robar

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#16 · Posted: 16 Jan 2009 18:39

Hi Lars,

I write 100% unique content from scratch.

I get inspired from an infinite number of sources in the way Hermas does. In fact, so many ideas and sources that I had to put a stop to the flow since it was taking up too much time.

It's fun and it's a rush, but it has a tendency to take over. On top of that, I'm always getting new ideas for recording new songs at about the same rate as I do with online marketing.

It's a beneficial thing once you can learn to control the flow

Limitation of sources and ideas is strictly a function of either lack of or overabundance of rich experiences, open-mindedness, intelligence, and creativity.

If you have a lot of each plus good writing and technical skills as well as passionate commitment, then you're golden.

I believe that if you are really dedicated to your business and focused on advancing it, you naturally tend to function at a higher level of awareness. As a result, you constantly attract ideas and recognize opportunities that others who are less serious may miss completely.

I concur.

~Newbie Shield~

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#17 · Posted: 16 Jan 2009 20:43

Do you create your own sites and how much experience does it take?

I create my own sites. It doesn't take experience as much as it does effort. (I had NO experience).

If you're going to create your own sites, it's best to be sure to follow a proven method of successful site building rather than just trying to "wing it." Otherwise you are most likely wasting your time.

Certain principles work across the board no matter what you are promoting or what form of marketing you use. Learn and follow those principles and you'll be on your way.


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#18 · Posted: 16 Jan 2009 20:52 · Edited by: larslarson123

Spend the time and do the keyword research
upfront and then tailor an article, you will be very pleased with the results.

True! I wasted a lot of time writing articles and half-assing the keyword research and got NO exposure whatsoever.

Newbie Shield:
Limitation of sources and ideas is strictly a function of either lack of or overabundance of rich experiences, open-mindedness, intelligence, and creativity.

Well put! I hope to possess the correct balance off all of those traits.
Certain principles work across the board no matter what you are promoting or what form of marketing you use.

Very true. I'm so glad I took the time to learn at least the very basic principles because I learned simple but imperative information.

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#19 · Posted: 17 Jan 2009 17:54

Thats great buddy keep up the good work.

When the new year came I just new I was going to kill it this year.. Ive already double my traffic in under 17 days

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#20 · Posted: 19 Jan 2009 15:57

Great to hear Gavin!

I can tell this year is going to be EPIC for me

I try to make a positive change every day if I can.

The word of the year of 2009 is progress!

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