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justlikethat Forums Member
Joined: 18 Jul 2008 Posts: 37
#21 · Posted: 28 Jul 2008 11:23
Great post Vishal!
I have learned more from forums than I have from any system I've signed up for. I agree with Happywife in feeling like I'm being one-sided sometimes, it can be hard to stay unbias when your passinate about what you do.
It's nice to have a reminder now and then to try and keep things on a level playground!
Thanks again for the post.
inasmit Forums Member
Joined: 25 Jul 2008 Posts: 5
#22 · Posted: 31 Jul 2008 09:03
Hi Vishal
Thanks for a great post. I couldn't agree with you more that we're building longterm relationships and this takes time. But they're also the lasting kind - keep that in mind. If you plan on doing this for years to come, make sure you've got a solid, "friendly" foundation.
HarrisonL Forums Member
Joined: 14 Jul 2008 Posts: 28
#23 · Posted: 31 Jul 2008 20:21
Don't you all think that this is part of the lesson of forum marketing?  Thanks Vishal, I will remember your advices.
hischicklet Forums Member
Joined: 6 Aug 2008 Posts: 3
#24 · Posted: 6 Aug 2008 21:49
Thanks Vishal for your words of wisdom. I am hoping to get an education out of this forum and others as well. As to what I may be able to contribute, I only hope it will help at least one person.
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Vishal P. Rao
Joined: 23 Jun 2005 Posts: 1354
#25 · Posted: 7 Aug 2008 00:55
hischicklet: As to what I may be able to contribute, I only hope it will help at least one person.
annadenise Forums Member
Joined: 9 Mar 2008 Posts: 299
#26 · Posted: 7 Aug 2008 09:40
justlikethat: Great post Vishal! I have learned more from forums than I have from any system I've signed up for. I agree with Happywife in feeling like I'm being one-sided sometimes, it can be hard to stay unbias when your passinate about what you do. It's nice to have a reminder now and then to try and keep things on a level playground! Thanks again for the post.
I agree that at times we do have to try and stay unbiased when we are passionate about what we do. Hearing more than one opinion is good and can make us more thoroughly examine things. I have also learned over the last couple of years that one should not take things personally when someone may have factual points to make or a fact based opinion.
That being said, when there are clearly verifiable facts stated about a company or program, forum members should not assume they are being stated for that person's personal benefit, but that they are strictly facts. I find that a few people get too possesive at times of threads thinking that others cannot post verifiable facts and assume there is some type of personal motive invovled when there is not.
JValentine Forums Member
Joined: 10 Jul 2008 Posts: 3
#27 · Posted: 7 Aug 2008 14:24
It all comes down to value, right?
If we have something valuable to add to the conversation, we should absolutely post and add to the shared knowledge.
If we have nothing valuable to add...our best bet is to remain silent through not posting.
Now to heed my own advice!
Karen Killian Forums Member
Joined: 7 Aug 2008 Posts: 1
#28 · Posted: 7 Aug 2008 17:49
Thanks Vishal... Well said. When I first started my network marketing business, I was so hesitant and apprehensive about the idea of always "selling". Turns out the best part has been learning that the real deal is simply, genuinely, connecting with people. When that is first, the business takes care of itself, and life becomes a natural joy! Karen
annadenise Forums Member
Joined: 9 Mar 2008 Posts: 299
#29 · Posted: 10 Aug 2008 09:09
You are so right, Dorsey. Ironically, once people have found a home business they are truly happy with, you do not feel that need to force anything, because you know over time your business will always grow and there is no point in ever trying to drag people into it.
I've built my reputation as being helpful to others and one of the greatest things about assisting others learn the business you are involved in is that you can make some life long friends in the process. I value that tremendously. The other thing that is great about trying to be helpful, is you learn your business inside out LOL!
To assist others you want to make sure you are training them correctly and factually. I see some that just rush to get sign ups and have no real idea what the business they are promoting is about and in the process they can unintentionally give out incorrect information that could be passed on to others incorrectly as well.
ejoka Forums Member
Joined: 12 Aug 2008 Posts: 3
#30 · Posted: 14 Aug 2008 16:27
hi vishal, I think what you said is great and its unprofessional doing that,i myself started doing that in forums because most newbies in online think that this is the way to get noticed while in the long run a customer is looking for a way to solve or benefit from a problem he or she is facing. In fact most customers tend to research first what is going on especially online and if a customer sees that you are forcing him or her into your site,he or she thinks that you are a scam,trying to get into his wallet.
So if you are a newbie just use the forums for what they are intended to,and that is educating ourselves and sharing our experiences.
With that said,thanks Vishal,this is a great forum,i have learnt a lot.
gradyp Forums Member
Joined: 10 Jul 2008 Posts: 35
#31 · Posted: 15 Aug 2008 00:04
I totally agree. Quite often, on various forums, I see people posting what is essentially an ad for whatever they are promoting. But when you look at how many posts they have contributed, that post may be the only thing they've posted. Even worse, if you see that they do have 5 or 10 posts, every single one of them is an exact copy of the same sales pitch. Really? Can't they be more creative?
If people would realize that all they need to do is to genuinely contribute to the discussions, they will find that they are much more likely to get clicks on links in their signatures, in their profiles, and other places that they may appear.
Thanks for this thread! It should have ATTN NEWBIES at the start of it
Great forum here, BTW.
cybermommy Forums Member
Joined: 20 Oct 2007 Posts: 318
#32 · Posted: 15 Aug 2008 13:56
Great post and advice Vishal. I will often be here everyday yet not post anything,but rather read and read. If I come across a thread of which I know a bit about I will contribute. I find this forum a haven full of great information and a world away from the spam city boards out there.
pmoore Forums Member
Joined: 7 Aug 2008 Posts: 1
#33 · Posted: 17 Aug 2008 12:37
thank you for the info
Grant Wilson Forums Member
Joined: 21 Aug 2008 Posts: 22
#34 · Posted: 21 Aug 2008 07:02
Hi Vishal,
I agree with everything that you have said and pointed out, plus everyone else to many names to mention.
I am very new to WAH Forum but not new to Forums, anything that I can give for value information I will as long does not break any of the TOS on WAHF 
Since I have been hanging around in forums I am finding quality information to make me a better marketer online.
I have noticed WAH before however not as a Forum is WAH and WAHF are based from the same concepts?
I will now go and see threads that I can give my knowledge too and maybe learn something new as well.
Have an Inspiring Day
Grant Wilson
Vishal P. Rao
Joined: 23 Jun 2005 Posts: 1354
#35 · Posted: 21 Aug 2008 10:01
Grant Wilson: I have noticed WAH before however not as a Forum is WAH and WAHF are based from the same concepts?
Welcome to the forum Grant WAHF just stands for Work at Home Forum, the name of this forum.
threefurs4 Forums Member
Joined: 25 Aug 2008 Posts: 1
#36 · Posted: 25 Aug 2008 17:33
I definitely agree. I have read ALOT of speals from different work at home companies and I would have to say that the ones that show they are real are the ones that I would deal with. The ones who talk to you as a real person and not just another deposit into their bank account.
fundingtlk Forums Member
Joined: 27 Aug 2008 Posts: 4
#37 · Posted: 27 Aug 2008 04:31
Thank you for the "welcome", the forum you've provided us all, and the helpful advice in the welcome message. As I mentioned in the PM, this site has been very helpful to me recently in my search for a legitimate online business. I was discouraged when I looked around last summer for opportunities, actually I was disgusted by much of what saw - you know, those LONG webpages that would run about 10 feet long if you printed it out on one of those old fax paper spools, lol. I've been around and have seen scams around for longer than much of the younger generation has been alive (making myself sound old at 38..), and like just about everyone at some time or another, I learned to avoid scams because I'd been suckered my own fair share of times. Remembering to be humble almost always comes at a price of some sort. And it teaches us to be more careful and cautious through the process.
And this forum was one of the places where I did a lot of reading. It was just this last weekend that I did my research and made a decision I'm VERY happy with. I was bummed when I couldn't register over the 22nd-24th, but I'm here now and thankful for it. I look forward to contributing and being a part of the community.
And a BIG thank you to Wealthy Affiliate for providing all the tools I need for legitimate success!
[Link removed - Admin]
scshuman Forums Member
Joined: 27 Aug 2008 Posts: 11
#38 · Posted: 27 Aug 2008 22:16
Thank you Vishal and everyone for the great advice.
As a newbie I'm taking all I can get.
That's not to say I don't have some great information myself and I'm open to sharing .
nakedpilot Forums Member
Joined: 27 Aug 2008 Posts: 1
#39 · Posted: 28 Aug 2008 00:03
Hi Vishal,
Thank you...i'm willing to learn anything new from the members here.
Take care and God bless Daniel Anil Das
karma Forums Member
Joined: 27 Aug 2008 Posts: 54
#40 · Posted: 28 Aug 2008 12:14 · Edited by: karma
Hi , id just like to say that there seems to be some very sound and grounded advice here that anyone could learn from. Having visited quite a few forums this one stands out for its quality posts from members like Vishal.
I look forward to reading more......