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honey20 Forums Member
Joined: 24 Apr 2012 Posts: 9
#21 · Posted: 4 May 2012 05:38
Thank you very much kellerbrianw. Just wondering do people really make money blogging, and how would they do this. and if it was that easy, with the recession wouldn't everyone do this.
I am really looking into it, but i would really like people advice and expereince.
frankanthony44 Forums Member
Joined: 30 Apr 2012 Posts: 1
#22 · Posted: 4 May 2012 09:33
happywife I am very new here and I would like to know what is sbi and how do I find there site.Thanks so much
mreese601 Forums Member
Joined: 15 Jul 2010 Posts: 113
#23 · Posted: 5 May 2012 08:01
One quick way that you can start making some extra money online is go to blogger, set up a blog and sign up for google adsense place some some ads on your blog and just blog everyday talking about your baby and what it takes to raise your baby! Do this everyday and you will start making some money!
Kyle_K Forums Member
Joined: 14 Feb 2012 Posts: 50
#24 · Posted: 5 May 2012 12:22
Hi Honey and welcome to this forum. There are lots of very friendly and helpful people on this forum so I hope you will enjoy it.
As a suggestion, you might look into consumer direct marketing. It's a referral business and it's not difficult to do.
Really, there are lots of options for those that want to find something they feel they would like.
Joined: 14 Aug 2007 Posts: 1566
#25 · Posted: 5 May 2012 23:46
frankanthony44: I am very new here and I would like to know what is sbi and how do I find there site.Thanks so much Hi Frank,
SBI stands for SiteBuildIt and it is an online business building program/package that takes you step by step through the process of building a theme based website business. It includes all the training, tools, domain, hosting, private forum, etc. that you need.
SBI has been my lifesaver online and the only reason I have been able to be successful myself.
I have an affiliate link to SBI in my signature below if you want to use it to get to their site, but you can simply go directly to their site by typing in in your browser.
Let me know if you have further questions after taking a look around their site and I'll be happy to help.
Blessings, Angie
88Style Forums Member
Joined: 27 Apr 2012 Posts: 22
#26 · Posted: 6 May 2012 17:00
First off, congratulations, and second off working from home can lead to a great career, but keep a few things in mind:
Know where to look - Finding a job can be as simple as a google search or as difficult as calling local companies. Just be sure that you find a reputable client and avoid scams.
Exceed expectations - Freelancers are everywhere, and in order to get consistent work, you must build a reputation with employers. Meet your deadlines, produce quality work, and communicate well.
Set up a work area - Working from home can easily be difficult due to all of the distractions. Set a space away from your television, pets, family, etc. so that you can focus on your work.
Obtain supplies - In order to work from home effectively, you will need all the essential office supplies. Computer, fax, printer, ect. are obvious, but don't forget paper, ink cartridges, pens, sticky notes, and other more simple supplies.
Set Boundaries - Many people don't understand what working form home means. A friend or family member may ask you to babysit or call in other favors since you are working from home. Treat your home job like an office job and set productive work habits.
Set specific time goals - One of the easiest things to do while working from home is to simply NOT work. Setting your own hours is nice, but make sure you have a goal so that you are able to make an adequate amount of money.
Take breaks - Spending too much time at the computer can be frustrating and decrease productivity. A short break can help you regain focus and not allow yourself to become engrossed with your work.
Hope these help!
kellerbrianw Forums Member
Joined: 29 Mar 2012 Posts: 43
#27 · Posted: 7 May 2012 10:05
If you're thinking about making a go at blogging, start with Wordpress or Blogger and develop a niche that interests you. For me, since I'm single and a baby boomer, I write on baby boomer dating. Whatever you write about, make sure you are passionate about your subject!
Also, there are genuine jobs out there searching for bloggers. Make sure you're paid a fair wage for your efforts.
Here's to your success!
robpenn Forums Member
Joined: 26 Apr 2012 Posts: 20
#28 · Posted: 8 May 2012 13:01
Hi honey.
Many people are blogging, but only a small percentage will be making money from it because you have to stick with it and most wont stay the distance. Also, there is a right way and a wrong way to do it.
The way you make money from it is either selling your own products from the blog or by placing affiliate ads on it to sell other peoples products.
You can do the same with a conventional website. It is not a scam, it is just basic internet marketing.
Your first step is to find a mentor you can trust.
2successathome Forums Member
Joined: 9 May 2012 Posts: 1
#29 · Posted: 9 May 2012 12:39
Wow where do you start I remember when I decided to start my own business online 4 years ago. The best advice I can give you is that you have a great big learning curve to conquer. I wouldn't suggest that you measure your success by how much money you make in the beginning because it can be difficult especially if you don't know which avenue you want to take.
You should measure it by the amount of things you learn how to do. The first three most important things to learn is how to write articles, how to build a blog, and how to create a capture page. I chose these three things because it doesn't matter what affiliate program you become a part of your articles will bring traffic, Google loves blogs which makes it easier for you to get indexed with the search engines and a capture page will allow you to capture people's email addresses on the topics you are writing about.
I have built my own company based around all of these techniques if you need any help just let me know I'll be more than happy to lead you down the right path but I hope this helps
Lawrence Wheeler is an industry expert working from home to learn how he generate $5000 every day head over to his authority blog <a href="http:/" target="_self" style="font-size:14px!important;color:#00CC66!imp
kay6 Forums Member
Joined: 11 May 2012 Posts: 2
#30 · Posted: 11 May 2012 12:39
I stumbled upon this site after searching whether was a scam (it smelled fishy since it was not the original site given to me, the emailer didn't have an account at that domain, etc). But then I'd have written SBI (something I've seen multiple people recommend in this thread alone, lol) as a scam as it doesn't even say what SBI stands for on their front page (that I could see), while asking you to pay for it! So, who knows... Maybe I'm just paranoid. lol
I am going back to school for a masters and hopefully will change careers (to special education teaching) after about 6 - 8 years in the IT (mainly server administration and client PC repair) field. I have a variety of interests (Autism, computers, gaming, sci fi, politics...) and wonder if I should have the one domain I own and create multiple subdomains (IE:,, etc) or if I should register new domains for each interest? (Does it matter?) Or perhaps would it be better to focus on just one thing for awhile?
There have been a couple of sites that I've seen in people's signatures - is it alright to ask if they're legit sites? (I'm new here, so I'm not sure who's a regular, who to trust, etc... )
Lastly, - selling medical transcription training, a 4 month program for $2.2k; which sounds interesting, but not sure I can afford that while also going to school... Is the salary for this a steady $30 - 40k that you can make this your career? Or is it primarily an "if we have something, we'll send it to you" kind of thing?
payment proof Forums Member
Joined: 12 Oct 2007 Posts: 207
#31 · Posted: 14 May 2012 22:41
When looking at sites like this, you always want to make sure they are free to join and don't try to charge any kind of an up front fee.
Joined: 14 Aug 2007 Posts: 1566
#32 · Posted: 15 May 2012 00:58
kay6: I stumbled upon this site after searching whether was a scam (it smelled fishy since it was not the original site given to me, the emailer didn't have an account at that domain, etc). But then I'd have written SBI (something I've seen multiple people recommend in this thread alone, lol) as a scam as it doesn't even say what SBI stands for on their front page (that I could see), while asking you to pay for it! So, who knows... Maybe I'm just paranoid. lol That is funny! I'm not sure which landing page you went to with SBI, but you made me curious so I took a look at a few of the ones that I primarily send people to and I can see what you mean. The term "Site Build It" is not front and center like it used to be in the "old days" when I first started out with SBI.
It's still there on some of the videos and explained in the text if you read through the whole page, but it's not immediately obvious what the SBI! stands for.
If I remember correctly, they decided about 18 months ago or so to gradually make the switch to the shortened version (SBI) on their marketing pages because it had become the name that the majority of SBIers used in their own references to the product.
Also, they were trying to help reduce the assumption that many people had about the program that it was simply a site building (designing) tool or a web host. It IS those things included, but it is much more in that it is a full business building program.
A lot of people would just see Site Build It and the price and think, "I can get a domain name and hosting much cheaper, why would I want to pay that price?" They had no real understanding of all that is included in the package or it's true value.
As payment proof stated, you certainly should never have to pay an upfront fee for a survey site or even a job site, etc., but you WILL need to pay for a domain, hosting, etc., if you want to build a quality website business.
My personal opinion based on my years in internet marketing is to focus on subject to begin with. Get a good strong foundation built where you are getting decent traffic and making some steady income and then branch out into a second interest.
It's not a good idea to use the one domain with multiple subdomains on vastly different topics. Choose one domain per niche (topic).
Yes, it is perfectly fine to ask if sites you see in signatures are legit. It's actually quite wise to do so. Not all of them are, in my opinion.
Regarding the medical transcription training, I'm not up on that field, but if I remember correctly we used to have a member here who did medical transcription for several years and she was getting out of it.
I know one of the reasons she mentioned was because you are only getting paid when you are actually transcribing. It definitely a "job" rather than a "business." The main benefit of online work or working from home is that you can create an income source that pays you whether you are working constantly or not.
I don't know what the current status is on "available work" in this field. I just remembered that one of my nieces told me she was taking a medical transcription course online a few years ago. Now that you've brought it back to my mind, I'll have to ask her whatever happened with that. I know she's definitely not doing it now, but not sure why.
Maybe you could do a search for "medical transcription + forum" and see if you can locate a really relevant forum where you could chat to people who are actually doing it currently so you can get an idea of the supply and demand before you commit to the time and expense of a course.
Blessings, Angie
JPaskie Forums Member
Joined: 30 Apr 2012 Posts: 44
#33 · Posted: 17 May 2012 18:19
I recommend The Challenge to you, it's free and if you can complete the course successfully then you know you have what it takes to succeed with SBI.
kay6 Forums Member
Joined: 11 May 2012 Posts: 2
#34 · Posted: 28 May 2012 06:26
Thank you so much for the reply, Angie - I will definitely search for a MT forum; I didn't think to do that!
[Post edited - Admin]
ceomom365 Forums Member
Joined: 30 May 2012 Posts: 1
#35 · Posted: 30 May 2012 09:42
honey20 Hey there! I have tried working from home w/ a few places and it was always having to sell something and give money up front. You need to find something you are passionate about or something you need. I was doing research on finding a way to save money on health benefits and came across a win win situation. I have a plan w/them, but I'm also building a business to. Its something me and my family NEED, not want Also, if you decide to "build a business from home", my only advice to you is you have to be persistent and build it. There is no such thing as signing up for something and then WHAM tons of money the next day. You have to work at it. Good luck to you and have fun w/ that baby
wachadragon Forums Member
Joined: 30 May 2012 Posts: 1
#36 · Posted: 30 May 2012 15:12
Ok I have several suggestions You could affiliate market, Use Facebook and other Social Media, I would be glad to help you get started just let me know.
ErikaAwakening Forums Member
Joined: 2 Jun 2012 Posts: 21
#37 · Posted: 4 Jun 2012 00:45
Hi Honey20,
What do you enjoy doing? If you focus first on what you enjoy, I can almost guarantee there is a way you can turn it into making money online. Especially if you enjoy writing (because you can write about anything that you enjoy).
One thing you mentioned is the economy. My expertise is in helping people let go of their limiting beliefs. I have built a multiple six-figure online business in the middle of the "recession." And part of why that happened is that I believe the economy has nothing to do with any particular person's success. So I just ignored the economy.
I don't think any "work at home" offer that you would not actually ENJOY is going to give you lasting financial success. So I would look beyond all those "ready-made" surveys and envelope stuffing or whatever they are. Create your own opportunity. And it's very important to clear your limiting beliefs, because our limiting beliefs block us from seeing opportunities.
So what are you passionate about, again? 
cheers, Erika Awakening
kellerbrianw Forums Member
Joined: 29 Mar 2012 Posts: 43
#38 · Posted: 6 Jun 2012 12:26
I agree with ther need to be "passionate" about whatever you do. My three passions are in business promotions, dating, and anxiety. Yes, those are three totally different, very diverse nitches. So, I focus on one (promotions) while blogging on the others.
If you don't have "passion" about what you're doing, don't do it. Most of the time, you won't make money that way!
Here's to your success!
Mikenivez Forums Member
Joined: 27 May 2012 Posts: 11
#39 · Posted: 10 Jun 2012 20:49
When i was really new to this I just started with CPA offers.Getting paid to get people to just sign up,none of that offer stuff just yet.Think it was 1.50 per referral.
Income for the average joe
andyjbenson Forums Member
Joined: 11 Jun 2012 Posts: 3
#40 · Posted: 11 Jun 2012 05:06
Hi, noticed your comment....
"don't know about starting up my own business, as might be a bit difficult with the way the economy is at the moment..."
Trust me, the way the economy is presents you with the PERFECT opportunity to build a solid sustainable business from home!
Here's a good example.......
There's a woman online absolutely KICKING ASS selling none other than a "Garbage Bowl" for $20 a pop.
And guess what it's for.....its for you to put your veg / potato peelings into! Yup! You can fill up your shiney new garbage bowl without the effort of walking ALL the way over to the other side of the kitchen to the trash can!
Apart from the fact that you will have to do that anyway when your garbage bowl is full!
And dont forget that your garbage bowl has SO many other outstanding features over and above any other bowl you might have in your kitchen!!
My point is, that if you can sell a garbage bowl in this economy, you can sell ANYTHING!
And the economy is making more and more people search for alternative methods of making a living other than their typical J.O.B. which for most people these days stands for "Just Over Broke"
My advice is to tap into what you are good at (writing) and link that with some affiliate products offering the same service.
The reason I say affiliate products, is that to begin with most of the hard work will have been done for you (website, sales copy, payment processor etc)
Then once you have some success behind you and you are farmiliar with the "mechanics" of working online, you can look at producing your OWN product to sell, offer your services direct, or JV with other successful online marketers.
The key is to find something that is already working for others. If you stick with it, it will work for you too!
Wishing you all the best!
Talk Soon!