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2010 Marketers Resolutions

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Joined: 19 Sep 2008
Posts: 58

#1 · Posted: 4 Feb 2010 21:08

"If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always got."

We've all heard this saying time and again; but how many of us, as marketers, actually take heed to this saying?

How many of us were disappointed with what we earned in 2009, yet in the 35 days that we've spent in this year, haven't changed a thing about our strategy, or even evaluated it for that matter?

I know I belong in this category. For the past seven years I've been sitting on the sidelines, trying to learn everything I could about marketing online. I have attempted different methods of marketing, but none consistently; and the results I've seen have followed suit; I've made some money online here and there, but nothing consistently.


This year starts a new beginning for me. I am no longer going to sit on the sidelines; this marketing thing becomes more than a hobby and a pastime. I will see start to see the results that I have set for myself long ago, by actually giving my all for this. I am setting some resolutions for myself, in order to truly see positive change in my results.


In order to make any resolutions, you have to have the end result in mind. Once you picture that, think about what it will take and what you will need for you as you presently are, to achieve that end result.

Right now, my goal is to earn $100 consistently each month from affiliate marketing. This may sound like a small goal, but I am keeping it realistic as I have earned online but never consistently.

In order to achieve this,I will have to take the time to organize the affiliate sites I am interested in into a funnel system that I can market.

I will also have to come up with a marketing schedule that will fit around my schooling, that effectively drives traffic.

I need to get over my hangups of procrastination for doing things, and being a perfectionist when creating things to publish.

Finally, and probably most important, I need to find a mentor that will both help me with the knowledge I need to market my system, and also hold me accountable when I tend to procrastinate.


Once you've figured out where you want to go and how you need to get there; use that information to set goals or resolutions for yourself. It works even better if you write them down and post them where you can see them every day. As you achieve them, don't just cross them off the list, write the word 'VICTORY' across it so it impressions in your mind that you have gotten one step closer to your goals

Another tip for sticking to your resolutions is to share them with friends and other individuals interested in Marketing (hint-hint lol) Here are my official Marketers Resolutions for 2010 below:

I will come up with a daily marketing plan by 2/18/10

I will organize the websites that I am member of into a profitable sales funnel

I will contribute daily to my member forums

I will seek out a mentor who is willing to help me with my marketing and structure of my sales funnel, without attempting to sell me on another product/service/opportunity

I will write about my progress daily on my blog.

That is what I have so far (I know I'm late *blush*). It is a growing list by the way, as I am ready to do anything but sit on the bench one more minute.

But I would love to have feedback from you? What are your resolutions for marketing in this new year? Have you made any? Is this thread helpful? Do you think you can help me on my journey?

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