I curiously clicked on the "play" button on youtube recently about "make money cash gifting",.
This one guy, who shall remain nameless, was talking a really good game about how GREAT cash gifting is.
How it made him loads of dough and he's just rolling in it, and how you can to.
Cash gifting's a great example of a 1-up system. 1 - up systems are uni-levels generally.
Because 1-ups have multiple entry levels and qualification standards the "paylines" actually cause
the "downline" to take on a structure that's clearly pyramidal in structure.
The giving of money as a gift is fine - but that's NOT what this is...this is a glorified ponzi scheme
exploiting innocent people and a loophole soon to be closed.
The very nature of the name should raise suspicion - Cash Gifting.
If you have to PAY INTO these gifting clubs - it's a scam. A gift, by it's definition, is a thing
given willingly to someone without payment. If it's a GIFT, why the hell are you and I paying for it?
- - - - -
"The Gifting Club Gotcha" FTC :
A legitimate gift has no strings attached and is therefore, not an "investment". Avoid being
mislead into thinking a gifting club's legitimate because the ad's say that members consider
their payments as a gift and expect nothing in return. This is a sorry attempt to make an illegal
transaction look legal.
- - - - -
This should raise red flags immediately!
They are modeled very similarly to a pyramid scheme. They never last long and if your stuck at
the bottom, your screwed when people wise up to this "old concept with a new name" and start
demanding MASS REFUNDS. The system collapses...
Gifting schemes always leaves losers because they leave losers when people start to complain
and report when they aren't making any money. And they realize they won't be making anything
long after they've already joined because only the top 10-15% of those who started at the top will
benefit. The other 85-90% won't.
It's the basic law of averages.
To be frank, The pyramiding structure itself is not the REAL problem. Every large pyramid scheme known
to man (corporations, governments, businesses, etc) is a pyramid if you've ever seen a organizational chart.
The real problem is when there is no real product or service being sold.
The system is just a bunch of new people giving old people money while the new people are hoping
the newer people will come around and give them money. There is no "VALUE" being traded to contribute
to anyone's livesand eventually those who were tricked into this scheme will be at the end of the thin
line - prepare for a rude wake up call.
And those who "knowingly" promotes that which "takes away" from unsuspecting people without
giving more in return - Are old fashioned bank robbers - minus the black mask's. There will come
little joy from the attainment of the money made and majority of them will almost certainly lose it
as fast as they made it. A true definition a Ponzi scheme.
Hopefully, this article is of great value to you and will help prevent you from being suckered into
this "financial death trap". There is no such thing as "Easy Money". I don't care what business you
choose to get involved in, it will require quit a bit of work on your end. With that comes with it's true
rewards - happiness, freedom, and a sense of accomplishment.
After you do a little elbow grease, than the money becomes easy to make. You see people have
it COMPLETELY backwards.
Conversations will dull quick if a friend or family member asks you the sweat question : "So, what do
YOU do for a living".
I f you take the easy road out, you will eventually suffer the consequences.
Take the time to build a business and you will see the fruits of your labor in return. It's simple if you
take the time to learn and apply yourself. We all have something of value to offer, just don't be afraid
to share it with others.
The simple definition of the law of reciprocity states:
The world gives you, that which you give to the world.
Until later,
Josef Benjamin Rosenberg