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Emil_Iliev Forums Member
Joined: 17 Nov 2006 Posts: 10
#61 · Posted: 27 Nov 2006 16:20
I am a member of Reality-Networkers! I have more than 1200 members there, but i have a problem with my account, and when i write to support, no one answare me! So, i think there is a little scam!
Just tell me if i am wrong!
gregriv69 Forums Member
Joined: 23 Oct 2006 Posts: 97
#62 · Posted: 28 Nov 2006 05:32
Yes, I agree with you. Why will we pay for getting jobs?
Dreamcareers Forums Member
Joined: 28 Nov 2006 Posts: 1
#63 · Posted: 28 Nov 2006 19:32
I have personall been involved with network marketing and direct sales for years, and the problem with many MLM's is that a few members do stupid things when promoting companies that give the company that might be really good a bad name. I have found that affiliate marketing is one of the more profitable online ventures. There are a ton of great ebooks on how to be a successful affiliate marketer. There are also ways to avoid scams by checking out the guarantees that are made by the sites you see. I would avoid any site like the plauge that outrageous income claims without providing any proof.
gregriv69 Forums Member
Joined: 23 Oct 2006 Posts: 97
#64 · Posted: 30 Nov 2006 02:01
I have experienced scam once. I paid $16 for getting data entry job, but after paying, they did not reply.
Homebizmom Forums Member
Joined: 11 Dec 2006 Posts: 6
#65 · Posted: 11 Dec 2006 21:42
As a rule of thumb, if I am getting involved with a network marketing company for the long term residual income, I will stay away from start up companies. If I am going to spend my long term, hard working efforts in a company I want to see a 7 year minumum track record. By this time all the kinks have been worked out. No changing commission plans or overnight failures. Most long term companies will be just be at the blasting off point at that 7-10 years. They have weatherd the storm so to speak and now I can feel comfortable about the future. So don't get caught up in the ground breaking frenzy. It's all marketing hype at this point.
Chaz T Forums Member
Joined: 17 Dec 2006 Posts: 115
#66 · Posted: 17 Dec 2006 15:23
Quoting: Adon Beware when a business opportunity is trying to entice you into buying NOW by saying something like "...this product will only be available for $29.97 until March 31, then the price will go back up to $58.97.." This is a red flag!
Hi Adon. This method that you are reffering to is actually a very good "sense of urgeny" builder. I use a version of this technique on my website and I can assure you that I am no scam. Unfortunalty there are people that take advatage of this method and use it to scam and con others. That's why researching before you buy is so important.
I do understand your concern with this method. But it is proven that people use their emotions rather than logic when they shop (impluse). And it was created strickly for that purpose. But of course scam artists will distort everything they can get their hands on.
wattscj Forums Member
Joined: 21 Dec 2006 Posts: 1
#67 · Posted: 21 Dec 2006 01:36
The best advice is that you should never pay to work at home they are the ones who should pay you for the work you do. Also always read the terms of agreements and all the legaleeze associated with the system. Also if there are affiliate programs that are offered with it and don't have an affiliate training program than you will definately have to work twice as hard to gain small returns.
[Link removed - Admin]
redemption Forums Member
Joined: 27 Dec 2006 Posts: 1
#68 · Posted: 27 Dec 2006 20:25
I came across a scam myself, looked very legit as I had done some research but obviously not enough, it was for a typing from home type job, processing applications and such. They even had the ad in the local newspaper - that's what had me, 19.99 down the drain.
Chaz T Forums Member
Joined: 17 Dec 2006 Posts: 115
#69 · Posted: 11 Jan 2007 04:47
I know when you lose your hard earend money like that it's hard to know who's real anymore. Thank heavens you didn't invest more money into it. Well, I hope you haven't given up your search for a "work at home" opportunity.
Joined: 3 Sep 2006 Posts: 877
#70 · Posted: 12 Feb 2007 01:50
Yep, those are all scams.
justinack Forums Member
Joined: 8 Aug 2006 Posts: 15
#71 · Posted: 12 Feb 2007 04:23
This is the biggest online scam todate
Ben Glinsky prowealth solution, pro builder and myworldplus
He ripped people off before with the concorde group and hes doing it again now
Not only are all three programs pyramid schemes but the recommended lead sources are owned by him too .
e,g probuilder you buy lead leads from getlead .com
he owns get leads 
Prowealth solutions recommended lead source guaranteed pre enrollees.
He owns pre guaranteed leads
Here is a website that wil tell you many of Glinsky sites and ips sp you dont lose your money to this conman
[Link removed - Admin]
scambuster Forums Member
Joined: 10 Aug 2005 Posts: 1
#72 · Posted: 10 Aug 2005 19:19
18 Feb 2007 23:18 - Attached on merging: Beware of work at home scams
Have you seen these types of ads on adsites: These are bogus ads.
The advertiser has nothing to do with the opportunity. It is a part of the assignment which company gives to its members.
Home Based Employment Now.......... Real companies hiring home workers. Work for as many companies as you like for a weekly income Now Hiring Work At Home Staff. Various positions available including:Typing, Research and Processing.Work as many positions as you like for an increased weekly income
Originator of these ads is typeinternational. They claim to be a part of scamfreezone. Scamfreezone is a site run by administrator of typeinternational only. The site itself is a big scam.
Indians. Beware of this site. The site has recently deleted its 1000 Indian members. They fabricated a story of cheating by a member.
Infact they were just trying to avoid the huge payouts/payments to Indian members.
Joined: 11 Jul 2005 Posts: 88
#73 · Posted: 10 Aug 2005 19:45 · Edited by: coreyjroman
That's very informative! It sounds as though the scammers are finding new ways to protect their interests by hiding behind self proclaimed antiscam sites and ads for what they call legitimate businesses. I wonder what they will come up with next? It's funny in a way... we are trying to protect ourselves from scammers and scammers are trying to protect themselves from appearing to be scams!...LOL
Have a great day!
Vishal P. Rao
Joined: 23 Jun 2005 Posts: 1346
#74 · Posted: 11 Aug 2005 01:56
Thank you for the information :)
Anna Forums Member
Joined: 10 Feb 2007 Posts: 37
#75 · Posted: 21 Feb 2007 01:01
As an individual who has been a part of a scam after scam, reading all these posts has been quite helpful, and has left me with some sort of hope that not every online paycheck will be a scam. Good luck to all of those looking for work.
lauraspawn Forums Member
Joined: 21 Feb 2007 Posts: 10
#76 · Posted: 21 Feb 2007 22:31
� Fees-Never pay a fee to work for someone else. Most of the time, you are paying for information that will show you how and where to post the exact same job listing and collect the same fee from other unsuspecting job seekers. A company should never require you to pay a fee, whether they say it is a one-time setup fee, software fee or for anything else. The company, if legitimate should pay for all start up costs. � Exorbitant Amounts of Income-We've all seen them, make $5,000-$10,000 a month working part-time. The old adage, "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is" is a good motto to live by when searching through employment ads. Remember, people who are making that much money in income have usually spent years working to reach that position, it doesn't come overnight. Most legitimate work-at-home ads will pay per project or on an hourly basis. � Data Entry-There are a lot of data entry employment postings out there, and most of them are scams. Remember, any job listing that gives a general amount of income, say $300-$500 a week, is most likely not legit. If you aren't sure, send email requesting the name and contact of the company you will be working for and the hourly rate. Most data entry positions that aren't scams pay by the hour or by the key strokes/number of words. � Wiring Funds Overseas-This is a relatively new work-at-home scam. This involves scam artists using regular people like those looking to work from home to open a bank account in their name, receive money from people the scammers have scammed, then wiring it to accounts overseas that are not traceable. DO NOT get involved in any employment offer that requires you to use a personal banking account to receive monies for the business.
Anna Forums Member
Joined: 10 Feb 2007 Posts: 37
#77 · Posted: 27 Feb 2007 22:36
Thanks for all of that information lauraspawn! It was very helpful
propertymanager Forums Member
Joined: 22 Feb 2007 Posts: 9
#78 · Posted: 28 Feb 2007 09:06
If it sounds too good to be true, it is.
If they don't tell you right away what their "system" is about, it's a scam.
There is a radio commercial in our area that advertises a work-at-home scheme in which the computer does all the work. You even make money while you're sleeping. How ridiculous!
I'm constantly amazed at how gullible the American people are!
I was at a real estate convention recently. A speaker was talking about the need for a mentor. He claimed to be a famous mentor but didn't claim any particular real estate expertise. At the end of his talk, he said that he only had 46 spots for new students at $1,800 each. Then, he started counting backwards 46...42...39...31....etc. People literally ran down the isles to buy this "mentoring". What they were really buying was the promise of instant riches without work, which is ridiculous.
cuddlescanada Forums Member
Joined: 21 Feb 2007 Posts: 28
#79 · Posted: 13 Mar 2007 05:20 · Edited by: cuddlescanada
Hi Guys, I have been reading more and more how many of us are being scammed big time, we are all here for the same thing to try and make a little extra cash. Well after talking to a very good friend of my who I cant name as he is a Goverment Official he gave me some good tips which may help us on the way to stopping these nice people. FIRST: He recormends going onto the BBB website it may help to see if they are a member or if not how many complaintes have been filed against them.
SECOND: This one I like the best. File a complaint with RECOL they are Reporting Economic Crime On Line they are infact a devision of the RCMP and have to investigate all complaintes of online fraud.
I have infact filed with RECOL and they dont waste time.
There website is
Hope this may be of some use to every one, and remember there are good businesses out there its just takes time to find the right one. Good luck every one and happy hunting.
deww75 Forums Member
Joined: 16 Mar 2007 Posts: 1
#80 · Posted: 16 Mar 2007 21:24
I am a rookie at looking for work from home. I have some questions about data entry from home. Can anyone tell me if these data entry jobs are real or are they just a way of getting me to send them money so that I have to pay more money to get a list or what? I have tried the get paid to fill out surveys and didn't get a dime, the wrap your car( joke) I couldn't find a business to pay me for that. I would like to be able to work from home and don't know where to turn. If anyone could help me out it would be greatly appreciated. I just want to supplement my income and maybe start a home based business of my own some day.