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Honest question: how much $$$ in your first year?

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Joined: 5 Feb 2010
Posts: 5

#1 · Posted: 8 Feb 2010 10:19

I posted my first thread about but am starting to understand the value of starting from absolute ground zero and doing research.....I have NO IDEA what I want to market or how to go about doing so.

I am currently looking into the 30 day challenge for some basic advice but wanted to get feedback on an honest question....

What sort of niche have some of you delved into and how much can you expect to make your first year on a part-time basis, investing roughly 4-5 hours a week?


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Barb Thornback
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#2 · Posted: 8 Feb 2010 11:09

I think this is a very difficult question to answer.

If you are starting from scratch and only investing 4-5 hours per week, most of that time will be taken up with learning the skills of internet marketing - a bit like attending evening classes at college.

I am involved in quite a few different niches, some make more money than others.

Sorry I can't give a more specific answer.


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#3 · Posted: 8 Feb 2010 11:32

I agree with Barb.

The learning curve is the\biggest
hurdle to get over.

And also you will be tempted
to quit if you don't get the
results you want fast.

Just keep reading on this forum and
try to narrow down exactly what you
want to do, learn what you need to
learn and then consistently do what
you need to do the 3-4 hours a week
and you should be able to make some


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#4 · Posted: 8 Feb 2010 17:27

The results vary from individual and individual.

Kyle and Carson say you can become profitable within any niche.

Now, if you begin with "weight loss" you have an extraordinary amount of work ahead of you.

Uncovering micro niches, with less competition... you may be able to generate sales more quickly.

The Thirty Day Challenge is a brilliant place to begin.
I have participated twice and plan to do so time around also.

Some marketers begin with Squidoo, and once a few sales are made, will go on to create a website or blog they can completely control and own.

Have fun with it too!

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#5 · Posted: 8 Feb 2010 20:33

Most people are shown to go after affiliate marketing offer products you like, and that has it's merits, but I once heard it said, paraphrasing,

"Those who focus on giving the people what they need or should have will often find themselves out of business, as oppose to those who focus on giving the people what they want."

So find out where the people are actively seeking info and buying and go there, versus "you passion or love" and you may just make money a lot faster.

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