haiunilever Forums Member
Joined: 7 Dec 2005 Posts: 5
#1 · Posted: 16 Mar 2006 02:16
Hi all,
I am now on my business plan and I have to analyze all risks which can happen.
My products are like below:
- They are icons. Their shape look like countries' shape. For example: Italy icon which has the shape of Italy (I mean the boundary).
- I will put something on those icons. For example: a dog, a girl, a text, an image. These things do not have any concern with the country. For example: I will put the image of a dentist on Italy icon.
Then I will sell my product.
But I wonder if the regulation or law will not allow me to do such thing like that.
Does anyone know anything about it? Pls give me your advices!
Many thanks,