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Vishal P. Rao
Joined: 23 Jun 2005 Posts: 1354
#1 · Posted: 9 Sep 2008 01:33 · Edited by: Vishal P. Rao
Share your best tip/strategy on article marketing and get $50! Contest closes 9/20/08. Now the entries...
This contest is closed. The winner is Thom01.
Hattrrrick Forums Member
Joined: 1 Sep 2008 Posts: 19
#2 · Posted: 9 Sep 2008 08:29
Your article should be towards a niche with good keywords for that niche. Your keyword phrase should be in the title and 6-10 times throughout the body of the article.
This technique has provided great SEO results for me.
Kecia08 Forums Member
Joined: 23 May 2008 Posts: 128
#3 · Posted: 9 Sep 2008 10:13
Use a title that has never been used. This will allow you to search for the title in quotations later to see where all your article is being used.
This is the best way to track the popularity of the article.
My Writing Services - Quality, Unique Content for your Article Marketing, Websites, and Blog at Low Rates!
Joined: 20 Feb 2006 Posts: 2086
#4 · Posted: 9 Sep 2008 13:45 · Edited by: getagrip
Some people think they will get a bunch of hits from articles by submitting the same article to hundreds of article directories. The main problem with this approach is duplicate content - in all likelyhood, only the articles from the highest PR article directories are going to show up on the first page of the search engines.
Rather than submitting your articles to a lot of ezines, only submit your article to the top article directories such as: However, to maximize results, one little trick you can do is change the title of the article for each article directory you submit the article to. This will mean your article will show up when people type in different keywords, which means that your article will get a lot more views.
To get keyword ideas to use in your title, you can use the Google Adwords Keyword tool at:
Another trick you can do to get maximum exposure is to change the main keywords within the body of the article for each article directory you submit your article to. For examle the phrase"
"make money online"
can be changed to
"earn money on the internet"
This approach does take a little extra work, but it will give your articles a lot more exposure, resulting in more views, and more money for you!
Joined: 30 Aug 2007 Posts: 3097
#5 · Posted: 9 Sep 2008 13:54
Be yourself when you write the article - use a long tail keyword for the title and then mix it into the article every hundred words or so and also weave it into the author/bio box.
I personally would much rather read an article that has humour and uses phrases like 'that gives me the woolies' or maybe the 'heeby-jeebies'... things like your significant other having a cow in the kitchen as one author recently stated, gives the reader the assurance that you are actually a real person and not just some professional.
Oh - and don't forget to <br> your paragraphs - it makes for much easier reading when it's not all run together.
This will be a great contest and I look forward to learning a lot from it all.
Joined: 24 Jun 2005 Posts: 937
#6 · Posted: 9 Sep 2008 16:03
A published article becomes your tireless sales representative forever, so before you hit "send" and expose it to the world, you better be satisfied that it is a worthy ambassador for whatever it is you are promoting.
Assuming that the other critical parts are in place, such as an attention-grabbing title and useful content, the Resource Box/Author's Bio that appears at the end of your article is a key element and perhaps the biggest incentive for article marketing.
I like to think of the resource box as a bridge that links the article to my main objective.
For example: If my goal is to develop a list of prospects for a new product, I'll explain some of the benefits in my article, and then use the resource box to entice the reader to register for a free preview of the product.
The resource box is very important for directing traffic to wherever you need it to go - a website, a blog, a registration form, a free download page, an affiliate page, a squeeze page, a video, or some other destination.
I use a number of prepared resource boxes, each worded to persuade readers to cross the bridge and explore what's on the other side. And that could be whatever I want it to be.
LauraLicata Forums Member
Joined: 1 Jan 2008 Posts: 309
#7 · Posted: 9 Sep 2008 16:40
You absolutely cannot go wrong with They also have an article leveraging system where you can rewrite parts of your article so that the duplicate content problem is never an issue.
Also, write with your personality. Write as if you are talking to someone you know and show your enthusiasm. It makes your articles much more readable and people will come back for more.
Laura Licata
fbl3ssingm Forums Member
Joined: 6 Aug 2008 Posts: 97
#8 · Posted: 9 Sep 2008 21:02
Kecia08: Use a title that has never been used. This will allow you to search for the title in quotations later to see where all your article is being used. This is the best way to track the popularity of the article.
True said.
To be or not to be, Smart!
sparquel Forums Member
Joined: 2 Sep 2008 Posts: 26
#9 · Posted: 10 Sep 2008 09:01
The tip/strategy I would suggest is ...
Do a search for long tailed keywords in Google and write articles based on that principle for whatever you're trying to rank for.
Joined: 3 Sep 2006 Posts: 877
#10 · Posted: 10 Sep 2008 17:18
You don't need to blast your article to thousands of directories. If you uze, you can simply show up in the top 10 of google for your keyword if you do your keyword research right, and include your keywords in the title of your article. For example, if you are promoting a clickbank product in the weight loss niche, you should use the google keyword tool to find out which keywords have high search volume. make a list, and then head over to google and type these in the search bar using quotations. If your keyword was "how to lose weight fast and safe", you would type that in the search bar. I usually look for less than 100,000 competing websites. Also, if you see other articles show up from ezinearticles, its a good indicator that this is a good keyword to target for your article marketing.
oldbuddy Forums Member
Joined: 3 Sep 2008 Posts: 9
#11 · Posted: 10 Sep 2008 17:58
Base your article on the solution to a common problem so ezine publishers will want to run it. I think that brings more traffic than long tail keywords ever will.
Thom01 Forums Member
Joined: 9 Sep 2008 Posts: 7
#12 · Posted: 10 Sep 2008 18:35
*** Winner ***
Apart from the body of the article, which should be written in an interesting and informative manner, the most important component of any article is its Resource/Author's Bio box. Why is this so important? Because the body of the article is where you "Give" and the resource box is where you get to "Take" in exchange for the information you've given.
Without this give and take synergy, there would be little incentive for you to write an article in the first place. Ideally, the article will wet the reader's curiosity for what you present in the resource box, which may be more information on the same topic, a free download of some kind which promotes your product or service, or a link to an opt-in box for a report or a mini-course.
Aside from the problem of constructing an interesting and informative article, the most important link you are cultivating is the link back to your website from your resource/author's bio box. Therefore, it is important that the resource box be as well planned and written as the article itself, otherwise you are not likely to induce a click through to your website. A poorly written resource box can easily turn off a prospective reader, discouraging him from clicking through to your website.
One of the things you want to avoid in the resource box is mentioning anything about the author even though it is often referred to as an author's bio box. If you are an Internet marketer and not just someone who is attempting to build up his own reputation in some specific field of expertise, you want to use this space to provide a clear and compelling "call to action" for the reader. It should be written in a manner that is straight to the point, immediate, benefit filled, and which yanks the reader down your monetized website links.
When constructing the links in the resource box, at least one of them should contain relevant keyword text (hyperlinked anchor text) to your website to improve search engine ranking for the linked keywords. Ideally, this relevant keyword text should link to an inner page on your website to provide you with a deep link. A "deep link" goes to any relevant inner page (for example, a product page, where you are advertising a specific product for sale) other than the "home" page for your website. The search engines like deep links to a website as it indicates further relevant content for their readers, and thus they are liable to add a higher results ranking to this web page.
The other link in the resource box should contain a hyperlink address to your site, just in case your article gets picked up by some publisher who neglects to carry forward the linked keyword text when publishing the article on their site. This way, at least the address to your website will survive and be there in the case that a publisher uses your article on their own site without maintaining all the links. Although most pubishers are good about maintaining links in the resource box, not all of them are. Therefore you want to protect yourself by displaying the actual link address to your site when other publishers use your article on their website.
As an example of the kind of resource box being spoken about, from the standpoint of an affiliate marketer's article, there is the following. Note: the underscored copy represents a hyperlinked keyword text.
For another opinion of this registry utility, you can visit Review of Registry Easy to read another evaluation of this product. If you'd like to learn about a few of the best registry repair utilities on the market and how you can perform a free scan on your windows registry to help optimize your machine, you can visit this website where you will find straightforward reviews of many of the top registry cleaners on the market.
As you can see, the text for this resource box compellingly invites the reader to look further into this subject area by clicking on the links provided. If this resource box had mentioned something boring about the article's author along with a couple of links back to his website, it might not have been interesting enough for the reader to feel compelled to click through. When you can build anticipation and curiosity in the reader to perform a call to action, you're much more likely to get them to do what you want them to do: that is, to click though to your website to see what you have to offer there!
glitch00 Forums Member
Joined: 19 Aug 2008 Posts: 72
#13 · Posted: 10 Sep 2008 21:08 · Edited by: glitch00
Seems like alot taken what I wanted to say. I'll give this a try.
1. Before getting started no matter what site you decide to do articles in, always fill up your profile first. Make sure that every field the profile allows is filled and avoid making mistakes and typo's with it. Remember you are the author and people are going to be looking at your profile as people start to get interested with your articles. Make your "About Me" fun to read and fill up lots of "Interests" etc.
2. Start with minor articles. This is useful for people who are just diving into the article marketing stream. You don't want to throw out your main or best article as soon as you joined. Instead write about some articles that can be a bit off topic to what you are really marketing, but still appeal some interest to other readers. That way people can find your "minor articles" interesting, check out your profile, find it interesting as well and maybe even subscribe to you. Once you've made enough minor articles and gained a good fan base, you can then blast off to your main article and watch the results.
3. Repeat 1 and 2 in more sites, the purpose is to expand your article slowly, but surely.
4. Going back to the profile, there is a very important field there and that's the URL or homepage field. A good idea would either be to put a link to:
a.) Your internet business if you have any so you can take your fans to another level b.) Your blog that has more articles so that you can get blog views and good blogs will tend to leave your fans begging for more c.) A link to your best article d.) A some sort of blog entry that contains a bunch of links to your best articles in various sites
And last but not least,
5. Follow the advice of the posts above me, obviously I cannot take credit. 
Hope this helps.
Many have heard of it... Some have given it a shot... Few have committed and they succeeded and earn free cash over and over. You can be just like them - - John Ruiz
Steveo72 Forums Member
Joined: 29 Jan 2008 Posts: 10
#14 · Posted: 11 Sep 2008 22:35
Make sure you spell check
opendomain Forums Member
Joined: 19 Aug 2007 Posts: 531
#15 · Posted: 12 Sep 2008 17:16 · Edited by: opendomain
Article marketing is a tool and as such you have to understand what you're really doing with article marketing. You're providing information so that YOUR LINK will be desirable...bottom line. Your link should be desirable to two key groups. 1. Your readers. You should have enough USEFUL information in your article that whoever reads it will come away more knowledgeable about your subject matter and at the same time feel compelled by your article to want to learn more. Provide knowledge and a want to learn more, because at the end of the article if they want to know more and your bio/sig/resource/author box says, "If you'd like to learn more about XYZ follow this link" well then they don't have to travel far. 2. Spiders. These are the critters that crawl web pages everyday looking for 2 primary things keyword/keyword relevance and links. The important thing here of course is of course keyword/keyword relevance, as your link should always be in your resource/article box. Keywords can be best obtained by thinking about a phrase someone searching for your "product" might look for, and then be sure your article title has this phrase in it. The next key step to keywords is article keyword placement. If you're selling Bob's Big Book of Article Tips, be sure to refer to Bob's Big Book of Article Tips as Bob's Big Book of Article Tips is the subject of your article on Bob's Big Book of Article Tips. ...This is of course overkill but you get the idea. Which leads to my next point on keywords, don't overdo it, as this takes away from the relevance as well as puts off your first audience. Keywords are like salt; a dash or two can really add flavor, and too much will kill you.
Finding a balance between writing for your readers and for spiders is the single most important tip, as no one will read an article if they can't find it and an article is worthless when found if it can't be read.
shezz Forums Member
Joined: 15 Aug 2006 Posts: 8
#16 · Posted: 14 Sep 2008 03:14
I have 2 tips.......
1. Find out what works for your niche - Google your keyword and see what articles are making it to the top page or two. Take a good look at the article and create your own on a similar wavelength as the one getting first page. DO NOT COPY IT - but just use it as a guide to get some inspiration and an idea of what people are after and what will make the first page of Google.
2. Write one great article with a great resource box drawing people in to click on your link. Then create a heap more articles and have them linking to the first article. Build up backlinks to your first article and that will help that article to be viewed more and then rise in the results.
Joined: 24 Jun 2005 Posts: 937
#17 · Posted: 15 Sep 2008 00:31
opendomain: Keywords are like salt; a dash or two can really add flavor, and too much will kill you. Gilbert,
That's the best statement I've ever read regarding keywords. It's simple, true and funny too! 
opendomain Forums Member
Joined: 19 Aug 2007 Posts: 531
#18 · Posted: 15 Sep 2008 17:24
Thanks Hermas, I find humor to be one of the best teachers Laughing and learning is there anything better? Yes there is, laughing while learning.
glitch00 Forums Member
Joined: 19 Aug 2008 Posts: 72
#19 · Posted: 17 Sep 2008 01:55
I bet $50 on opendomain's winning quote
Many have heard of it... Some have given it a shot... Few have committed and they succeeded and earn free cash over and over. You can be just like them - - John Ruiz
Vishal P. Rao
Joined: 23 Jun 2005 Posts: 1354
#20 · Posted: 23 Sep 2008 02:22 · Edited by: Vishal P. Rao
Thank you all for your valuable contributions. Each contribution is a gem in itself. But unfortunately I have to choose one winner