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I am not getting weight loss....need help

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Vishal P. Rao
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#41 · Posted: 28 May 2010 08:55

Please don't misunderstand me. I didn't mean to say I'm disinterested about the videos. I'm a vegetarian and I know the plight that these poor animals go through. It's just that I can't watch those videos.

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#42 · Posted: 28 May 2010 11:29

I actually did know what you meant, Vishal! I know that you're vegetarian!

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Michael Merry
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#43 · Posted: 28 May 2010 12:26


I appreciate your reply, but it is unconvincing. Much of what you present is either doubtful or controversial.
An example is your mistake in using comparative anatomy and physiology to argue that humans are evolved herbivores. This argument overlooks the special evolutionary adaptations that humans derived through high intelligence.
The established scientific consensus is this: man is an omnivore, perfectly adapted by evolution to eating both meat and plant foods. Like the animal carnivores humans have simple digestive systems well suited to assimilation of animal protein. As for the the human digestive tract, it is about midway in length between animal carnivores and herbivores [such as cattle and horses]. As for your assertion 'meat is poison', that is sheer nonsense. The fossil evidence shows clearly that humans, hunter-gatherers that we are, have eaten meat for at least 2.5 million years. For a better perspective, think about 25,000 centuries

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#44 · Posted: 28 May 2010 14:16

Michael Merry:
This argument overlooks the special evolutionary adaptations that humans derived through high intelligence.

High intelligence gained and used for what? Eating something that we are not supposed to eat?... something that our bodies are not designed to eat? That doesn't sound too astute to me. Even in the wild, carnivores will not eat meat when burned (or cooked). Perhaps you should be eating your meat raw?

Many times humans are considered omnivores because they can eat meat when no plants are available (for survival). Omnivores cannot survive without meat. Many people thrive on a vegetarian diet and live longer lives! If humans do eat meat it should only be at the most 12% of their diet, otherwise our body becomes acidic and breeding grounds for disease.

I always thought that hunter/gatherer meant to go out and forage in the wild, hunt for your plants and gather them up???!

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#45 · Posted: 2 Jun 2010 23:17

If you are fasting, then you could be overeating as well.

OR you are gaining muscle... weight can stay the same, but will come off if you keep going.

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#46 · Posted: 8 Jun 2010 18:27

Remember that most weight loss, is water loss. Often it's water retaining substances that prevent substantial weight loss and not excessive calories. Watch your sodium and medications/prescriptions.

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#47 · Posted: 25 Jul 2010 20:25

Sorry for this long post, but I am referencing what many folx here have said - some good information, but only partly correct in my view.
Like the 'conclusions' drawn by the blind men about elephant!

I probably take the view here of Mr Michael Merry:

Michael Merry:
This argument overlooks the special evolutionary adaptations that humans derived through high intelligence.
The established scientific consensus is this: man is an omnivore, perfectly adapted by evolution to eating both meat and plant foods.

Michael Merry:
This argument overlooks the special evolutionary adaptations that humans derived through high intelligence.

High intelligence gained and used for what? Eating something that we are not supposed to eat?

Actually, I understand that our 'high intelligence' enabled us, using TOOLS, to access the VERY nutritional bone marrow that meat eating animals could NOT access, without eating the ENTIRE bone of their catch.
We evolved as SCAVENGERS this way, deriving nutrition from the abandoned meatless piles of bones left behind by 'natural carnivores'.

I weigh less now than ever at 102 pounds and the credit goes to super set weight training techniques.

Oh, and I second what SovereignWealth said about fasting slowing metabolism. It puts the body in a sort of "survival mode" where calorie conservation and storage (ie fat deposition) is increased. In addition, the body becomes more efficient at using the limited calories it takes in, so that when you go back to eating normally, the elevated caloric intake results in even greater fat deposition

Similarly though, often weight trainers, and other athletes as well find themselves burdened with excess fat when their training regimens slow down, with age and the end of their competitive lifestyle.

Then FASTING (abstention and eating LESS) is their only choice if they are going to maintain their svelte-ness.

Actually, it wasn't good to do fasting. As it will hurt your body even more.

How do you suppose our ancestors ate meat? You cannot tear flesh or hide by hand and our (and their) anterior teeth are definitely not made to tear flesh or hide. Our early ancestors from at least four million years ago were almost exclusively vegetarian. Cro-Magnons (40,000 - 60,000 BC), our later ancestors, were not meat eaters.

Meat-eaters: have claws
Herbivores: no claws
Humans: no claws

Meat-eaters: NOT at the top of the food chain - and face certain death by starvation when their jaw gets broken in the pursuit of unwilling prey who can kick while running away.
Herbivores: no chance to rule the world.
Humans: no need for 'claws' we use TOOLS to kill and eat. As well as FIRE to destroy poisons and bacteria.


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#48 · Posted: 25 Jul 2010 20:59

I share the view here of Mr Michael Merry:

Michael Merry:
This argument overlooks the special evolutionary adaptations that humans derived through high intelligence.
The established scientific consensus is this: man is an omnivore, perfectly adapted by evolution to eating both meat and plant foods.

Michael Merry:
This argument overlooks the special evolutionary adaptations that humans derived through high intelligence.

High intelligence gained and used for what? Eating something that we are not supposed to eat?

Actually, I understand that our 'high intelligence' enabled us, using TOOLS, to access the VERY nutritional bone marrow that meat eating animals could NOT access - without eating the ENTIRE bone of their catch.
We evolved as SCAVENGERS this way, deriving nutrition from the abandoned meatless bones left behind by 'natural carnivores'.

How do you suppose our ancestors ate meat? You cannot tear flesh or hide by hand and our (and their) anterior teeth are definitely not made to tear flesh or hide.

Meat-eaters: have claws
Herbivores: no claws
Humans: no claws

Meat-eaters: NOT at the top of the food chain - and face certain death by starvation, Lions, for example, when their jaw gets broken in the pursuit of unwilling prey who can deliver a mean back-kick while running away.

Herbivores: very specific and seasonal food options, with NO chance to rule the world! Way down the 'food chain'.

Humans: no need for 'claws' we use TOOLS to kill and eat. As well as FIRE harnessing INTELLIGENCE to destroy poisons and bacteria. We are at the very top of the food chain, and for good or bad, RULE the earth.

You can successfully argue the benefits of certain diets - vegetarian, fruitarian and even 'breathinarian'.
But I think it's obvious that we owe our species survival and success to our omnivorous diet.

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#49 · Posted: 27 Jul 2010 02:45

Hello Friends.......

Diet plan to lose weight are

1.Day one of your diet regime will start with all fruits diet. You may eat fruits of your choice and in any quantity. There is no limit. Eat till your stomach is full. In case you don't find fruits in nearby stores, you can substitute it with packaged fruit juices but avoid fruit juices that have preservatives in it, they don't really do any good in this case. On day one, you must eat fruits ONLY and don't forget to drink at least 7 glasses of water.

2.This is all vegetables day. If you prefer, you may have raw or/and cooked vegetables. Eat as much as you want to, no quantity restrictions. If you want to cook the vegetables, you may do so but avoid using oil while you cook. 7 glasses of water today also.

3.On day three, you will eat a mixture of fruits and vegetables. No quantity restrictions, eat till you fill your stomach. Also, eat one banana today, just one!

4.Today you will eat 6 bananas, 3 glasses of milk and small quantity of vegetables. In the morning, your breakfast will start with 2 bananas and one big glass of milk. You will follow this in the afternoon for your lunch. In the evening eat 2 bananas, eat vegetables and drink one glass of milk.

5.Today you will have one cup of rice, six full tomatoes (medium size) and since you are having lots of tomatoes, drink 10 glasses of water today.

6.One cup of rice and raw/cooked vegetables of your choice. It's recommended that you eat rice in the morning and for rest of the day, eat vegetables.

7.On day seven, eat fruits, vegetables and 1 cup of rice. You may substitute fruits and vegetables with juices as well, but that is to avoid.


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#50 · Posted: 27 Jul 2010 06:54

Anne why anyone should follow this fad diet than other fad diets? Do not get me wrong I am not against fad diets some can be ok for certain periods but you posted this diet as it is the way forward to any diet.

My friend tried this diet is this the chemical diet?? She was constantly hungry and as soon as she finished that diet, she goes back to her old ways and put it all on and more.

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#51 · Posted: 27 Jul 2010 20:13 · Edited by: kenwrites

You can successfully argue the benefits of certain diets - vegetarian, fruitarian and even 'breathinarian'.
But I think it's obvious that we owe our species survival and success to our omnivorous diet.

Sorry, had to pipe in...our species survival and success to our omnivorous diet? Really? No disrespect to you personally so please take no offense.

However how many acres of land is destroyed due to our meat eating ways. Just 1/4 of that land could feed thousands vs 50 if fruits and vegetables were grown on the land instead of grazing cows. How much pollution has been contributed due to our survivalist meat eating ways between transport and raising of livestock. How many new diseases have been brought upon this planet due to meat that has been chemicalized with hormones to bring it to market quicker.

I am not even bringing in the atrocities that animals go through in the process before it hits your dinner table.

Our species as it were, does not owe its survival and success to our omnivorous diet, rather our omnivorous diets have contributed to what could eventually lead to our species extinction several generations from now.

Just my humble opinion. I'll go back in my corner now. Please only throw fresh veggies at

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#52 · Posted: 4 Aug 2010 14:53

Try fish, vegetables and egg whites ONLY! It will work!!! No carbs what so ever. No fruit. everything baked or grilled. You will see! That is what we recommend to our patients.

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#53 · Posted: 4 Aug 2010 17:39

30 years and counting, Herbalife , Herbalife, Herbalife
Pm me for real simple answers.

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#54 · Posted: 8 Aug 2010 20:03

Our species as it were, does not owe its survival and success to our omnivorous diet, rather our omnivorous diets have contributed to what could eventually lead to our species extinction several generations from now.

Certainly the way we live today - that relatively small percentage of humans that do, is destructive to life and the earth in many ways.
And "our meat eating ways", in the west, have likewise gotten out of control.
Both in production and consumption.

Nevertheless, the fact that we humans can, unlike many animals, survive on just about any food source, gives us an overwhelming survival advantage.
That is obvious.
We are not like animals that will die out if their particular food source, be it animal or plant, is no longer available.

Our species as it were, does not owe its survival and success to our omnivorous diet, rather our omnivorous diets have contributed to what could eventually lead to our species extinction several generations from now.

It's not the omnivorous diet that currently threatens our existence, but our excessive consumption, and industrialized ways.
Many societies eat meat, but do not practice "our meat eating ways", or inflict upon their food source "the atrocities animals go through", like modern western industrialized societies do.

In any event, I am talking about the survival advantage the omnivorous
diet, how it has helped us to survive and flourish to this day.
How it has helped us to achieve dominance as a species.

How it can help you survive, should you find yourself in a survival situation where there are no "fresh veggies" available.

Meat may be your only food source.

Possibly only HUMAN meat!

It HAS happened!

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#55 · Posted: 8 Aug 2010 20:11 · Edited by: TJamMoneyMan

My friend tried this diet is this the chemical diet?? She was constantly hungry and as soon as she finished that diet, she goes back to her old ways and put it all on and more.

Yeah, there's no mention of what to eat on day 8!

Try fish, vegetables and egg whites ONLY! It will work!!! No carbs what so ever. No fruit.

These 'diets' are krazee!

Fruit is one of the best foods on earth.

Natural foods that have carbohydrates, also should be part of a regular healthy diet.

Tricks don't work in the long run, and are usually destructive besides.

Eat less, exercise more!

Mike McClurg
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#56 · Posted: 16 Sep 2010 09:29

I use Ximo Golden Ephedra
Have had great results

I feel great, lose weight and still eat Pizza

Mazzini Auto
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#57 · Posted: 25 Sep 2010 13:15

Did anyone realize that the Japanese with their small diets live to be more than 100 years of age?

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#58 · Posted: 9 Jun 2011 20:29

There is a supplement that I know of that is natural and increases you energy and helps turn your fat into muscle.

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#59 · Posted: 17 Aug 2011 14:28

I think that regardless of whether you are a vegetarian or omnivore, getting plenty of good nutrition and plenty of fiber and antioxidants into your system is an important part of losing weight.

Your body will crave what it needs and you will tend to eat and eat till you get it. I try to eat healthy but am very conscious of getting the proper nutrients into my body. i happen to be a big fan of MonaVie. If I drink 2oz of juice in the morning and have a shake during the day, I get more fiber, macro, micro and phytonutrients than many people get in a full day and it keeps me from craving more food than I need.

For those of you who are vegetarians, MonaVie is working on Vegan products.

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#60 · Posted: 7 Sep 2011 01:01

in order to lose weight and keep it off you need to detox your body your fat cells can store up to 30 yrs of toxins

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