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Looking to join Coastal, will you be my mentor?

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#1 · Posted: 11 Apr 2007 18:31
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I've been researching Coastal and I feel it's the best business for me. I've been in network marketing/mlm in previous years and have had mediocre success with it building an organization to over 600 people in a few months.

However, the money for my efforts were pathetic to say the least.

I'm looking for a good "mentor" to help me build a solid Coastal business. I have yet to join, so I am not someone who's looking to simply get your "marketing strategy", I will be joining very soon... Just need to partner up with the right person is all.

You don't need to sell me on the business, I'm already sold. Why should I join with you and YOUR team?

I'm not huge on calling people either. So I plan on using the call center, at least at first, until I can spit out the companies packages and policys in my sleep

So tell me... What does you and your team do that will help me succeed?

And btw... It shouldn't be hard to make my first two sales either as I have a work at home list of over 20,000 people. NOT BOUGHT! Every single one has filled out their info on MY opt in page and was added to my autoresponders

Anyhow... Appreciate any and all responses!


Chaz T
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#2 · Posted: 12 Apr 2007 04:54
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Wow congrats on your list...

I'm not involved with coastal but I just wanted to welcome you and wish you the best. I'm sure someone will respond too your inquiry.

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#3 · Posted: 12 Apr 2007 07:31 · Edited by: luvtravel
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Hi Jason I sent you a PM. You're right about one thing, going with WCYS call center is an excellent choice and this coming from someone who is with the call center. Their training gives you some valuable unique ideas for marketing Coastal vacation packages.

Good luck in your search, read my PM and I am certain you will find the right Director to go with.


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#4 · Posted: 12 Apr 2007 08:11 · Edited by: roger
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Hey Jason,
Welcome to the forum and the Call Center, the group I am with. You've made a great decision, good luck!

I've also sent you a PM.


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#5 · Posted: 12 Apr 2007 08:45
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I bet Jason is getting hit with a BUNCH of PM's. lol It's great to see you choos the call center, Jason!

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#6 · Posted: 12 Apr 2007 13:27
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Hi Jason,

And congratulations on your decision to change your life with Coastal!!

When choosing your mentor, I would suggest making sure that you talk personally with the people that you think would fit you....You need to be sure that you connect with your director, and am comfortable with them!

Again, I would like to say congrats, and I wish you all the success in your business!


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#7 · Posted: 12 Apr 2007 16:13
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Hello Jason

so how many responses have you received?

Interviewing your prospective director is very important. Every director brings something else to the table, free websites, free tools, different marketing resources etc

Once you are in coastal it can be expensive to change groups.

You will love Coastal, it has been my home for over 5 1/2 yrs

Good luck to you

maria Porter

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#8 · Posted: 12 Apr 2007 22:50
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Thank you, it took a couple years to do so, but it's been a great asset


I appreciate your pm and kind wishes!


It seems that the call center gets quite the praise... Good to see that! Thank you for your pm as well.


Your pm got me thinking... Good to see people who care


I will be sure and do that! I couldn't agree with you more. I will definitely be taking the time to choose the best director for me.


Believe it or not, not as many as I thought I would coming out saying basically... I'm joining. lol I think 5 total so far.

5 1/2 years is a long time. Good to see persistence. Most unfortunately just don't flat out have the patience or drive to succeed.

Appreciate everyones replies so far! Anyone else?


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#9 · Posted: 12 Apr 2007 23:44
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Hello Jason

funny post, that's the way to do it, answer everyone at the same time

Once you find your WHY...why do you want and need to succeed, it is easy.

Mine was to stay at home, I was tired of being a physical therapist, I wanted to stay at home to raise our son and get his grades up from D- (he's an A honor roll now)

I sold 11 packages in 14 days, i was motivated to do well...

and the rest as the cliche goes, is all history....

anyway, coastal is here, and whenever you decide to take the bull by the horns, you will reap the rewards

Hope this helps

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#10 · Posted: 13 Apr 2007 02:03
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I'll be your mentor, if you'll have me

I just made a million in 3 years with Coastal. I might have a trick or two to show ya.

But ya, check it all out.


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#11 · Posted: 13 Apr 2007 11:02
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Although I can't say I've done quite as well as Jeff yet, I know how to make money and I will show you how I do it.

There isn't one person in this forum who couldn't help you, it really depends on who you connect with and who you feel will go that extra mile for you. Good luck Jason.


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#12 · Posted: 14 Apr 2007 04:55
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Hi Jason,

I would recommend talking to each director and see which one fits with you. Many times signing up with a director gets you connected to several directors.

Best of success to you,


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#13 · Posted: 16 Apr 2007 12:11
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Pls check out my website (in my sig line) and find out why we are different then any other group. Check all groups out that way you can make an intelligent decision.
Coastal is a great program wichever group you will join!


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#14 · Posted: 17 Apr 2007 15:14
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I just joined Coastal but I wish I would have done my homework as I didn't realize there were so many different groups and ways of doing the biz. Jeff, I looked at your site and it sounds like the way you do the biz would be more to my liking as I do not really like talking to prospects. Would I really have to only advertize and bring the prospect to you or a system? I am going to be really bummed if that is the case.
Any advice?

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#15 · Posted: 18 Apr 2007 00:37
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with the call center you advertise and train your new members and sometimes you will have to talk to prospects simply because they will want to talk to you.

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#16 · Posted: 18 Apr 2007 03:13
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Welcome to Coastal Jason! You picked a great team to join. Wishing you lots of success!


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#17 · Posted: 18 Apr 2007 13:02
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with the call center, the ones who have the success, DO PICK UP THE PHONE to introduce themselves. If you don't you are likely to lose that prospect to a director who has picked up the phone and has plugged you into the call center under his/her ID.

Once a prospect has had the call center call them (whether they have requested it or not) then they are obligated to join under that director. The prospect will be tagged to that director for 30 days.

Even if the prospect does not wish to join under that director....

So, speedy is the name of the game, especially if the prospect has signed in under a few sites to get information.

I think many who have joined the call center have lost sales to other directors using the call center because they have not realised just how other directors are working the system.

Just because a prospect is in your database, it does not mean that they belong to you.

hope this helps

maria Porter

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#18 · Posted: 18 Apr 2007 13:16
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Very good point, Maria! Plus, there are many prospects who will opt in to several websites of call center members and until that person does call in they are fair game for anyone. I have had this happen a couple of times. I had one guy opt in to 4 members and my own site. He actually contacted some of those members and wanted to talk but he never would return calls. Three different members called me wanting to set up threeway calls with this guy so it could have gotten a little hard to deal with if he had actually joined. This doesn't happen very often and it could happen to anyone in Coastal, not just call center members but it is something to keep in mind.

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#19 · Posted: 18 Apr 2007 16:45
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Quoting: ibizniz
with the call center, the ones who have the success, DO PICK UP THE PHONE to introduce themselves. If you don't you are likely to lose that prospect to a director who has picked up the phone and has plugged you into the call center under his/her ID.

Once a prospect has had the call center call them (whether they have requested it or not) then they are obligated to join under that director. The prospect will be tagged to that director for 30 days.

Even if the prospect does not wish to join under that director....

So, speedy is the name of the game, especially if the prospect has signed in under a few sites to get information.

I think many who have joined the call center have lost sales to other directors using the call center because they have not realised just how other directors are working the system.

Can you explain please.
I am not understanding at all.

It's not you I just don't understand who we should call and introduce ourselves to
who the call center is calling etc etc....



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#20 · Posted: 18 Apr 2007 17:30
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Terri, when folks opt in, we get their contact info posted in our back office.

Our automated emails urge them to call the call center, and if they do, we get notes from the call center staff keeping us updated on a purchase.

However, it's nice to call them yourself, just quickly, to make a personal connection. Some people need that personal invitation to call the call center.

For example, let's use me. I opted into Dawn's site. I got her automated email (with my free vacation in it!) AND an email she wrote personally. At that time she had to pass me up to Harold so Harold called me that day too. I learned a bit about both of them and they about me.

So, by the end of the day I had made a connection with Dawn, and with Harold. I got onto the Q and A call b/c the emails gave me the number and times and then I researched other teams for a few days, but decided that WCYS was for me. I made Dawn and Harold aware of when i could join because I had to wait until my tax return was at least on the way. I know Harold called the call center to update them on my intentions so that when I called in, they'd know a little.

When the time came, I called the call center kind of to interview them, to see how they talked to people, and I asked a few questions. I made payment arrangements w/ Harold being he had just set up his merchant acct. the day before. then the call center called me to help me get my site going, and let me know what to do when my packages arrived.

So Maria is saying that a person like me may have opted into 3 or 4 teams' systems, and may need a push in the right direction and the one who calls them first may just get the purchase.

The call center does not call for us, they TAKE calls. If we have spoken to a prospect and qualified them, we can tell the call center and in some cases, they will make a call for us. That was mentioned on another thread.

Hope this helps clear things up.

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