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I am not getting weight loss....need help

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Joined: 21 Nov 2011
Posts: 18
#61 · Posted: 9 Dec 2011 11:27

I am new here and hence the reason for this post being so late but, I must offer this bit of information.

Stop calling it or consider a "diet"

Start making lifestyle changes, proper supplementation, proper eating habits, as well as drinking 8-10 glasses of 12 oz.of water a day.

I also HIGHLY recommend reading the book, Healthy For Life by Dr. Ray Strand on effective ways to change your lifestyle which has a permanent side effect of weight loss.

If you can afford too or choose too, I recommend a personal trainer to help you maximize your workouts and pinpoint the correct actions and exercises to boost your program.

Look into studying and following the glycemic index and choosing foods that are low glycemic which allows your body to break down the sugars at a slowwer rate so that you maximize your body's natural energy source and not store the fat and take the sugars from the muscles which is what high glycemic foods do and we lose muscle and gain fat.

If you would like more information on supplementation, the glycemic index, or other tips, feel free to contact me


living life MY way
#62 · Posted: 10 Jan 2012 13:56

Hi That is a pain when you stop losing for a while. How is your water intake. Do you eat a lot of salt as that can make your body retain water and make you weigh more.

Have you tired doing a different form of exercise. Sometimes just doing something different can start back you weight loss.

have you thought of doing something like weight watchers. They also help out when you start losing for a while

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Joined: 20 Apr 2008
Posts: 51
#63 · Posted: 17 Mar 2012 12:31

Weight loss management has to be , in my opinion, a lifestyle change and not just looking for a quick fix. Exercise and changing eating habits are pivotal in not only healthy weight, but a healthy body in general. The products I sell include Fixx, Pulse, Inspirin, and many more that include hemp. We have a 14 or 28 day raw food challenge where you replace your old habits with new ones. We've had some tremendous testimonials and pictures of dramatic differences but you have to be diligent and passionate about changing your lifestyle longterm.

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Joined: 23 Apr 2012
Posts: 2
#64 · Posted: 23 Apr 2012 06:22

I was about to write long post then i saw it's from 2009

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