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making money at home

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#1 · Posted: 14 Aug 2009 17:07

I really dont know were to start. I want to stay away from all those things were you make like 10 cents and its not worth it. Ive looked at those freelancer sites but theres nothing for me to really do on them. So any ideas?

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#2 · Posted: 14 Aug 2009 18:12

Spend a few days reading the forum.

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#3 · Posted: 14 Aug 2009 21:07

What do you think about that? I found it on someones sig here

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#4 · Posted: 15 Aug 2009 00:29

Welcome computeruler - you will find a lot of stuff like the cash gifting thing there..... sometimes you just have to go with your gut....

NS is right - browse the forum and feel free to ask questions.... most of us on here do what is called affiliate marketing and if you don't know what that is, you may want to use the little search box at the bottom of the page here and read up on it.

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#5 · Posted: 15 Aug 2009 01:31

I know what it is basically, but I know nothing about it. Like how to make my site and stuff and what to call it and what to put there and stuff and drive traffic. Any suggestions on things like that? I was looking at the wealthy affiliate.

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#6 · Posted: 15 Aug 2009 09:46

Here is a whole lot of discussion and info on What is Affiliate Marketing. Just click on th link below.

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#7 · Posted: 15 Aug 2009 16:20

The Key is to start. An online business or work at home venture is about getting in the water and starting to swim. Don't expect to make big money immediately. Yes, it happens for a few, and so do a few people win the big lotto prize, but most players in the game don't. So get a biz and getting going with marketing. Whatever you decided to do know that it will ultimately come down to marketing/advertising to drive the right type of prospects to your website that could take an interest.

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#8 · Posted: 16 Aug 2009 13:50

Affiliate marketing is the best try. Select an evergreen niche, go deep into it and select a product with less competition, but more demand. Healthcare, online business, dating are evergreen fields. Now you can add alternate energy to this list.

There is no way of starting a business after learning 100% about it. Start doing and learn in the process.

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#9 · Posted: 17 Aug 2009 14:35

So this is basically how I would get into affiliate markiting. Sign up for things like click bank, make a site, and post the links on there. The one thing that I dont get, is how I would get traffic to the site, and what exactly the site should be about. Can I see examples of some of your affiliate marketing sites?

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#10 · Posted: 17 Aug 2009 19:43

well there are many ways to get traffic. i think you can try to find how to get lot traffic in this forum because topic about traffic have been discuss frequently...

Can I see examples of some of your affiliate marketing sites?

they are in my sig

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#11 · Posted: 18 Aug 2009 10:19

Start searching over the net.
Join forums like this forum or webmaster forum(wherein you can ask some question. About those things you don't understand in searching over the net.)

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#12 · Posted: 19 Aug 2009 14:31

Now I made an experimental blog and stuff, but I am totally lost on how I am supposed to get traffic. I also signed up for clickbank. Are there any other good affiliate marketing sites?

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#13 · Posted: 19 Aug 2009 14:50

Lots of posts on this forum about driving traffic. Just dig around.

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#14 · Posted: 19 Aug 2009 16:14

Maybe you are really not looking around to hard. With so much information floating around on the forum, I think you should be having problem with which one to choose. Or, is that the problem?

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#15 · Posted: 19 Aug 2009 22:49

Stay away from anything with "quick and easy" sales pitches - don't trust anything unless it advocates hard work.

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#16 · Posted: 20 Aug 2009 00:54

Stay away from anything with "quick and easy" sales pitches - don't trust anything unless it advocates hard work.

Great point Keith, I agree... and even then still do some research on it because (as is the case with some mlm setups), you may here about how it takes ages to collect the tools you need and build up a foundation to start earning.

I say this not to knock any one type of revenue generation, but more to point out that also sometimes sales pitches will be cloaked in sheep's clothing to come off less predatory is all .

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#17 · Posted: 24 Aug 2009 16:44

You really need to research the different work at home ideas that you can find on this website. Then, once you've found one you're good at, hit the floor running. The key to becoming successful with these business is to find one that is promoting a product you can believe in and that is widely used on a monthy basis. When you do decided to get started, don't start slow...give it your all from the very beginning and you will find success. Also, don't pay for the information. Only go with a company that will give you the information for free so you can make an educated decision before spending any money.

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#18 · Posted: 24 Aug 2009 21:12

Definatley research everything you can. Knowledge is power. If you have a gut feeling about something, investigate it a little. You are always going to come across good and bad points of view. The key is you discerning for yourself.

As far as getting traffic, there are many great things on this forum from what I have seen. For someone just starting out I would suggest free advertising and writing and submitting articles. Is it a little more difficult to drive traffic this way? Yes, but it is a good way to do it without emptying your wallet.

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#19 · Posted: 27 Aug 2009 23:18

really dont know were to start. I want to stay away from all those things were you make like 10 cents and its not worth it. Ive looked at those freelancer sites but theres nothing for me to really do on them. So any ideas?

Just keep learning.

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#20 · Posted: 29 Aug 2009 12:38

Driving traffic to your site can be split up into different categories.

Firstly, when you have your product, you will join the product niche forum, in other words if you were an affiliate of a cookbook, say Best Italian Food (made that up), you would join a forum where they speak about food and how to cook it and recipes, etc. This is where you would give some info away from your book and with the signature at the bottom you would be advertising your product, service and/or website, just like most marketers are doing in this forum.

You would advertise your ebook in the free classifieds, or paid advertising, cookbook magazines, write an article and submit it to various ezines, join social networks and so forth.

Hope this helps you getting started.

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