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New to the Work at Home Scene!

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#21 · Posted: 22 Aug 2010 08:05
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Yes, it will take some time just like learning about and becoming a success in anything you want to do.

Just commit what time you have each week to learning and researching what you want to do online to make money. Thera are many different ways to make money online. Enjoy the journey.

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#22 · Posted: 11 Dec 2010 15:00
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With any new endeavor it takes time to learn skills. With being an RN it took going to college for at least four years. Anything worthwhile takes effort. The important thing is to find something you are passionate about because in any business there are ups and downs. You also need to learn about marketing because the most important thing is to get the word out. Things that have helped me the most are to know why I am doing what I am doing, keeping a positive outlook by reading something positive every day, constantly trying different forms of marketing and tracking to see which get the best results, following up with prospects because it may be the right person just not the right time, developing a tough skin so that rejection no longer bothers me and seeing and believing that I deserve to succeed. Have a great day!

Peace, Health and Prosperity,
Barb Doyle, Sc.

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#23 · Posted: 10 Apr 2011 15:02
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Hi Cassie!

I'm new to all of this work at home stuff too. I started doing some small online stuff last night. I did about 30 mins worth of work and made just over $15 not much, but it's a start!

This is one of very few Work-At-Home business's that is BBB accredited. Not a get rich quick scheme. Realistic extra income expectations only. [url][url/]
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#24 · Posted: 20 Apr 2011 04:56
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You don't have to start a business to make money from home. There is another option. It is a good way to start while you build up your business so that you can have the income you need to support your little ones.

That other option is to work as a contractor from home. For example, you can leverage your background as a RN to answer a hotline for a medical practice or hospital.

Work at home jobs are not sexy like Internet marketing, but they pay the bills until you become established.

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#25 · Posted: 8 May 2011 15:16
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My nickname is Ex-Fruatrated Nurse, so I totally understand!! Tim and I have MANY times over replaced our income from home and we love it! I was a RN and medical fraud investigator for 30 years but wanted my life back.

There WILL be bumps in the road as you build your business.... so expect them and then GLIDE right on over them! If we can make it thru Nursing school, we can do ANYTHING! LOL! BizNurse

Tim and Linda/BS, RN
Executive Directors
"With Our Heads Held High"
AOL and YAHOO IM - TxBizNurse
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#26 · Posted: 3 Jul 2011 21:12
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due to lack of most companies not having a product that will sell on its own with just people looking at it and not you personally having to go over a SALES PITCH is the number 1 reason .. In my own opinion... that makes the failure of most people wanting to make money online ...
Please as everyone above stated... Look at each opportunity closely befor driving it home ... The Internet is full of snakes

can you copy & paste ?? Then get paid today
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#27 · Posted: 18 Dec 2011 22:38
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first off just wanted to say hi to everyone and to let you know im new here and to working at home. thought it would be easy (not) now im looking for advise as to where i can get questions answered without feeling like a complete fool.
one of the questions is on my website with different programs you sign up for. then i have my blog that has a lot of articles posted. but then i had my sight rated and it came back saying it could not find my blog, inst my articles part of my blog. can any of you take a look and help. Im really stumped with a lot of questions. well maybe my problem might help someone else that has the same problem.

thank you much
don't think im allowed to post my website here so IL wait for an answer and see.

Michael Davies
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#28 · Posted: 19 Dec 2011 18:05
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Hi supermom, trying to get a home based business going is hard but if you find people that are willing to help you for free and aren't trying to just use you to make money it becomes easier. Most of the online businesses you will see are scams. Only the people at the top will ever make money with them and they are usually the ones that made the so called system they want you to buy and use to become rich. Look for affiliate jobs that don't cost you any money to get started with they usually work the best and you wont loose a ton of money trying to get it to work for you. I recently lost my job and started promoting Real Time Pain Relief and I have found that once some one tries it they want more. Its great but it isn't supporting me yet but I hope to be there soon. Just remember don't buy those get rich quick scams they never work. Sorry its so long I just don't like seeing people loose a lot of money on scams.

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#29 · Posted: 20 Dec 2011 04:57
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I would recommend affiliate marketing because it actually doesn't require a lot of star up! it's a very low investment risk

$5/year for a site + $10/month hosting

You just have to learn how to market your site for free through writing articles (if you like what you're selling then this will be no problem), applying SEO (learning about Google and what they like) and various other means. It all comes down to the training you're looking for.

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#30 · Posted: 16 Feb 2012 12:23
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All home business require time, but you can decide which time consuming project coincides with your daily activities. If working on the internet and dedicating time to writing material on a consistent basis interrupts with your daily activities, you might consider a business that is more flexible with your children's lifestyle. If you see yourself talking to other moms and making personal connections, then maybe you can consider a business that you can take with you and share with those you come in contact with. Choose the one that is going to give you the most time freedom with your family and fits perfectly with your lifestyle.

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#31 · Posted: 24 Feb 2012 08:27
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I think having multiple income streams is important. Even when starting out, sell a few things on ebay, or even locally with Craigslist. I use that money to fund marketing for my other projects.

But the biggest thing is to find something you love and enjoy. If your heart is in it, it shows. After some health scares in our family, I've really been obsessed with improving my health, and in the process my income! Good luck!

~Enjoy every minute of life!

Ritu Anand
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#32 · Posted: 8 Mar 2012 00:54
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Hi supermom,

Building an online business can be very time consuming and definitely it is not a get rich quick scheme. However, it can be very rewarding both financially and by way of acquiring internet knowledge while learning to build your business.
Yes, at times it must feel like its not worth it - although, I have not felt that way yet - but, in the long run Rome was not built in a day and neither is a strong business in any field, so why would this be any different to others.
However, the plus points in this are that you do it from the comfort of your own home, in your own time, at your own pace and you decide how much you are going to invest in it financially and by way of time and effort.
There are a lot of scam businesses out there which promise everything for free but when you get there they all ask for money. The company I am involved with - does not do that - it allows you to do it all for free if you wish. However, just as I would not try and cut a piece of wood with my hand - so to I prefer to spend a bit of money each month in tools that would help me to build my business comparatively painlessly and quickly. So you too must look out for such opportunities and make the most of them.
All the best, may you get the success you are looking for. Dream - Believe - Strive - Achieve.
Ritu Anand

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#33 · Posted: 12 Mar 2012 16:41
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Well can you make a lot of money working from home? Why yes you can! But you have to look at it from getting your degree in nursing it didn't happen over night! You have to ask yourself what you good at doing? What you want too do. Their are a ton of ways that you can start making money online. But remember if you do it's a business and you have to work it like a business!

Ritu Anand
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#34 · Posted: 13 Mar 2012 03:57
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How right you are mreese. Unfortunately, most people ask you right from the start, "how much are you making". I just keep telling them, "Rome was not built in a day and neither is my business." It's sad, so many people just don't get it - they will go out and buy stuff they don't need - but, oh gosh, just ask them to invest some time or money in a business opportunity and they get this all-wise kind of demeanor when they try and convince you that you are being made a fool off.

Yet, I know that in a few years they will all be asking to join me and want to know why I did'nt take them along with me when I started. Sometimes, you just can't win with people like that.

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#35 · Posted: 17 Mar 2012 11:58
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You can go broke quick buying information products constantly to learn how to market online. You can find a lot of good and free information that can help you get started with the most important and most basic rules. Check youtube and search for things that can help you learn how to market online, seo, keywords, etc.

Ritu Anand
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#36 · Posted: 18 Mar 2012 06:43
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You can say that again and that is another reason why people say MLM fails to deliver, because they see how expensive it can get and quit and that's the end of their business.

Luckily, however there is so much free information on the net that its really all one needs - at least initially. Luckily my business has oooooodles of free training - had I to pay for it myself it would have cost me a bundle, but .................. I'm doing it for free. I would recommend that people try and do that rather than wasting their hard-earned money on stuff they can get for free.

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#37 · Posted: 23 Apr 2012 07:04
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Hi everybody,
I must confess am enticed with all the information available on this forum, but i got registered today and very new to this work at home of a thing. How can i benefit? Can i get a personal mentor? Luv u all.

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#38 · Posted: 25 Apr 2012 20:53
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Hi Abiodun,

We're happy to have you here. Finding a personal mentor may be a little tricky until you determine exactly what it is you want to do. There are a lot of different ways and methods that people use to work from home online and earn their income.

It would probably be a good idea to continue to browse through the forum and learn some of the basics about the different types of online business and then when you decide what appeals to you most look for someone who is using that specific method to see if they can guide and direct you in following that same path.

Wishing you the best of success.

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#39 · Posted: 26 Apr 2012 08:30 · Edited by: Oldweiser2
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Hi Cassie!

I agree with most everyone here, it is one heck of an adventure so please prepare yourself for the ride.

As Stephen said, Affiliate marketing is a great place to start (and even finish ) as there is no muss or fuss. You simply get traffic to your own "unique" affiliate links and any and all sales bring you a commission.

I make this sound pretty easy, but the truth is everything online requires "traffic"....and that is the hard part!

Affiliate marketing will require a some knowledge, but a tremendous amount of perseverance. Remember that when you "dream big dreams you have to back it with big work." Truly wish you the best in all your endeavors!

Ritu Anand
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#40 · Posted: 26 Apr 2012 23:09
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Thanks Angie, those ebooks look like they will be very helpful. Tell me how and from where does one get free ebooks to be able to give away as you do.?

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