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CASH GIFTING SCAM- The Bad, The Worse, The Ugly

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#41 · Posted: 4 Sep 2009 02:07

Anyone participating in or thinking of participating in cash gifting should read the following:

BBB (Better Business Bureau)
RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police)
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Crimes of Persuasion

Cash gifting is illegal. If you think it is legal, then take all the information to the police and show them and have them tell you that it is illegal.

You can go to jail for participating in cash gifting and you will also have to pay all the money back if you get busted and perhaps pay more than you brought in.

It is NOT worth it. Again - if you want to be involved with cash gifting, talk to your local BBB, police station or lawyer. If they tell you it is legal - go ahead and do it.

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#42 · Posted: 4 Sep 2009 22:23

Sorry, but you are confusing structured pyramid programs which is not the same. The so called gifting term is used loosely by many, but to define the difference is to understand what a pyramid is verses a non pyramid. Do you know the difference?

Simply put, you have many so called gifting clubs which would meet at various locations, public, not private, and you would put X amount of money in an envelope, and you have to invite others to do the same, in a pyramid, you start out in a typical pyramid requiring X amount of others to put same money in and when the total reached X amount, someone would cash out.

This was clearly using inducement, watching people pick up typically $16K at these meetings, and inducement is illegal, so if you read all the cases, you will find that pyramid gifting clubs are what they are referring to, not the modern day non pyramid gifting being discussed here. They were called various names over the years, but airplane was the first name used back in 80's as I recall. You would start out as passenger, induce others, then graduate to co-pilot, then pilot and then you get paid out. Needless to say, these required you to induce others to put their money into pyramid, and this is what is clearly illegal.

Success to all,

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#43 · Posted: 14 Sep 2009 11:27

Great post warranties

Rob Sevilla - Internet Success Trainer
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#44 · Posted: 15 Sep 2009 18:27

Gifting is for unique individuals who happen to enjoy helping others get out of their financial situations, and by all means, it is not for everyone. Pay it forward is not new concept, it has been around for centuries, and I wouldn't expect most to understand the concept of giving to receive, it is a special mindset most don't have. I can rember the first person I helped, single Mother, broke two children to support, no job, she was desperate, so it was a pleasure to help her, and I doubt she would call it ridiculous, but different strokes for different folks, she was desperate, and I think most in that position more understand than those who have never been that low before.

Success to all,

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#45 · Posted: 30 Sep 2009 13:46

Just an observation, here, but I don't see any negative responses from people that have gotten into the cash gifting. I only see negative and basically uninformed individuals commenting about cash gifting. I came across this forum looking for information about cash gifting. What I see are a bunch of negative responses from people that are obviously into internet marketing but have the rediculous notion that if you want to send someone, anyone, $17 or $20 as a gift that "the Law" is going to not only "take away your freedom" but also your car, your house, etc?!!! Absolutely rediculous! Last time I looked, this was a free country, if I want to hand out $20's to everyone I see on the street, I'm allowed, no one is going to arrest me for being generous. As far as I can see, if I would have spent $20 on cash gifting instead of the last google adsense product,( that was created 3 years ago and is worthless) there is a great possibility that I would probably be "better off"! NOW, which is worse?!!!!! There are so many rip offs on the net, and you are all worried about people "gifting"?! GROW UP

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#46 · Posted: 10 Oct 2009 00:46 · Edited by: BigMoneyJoe

hey there

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#47 · Posted: 10 Oct 2009 00:53 · Edited by: BigMoneyJoe

It's been a little over a year since I created this post...and after reading the many replies here, educating myself on cash gifting, and actually befriending a few genuine cash gifters over the last few months I will leave it at this:

I briefly looked over my original thread and was shocked at the things I said that unfortuantely made this thread so popular.

My problem at the time was skepticism and I wanted to believe cash gifting was a scam because I wasn't making a dime.

I'm not one to regret his mistakes or his past, as I learn from them all, but after reading one post above about someone who was looking for information and an education on how cash gifting works...this person came here and possibly didn't start cash gifting because of a fire I started a year ago.

At the time of me creating this thread, I will admit:

I had not in fact did my own research nor joined any cash gifting program prior to writing.

I actually got my information from others who themselves either A. Didn't tyr cash gifting or B. Try it, and got burned or C. Had a great sponsor, but didn't take their business seriously to make it profitable and so they placed the blame on others.

So in that respect, I myself was misinformed on cash gifting, and I seriously didn't mean for anyone looking for information on cash gifting to come across this monstor of a thread I wish never began in the first place.

At the time I was involved in several companies and was pretty desperate to make a buck. I jumped from one thing to the other in hopes of finding something that'll bring in some money. And failed many times before I got to where I am now helping lots of people make money online by getting into niche markets and building their list of subscribers.

I'm no millionaire (yet), but I do very well online now, and believe it or not...I'm going to be getting involved in cash gifitng a few months from now to not just make me more money (i have more than I could ever need), but to help those who want to make big commision checks and skip selling information products for big sales.

Cash giftings really the same as driving traffic and building a list like I normally do, the only difference is that those commisions are bigger per sale. It's all just marketing and helping other people succeed, that's how I ultimately make my fortune and it's all the same at the end.

Helping people get what they want by using effective marketing techniques. just glanced again and I can't believe I made such a strong "false" case on cash gifting wasting my time bashing other peoples livlihood. Lol, i had to laugh looking back....

Anyways, I will be posting here occasionally, but nothing as mean or nasty like this thread I created.

I hope those who are intrested in cash gifting ignore this thread, and take my advice to NOT take my advice on this...because I've grown much wiser since the conception of this thread.


I curiously clicked on the "play" button on youtube recently about "make money cash gifting",.
This one guy, who shall remain nameless, was talking a really good game about how GREAT cash gifting is.
How it made him loads of dough and he's just rolling in it, and how you can to.

Cash gifting's a great example of a 1-up system. 1 - up systems are uni-levels generally.
Because 1-ups have multiple entry levels and qualification standards the "paylines" actually cause
the "downline" to take on a structure that's clearly pyramidal in structure.

The giving of money as a gift is fine - but that's NOT what this is...this is a glorified ponzi scheme
exploiting innocent people and a loophole soon to be closed.

The very nature of the name should raise suspicion - Cash Gifting.

If you have to PAY INTO these gifting clubs - it's a scam. A gift, by it's definition, is a thing
given willingly to someone without payment. If it's a GIFT, why the hell are you and I paying for it?
- - - - -
"The Gifting Club Gotcha" FTC :

A legitimate gift has no strings attached and is therefore, not an "investment". Avoid being
mislead into thinking a gifting club's legitimate because the ad's say that members consider
their payments as a gift and expect nothing in return. This is a sorry attempt to make an illegal
transaction look legal.
- - - - -
This should raise red flags immediately!

They are modeled very similarly to a pyramid scheme. They never last long and if your stuck at
the bottom, your screwed when people wise up to this "old concept with a new name" and start
demanding MASS REFUNDS. The system collapses...

Gifting schemes always leaves losers because they leave losers when people start to complain
and report when they aren't making any money. And they realize they won't be making anything
long after they've already joined because only the top 10-15% of those who started at the top will
benefit. The other 85-90% won't.

It's the basic law of averages.

To be frank, The pyramiding structure itself is not the REAL problem. Every large pyramid scheme known
to man (corporations, governments, businesses, etc) is a pyramid if you've ever seen a organizational chart.

The real problem is when there is no real product or service being sold.

The system is just a bunch of new people giving old people money while the new people are hoping
the newer people will come around and give them money. There is no "VALUE" being traded to contribute
to anyone's livesand eventually those who were tricked into this scheme will be at the end of the thin
line - prepare for a rude wake up call.

And those who "knowingly" promotes that which "takes away" from unsuspecting people without
giving more in return - Are old fashioned bank robbers - minus the black mask's. There will come
little joy from the attainment of the money made and majority of them will almost certainly lose it
as fast as they made it. A true definition a Ponzi scheme.

Hopefully, this article is of great value to you and will help prevent you from being suckered into
this "financial death trap". There is no such thing as "Easy Money". I don't care what business you
choose to get involved in, it will require quit a bit of work on your end. With that comes with it's true
rewards - happiness, freedom, and a sense of accomplishment.

After you do a little elbow grease, than the money becomes easy to make. You see people have
it COMPLETELY backwards.

Conversations will dull quick if a friend or family member asks you the sweat question : "So, what do
YOU do for a living".

I f you take the easy road out, you will eventually suffer the consequences.

Take the time to build a business and you will see the fruits of your labor in return. It's simple if you
take the time to learn and apply yourself. We all have something of value to offer, just don't be afraid
to share it with others.

The simple definition of the law of reciprocity states:

The world gives you, that which you give to the world.

Until later,

Josef Benjamin Rosenberg

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Jean LA
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#48 · Posted: 10 Oct 2009 18:06

I think you should know and start your own business without waiting for other people to give you money. Working for yourself and making the most out of it can give you the perfect way to start you new life and make everyone happy.

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#49 · Posted: 11 Oct 2009 00:16

Thanks Josef,

Isn't it fun to revisit former posts to see how much we have learned over the past year. lol I do the same thing, and life is a constantly changing and evolving journey, and no doubt, we live and learn, so I am happy to read your post about your change in attitude on cash gifting.

I just recieved a rather large gift from an associate in the Philippines and it came out of nowhere. I had not talked with her for over six months, but I never pressure or sell anyone on concept, it either makes sense or not, no problem, I use magnetic gifting strategy and simply help people with sound advice, and what happens happens.

Like so many businesses, there are few which will be suited for everyone, so with that in mind, I work several businesses along with my passive gifting activity, and I can tell you what works by itself and what takes the most effort, and when I try to analyze why this is so, I still can't figure it out. What I have come to realize is small inexpensive products are harder to sell than gifting concept in most cases, so go figure. lol

As you are into affiliate marketing, here is a real sleeper deal no one knows about yet, perfect for promoting as you do, so try it out, you never know, but this is hottest technology I have seen in decades perfect for the internet marketer, and free with no purchase required to earn commissions.

Success to all,

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#50 · Posted: 11 Oct 2009 22:35

thanks warranties.

Actually, that was going to be my plan to simply grow my list even more and when I get to about 5k subscribers, I'll do a simple promo.

Like I said, when I join, I'll really just be in it to help others who might have other interest in the group (or simply want to work closer with me).

I do very well and I love what I do, and I'm also an advocate of big ticket sales.

I used to be afraid of asking for bigger sales, but like you said, I found it to be easier and roughly the same amount (if not easier) work.

I'm still growing and expanding my self to the income possibilities, and getting one of those "happy trucks" to my house looks like a lot of fun to why not help others experience the same feeling?

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#51 · Posted: 12 Oct 2009 15:21 · Edited by: TJamMoneyMan

Check USPS site for starters, or check Snope to verify what I have said is true, but please don't spread more misinformation about gifting.

Yes, please investigate for yourself!

Every person who has been claiming cash gifting is illegal, has been confusing CG with PONZI, and PYRAMID schemes.

Again, show which statute CG violates, and who has been prosecuted.
For cash gifting only.

There have been many 'cash gifting is illegal' posts, but none of them refer to any specifics, other than PONZI and PYRAMID schemes.

If CG is so illegal, it should be easy to prove.

Show the law in violation.
The court case conviction.

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#52 · Posted: 12 Oct 2009 17:30 · Edited by: joanpeterson

These links should help people make a decision that they feel comfortable with. If what you are doing does not fit into what is indicated in these links - great!;-bbb-warns -cash-gifting-pyramid-schemes-flourishing-online-9865

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#53 · Posted: 12 Oct 2009 20:34

I briefly looked over my original thread and was shocked at the things I said that unfortuantely made this thread so popular.

I think we have all done that.

I know I have!

Sometimes I come across something I wrote a year or two ago, and it makes me blush, but hey , that means we are not too stubborn to change, right?

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#54 · Posted: 12 Oct 2009 21:00

I'm not a lawyer, so I don't know for sure. If I had to hazard a guess, I'd say that, like the prostitution case that MyOwnBoss laid out, it's probably illegal but difficult to enforce. You can word the whole scheme certain ways to make it sound like what it isn't; i.e., "Want a date? Looking for a party? What's in it for me?" On a similar note, "Would you like to learn about our cash gifting program?" Technically, maybe legal, but most probably, just a way to get away with it.

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#55 · Posted: 12 Oct 2009 22:16

Good point,

True, there are right and wrong ways to introduce CG, and the way many have done it is the issue. As example, inducement in any business is illegal, and by inducement, I mean telling people how much you make, as in those who do video of themselves opening envelopes with X amount of money. Clearly this is iducement, and if a person was asked to prove it, well, how many could?

There is a right and wrong way of doing everything, and in GC this is no different. What most don't understand is that gifting is a term which can be applied to illegal pyramid gifting, as in a structured program which were pushed in public which did indeed induce others, plus was a clearly a pyramid, so no doubt most will confuse the different types of gifting.

Success to all,

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#56 · Posted: 13 Oct 2009 13:37

I briefly looked over my original thread and was shocked at the things I said that unfortuantely made this thread so popular.

My problem at the time was skepticism and I wanted to believe cash gifting was a scam because I wasn't making a dime.

I'm not one to regret his mistakes or his past, as I learn from them all, but after reading one post above about someone who was looking for information and an education on how cash gifting works...this person came here and possibly didn't start cash gifting because of a fire I started a year ago.

At the time of me creating this thread, I will admit:

I had not in fact did my own research nor joined any cash gifting program prior to writing.

You are a big man Joe!!

Any other 'anti-cash gifters' out there who care to actually do the research?

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#57 · Posted: 16 Oct 2009 05:08

Great Post

Become Blessed With Financial Success
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#58 · Posted: 23 Nov 2009 20:18

Gifting is a great way to generate cash from home!

Antonio Easter
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#59 · Posted: 11 Jan 2010 16:53

I came to this forum to research cash gifting, I'm very glad I went all the way through the entire thread. I feel that cash gifting can be a way for people to help each other during these difficult times. Looking forward to finding success and helping others at the same time.

Together we can do it


Here is a low cost cash gifting program.
Won't be a millionaire but can help with the bills
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#60 · Posted: 22 Oct 2010 00:02

I know that LOTS of people say, "cash gifting" is Illegal, if thats true, then my 16 son should go to jail, he gave me a "cash gift" ($50) for my birthday..
I should go to jail for giving the guy under the bridge a $10.

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