Working Moms Vs Stay at Home Moms
With women who have had a full time career before they deliver a child, the decision to stay at home is the most difficult. The fact that you will not be going out to work every morning and interact with co-workers about official matters can seem a relief and a bane at the same time. As with every decision, there are pros and cons of either side.
Of course, you will not be getting a fat paycheck home every month but there are a lot of other positive aspects to staying at home. You can spend more time with your children in the first place and keep in eye on what they are up to so that you can provide good parenting. And though the loss of one income may seem very heavy on your pocket in the beginning, life will get settled around it.
The one aspect that many people forget to note is that once you have quit your job, you are likely to make many savings, money that you had never thought about that is required for you to work. The first of these savings will come from day care costs. Once you are at home, you will not need to send your kids to a day care and even if you are a work-at-home mother, all you need to do is to network well and join or form a work-at-home co-operative. Mothers can take a day in a week to baby sit and take care of the kids so that the other moms who work from home can concentrate on work. This is one saving that is large in nature and you are likely to bid this expense goodbye gladly.
When you are planning and discussing the option of staying at home consider the amount of money that you will save in dry cleaning and gas. You will not need a range of expensive business suits that need dry cleaning and maintenance every now and then. Neither will you need to buy more than a couple of pieces if you fancy them for occasional wear. The car will not need maintenance as often as it did and the amount of gas required for a week will suffice you for more than a month. You will even save money on the amount that you spend eating lunch out of home each day. While staying at home, you can choose to have leftovers from the last meal ensuring that your refrigerator is not stocked with old leftover for ages, which you then throw off later. And even if you do fix yourself some soup and salads, the meal is hardly going to cost you as much as the same does at a restaurant.
With being at home, you have a lot of time for yourself and if you can organize yourself, you can ensure that you cut discount coupons, look out for the best deals and get the best bargains while shopping. You can also use cloth diapers and launder them for re-usability, use washcloth instead of baby wipes and be more conservative. Making your own baby food can not only save you a lot of money but fresh food can be extremely good for your infant and child. On some nights when you plan an exotic dinner, it does not have to make a hole in your pocket. You can download recipes from the net and try something new on special nights.
Written by Radhika V. Rao.
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