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Couple ideas I would like advice on.

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#1 · Posted: 14 Mar 2011 12:26

Hello! This is my first post here on your forums. I'm wanting to start a blog. I have a few ideas in mind that Im sorting between (Television, Movies, Mobile Gaming, etc) and may or may not refine it down to just one to start with.

Here is my problem, I'm a pizza driver. I have no bloody idea where to start to take my idea of cracking funnies on the internet and make any kind of money off of it. I'm guessing something involving ads on my site is the way to go but again this is all very new to me.

Any (and I mean any) advice would definately be appreciated.

On to my second question!

Obviously writing for fun and profit isn't something that is going to generate money over night. I would like to find some actual honest home based work I can do to supplement my income from pizza delivery while I'm in the process of working on my blog.

I have a high speed internet connection, better than average typing skills, land line phone, and a good deal of free time. However, everytime I do any kind of searching on my own I always seem to end up in a rats nest of get rich quick scams. Hopefully someone here, with more experience in these areas can point me in the right direction.

Thank you all again for taking the time to read this and my apologies if this has already been asked a thousand times. Again, any help is greatly appreciated.

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#2 · Posted: 15 Mar 2011 00:30

I am not sure about the blog part of it but I am sure there are many and I mean many here that have done them and can give you tips and trick on how to do it. I think there is a site called that is free and it is suppose to be easy to set up a blog. This maybe of help too it is suppose to be a free site. Also you can do a search on here. At the top of this page is a search link. I am sure you will find alot of information in this area as well. Hope I have helped you out some. Also others will come along here a give you some tips as well.

Also if you will pm me I might be able to help the second question. I won't spam the forum but will allow you to pm me if you care to.

Also want to welcome you to the forum as well. It is a great place with lots of information and help from great people. Hope you will enjoy your stay here.

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#3 · Posted: 15 Mar 2011 01:06

here is some advice and I mention these because you mentioned "funny"

here is a guy who is bloody hilarious mate!
his name is david thorne & his site is
checkout also how he sells t-shirts with designs based on his stories

now my question is "are you as funny as this guy"?
because if you are then know that he has gotten up to a million hits a month.

my first tip is get a blog that you host. blogger is not recommended because it can be deleted by google(they own blogger) anytime.

a self hosted wordpress with shopping facility is a basic requirement.
in essence you'll need a sales funnel. I can build you one (for a fee obviously) or u can use ones that already exist(for a fee of course)

also checkout Allie Brosh's
her site is hilarious and part of her charm is her silly mspaint graphics which she uses exclusively...they are very funny.

also if you wish to get "noticed" being ridiculous you'll need to know how to get seen on zoklet, redditt and the like

I would also recommend facebook ads targeted towards people who like funny shit!

you can message me if you need any help or just wanna get more ideas


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Posts: 3

#4 · Posted: 15 Mar 2011 19:46

Thank you all for your kind responses. I've decided, after some research, that instead of branching out into two ways of working at home I would instead like to focus the entirety of my efforts on Affiliate Marketing. I have a close friend that has done well supplementing his full time income off of Clickbank so I think he may be able to offer some good advice.

However, I want to do far more than just supplement my pizza delivery money I want to replace it in time.

With all this being said would you be able to point me in the direction of people who can offer help keeping in mind I am just a pizza delivery person and as such my means are somewhat limited. This isn't to say I'm destitute and have no money to invest in this but that money is somewhat small and I'd like to not waste it on scam artists or those just looking to take advantage. Furthermore, someone who helps those with almost no knowledge in the areas of affiliate marketing and/or web design.

Thank you all again for your responses. I truly appreciate it and look forward to get started in this quickly.

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Joined: 22 Feb 2011
Posts: 29

#5 · Posted: 16 Mar 2011 02:49

Just wanted to say great post EMC2, honest and direct. I am in about the same boat as you and that research part you mentioned is exactly what happens with me too. I think I have one email account with over 900 emails in it now from such so called "business ideas" that are all full of hope.

Anyhow a blog is a good idea blogger is good, lets you advertise too if you like.

Otherwise I totally agree that getting help with this is the right thing to do. I have a mentor program which I'm following to try and learn the ins and outs of everything although I wont mention it here. PM me if you want to know more about that.

Facebook is also a good place to be. Good luck and it would be interesting to hear how you get on.

Best Wishes

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Posts: 25

#6 · Posted: 16 Mar 2011 10:42

I posted this here a while ago, and while it contains some good advice for beginners, some of the follow-up posts are also well worth a read.

Hope it helps!

Best Regards,

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#7 · Posted: 16 Mar 2011 12:10 · Edited by: quatrostream

My 5 cents here..
Check Fiverr and Freelancer as it has many experienced people there,they would be more then happy to assist you.This is from my own experience!
Good luck!

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#8 · Posted: 16 Mar 2011 18:06

Hi Eric,

I thought I already replied in this thread, but maybe I'm getting senile. I've been having internet connectivity problems lately, so it may have just been lost in cyberspace somewhere.

Anyway, since you are going to concentrate on affiliate marketing instead of trying to juggle freelance work and affiliate marketing, I would suggest that you pick ONE topic that you are most interested in and will enjoy over a long time.

This way you can focus a complete web business around that "niche topic" and share your knowledge and experience with others while earning affiliate commissions, adsense income, etc.

You mentioned a few "broad" topics in your first post, but you would do better to narrow one of those down to something more specific. Of course you could go with something else entirely that interests you - a hobby, a sport, a favorite past time, etc.

When you take the time to build your own website with plenty of good content based on keyword research in your niche, you will generate your own free traffic from the major search engines. You can then monetize in any way you choose.

Affiliate marketing is one of those ways that is popular because you don't have to worry about stocking, packing, and shipping products. You just refer and earn income on the commissions. It's a wonderful way to go.

Be aware that it definitely takes time. You mentioned that you know it won't happen over night. You're right. You first build a solid foundation and then like a little snowball growing in size and momentum as it rolls downhill, the income comes.

It's well worth the effort! This is exactly what I learned to do about 4 years ago when I was starting out. I first came across the free Affiliate Masters Course ebook that helped me understand the concept, and then I joined SBI and got to work.

You mentioned that you don't have a lot of money to invest, and that's okay. You can get everything you need including the training, tools, domain, hosting, etc., for $29.95 per month ($299 per year if you pay upfront) and have the confidence and assurance that you are going to be following a proven path and blueprint that leads to successful business building.

If you have the time and motivation to put in the work, you can certainly be making a full time income online with affiliate marketing.

Wishing you all the best of success.

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#9 · Posted: 16 Mar 2011 21:14

Well I've spent a good portion of today researching this that and the other thing and it seems SBI is a pretty solid route to head down and best of all it lets me get started for all of 30 dollars per month which works nicely within my current budget.

The fella I'm thinking of buying through is a guy named David Jenyns. He offers an extra course of his that has information on getting your site recognized by the search engines and more importantly than that and probably his biggest selling point, he's willing to work with you over Skype for a set amount of time for purchasing through his site as well.

While he seems to be on the up and up if anyone has had any experience good or bad with Mr Jenyns I'd love to hear how it went for you.

Thank you all again for your help and replies.

Off Topic: @Happy Wife: You had indeed replied to this thread multiple times but for reason unbeknownst to me your replies vanished last night for some odd reason.

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Posts: 1420

#10 · Posted: 16 Mar 2011 21:32

Hi Eric,

It sounds like you are on the right path. Of course, I'm biased being an SBI user myself.

I don't know David myself, but the offer for the one-on-one help via Skype is a good incentive and worth your consideration.

I'm not sure what he may be referring to in relation to getting your site recognized with the search engines because that will happen automatically by following the SBI Action Guide. The software automatically submits each page you build to the major search engines after you build your first one and follow the instructions for submitting your domain. After that, it's done for you (another SBI plus).

Thanks for letting me know I am not going completely nuts! Perhaps something I said in those posts was deemed inappropriate and they were removed by the admin.

Regardless of how you sign up for SBI, just be sure to stay focused on the Action Guide and follow it faithfully and you will do well. I look forward to seeing what you create. Wishing you the very best.


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