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Joined: 22 May 2007 Posts: 759
#141 · Posted: 27 Feb 2008 01:00
One of the least expensive ways to get traffic to your site when you are low on cash is to surf for credtits on traffic exchanges. The idea is that you look at sites and for doing so you get credits to have your site seen. Sounds good but it can be frustrating. You see most of the people on the sites are business builders just like you and only click on your site to get credits to get their site seen.
Savvy marketers can take advantage of this trend though. Imagine offering something free on an exciting lead capture page. Ive been getting soem good responses by offering free leads. This might sound like a broken record to a few of you that read my post but its a good strategy. You see my goal is to build a list. By giving out free tools and info the people on that list get to know who I am. They get more comfortable with me and thus make it easier to market to them. Master internet marketers have been doing this for ages.
Giving away free ebooks or other tools are a great way to build such a list on the traffic exchanges. If you are really savvy you can have a paid offer that comes up before they get to the free tool you are offering. Will everyone buy? Of course not but imagine offering something for $10. $10 isnt alot so many will just buy it. If you get one person a day thats $300 a month. Not bad for a traffic exchange. The key is to offer something of value. Im in the midst of creating a page of items I have reseller rights on. I recently got 50 free digital items from free for referring 50 people to them. Im almost at that same mark for free survey leads as well.
If you dont know reseller rights can best be described in these terms. You get the right to resell a product you obtained. There are various stipulations with many of the products but all and all you can just resell or give away most of these products. This gives you an arsenal of things to use to build your own list.
A leader in MLM/Network Marketing once told me the power is in the list so do your best to create your own list. It may take a bit of time but in the end the leads are so much better qualified than any you can buy.
Adam Frederick Coastal Level III Director Be on the look out for my new Coastal Vacations Live Call 302 327 6263 - call me [email protected] - write me
Joined: 22 May 2007 Posts: 759
#142 · Posted: 1 Mar 2008 14:04
Are you a Coastal Forgotten member. Have you been stagnant in your Coastal business and need a boost? Ive been in the business for 3 years now and have seen it all.
In my opinion Coastal Members need a few simple things.
1- An affordable marketing system
Imagine a one time fee for your website. No more monthly fees. You pay one time and dont worry ever again. What if you had three options on the site. A level one website option, a premier option with free lead generation material, and a platinum option with a video package.
You a/r will be affordable and have link tracking options. You will also be able to import 2500 leads a day. Speaking of leads how about 5000 free optin leads a month and 25 free suvey leads a month. Not to mention an affordable way to get 25 survey leads a day for around $20 a month.
2- Training
You need training to keep you up to date. The Official Coastal Board of Directors has great training. How about more. Interactive phone/computer opportunity calls each Mon- Thurs. Plus monthly training calls on a variety of topics. This is all in addition to all the tools already availbale for free with The Official Coastal Board of Directors.
3- Lead generation training
Leads grow your business. Learn how to use the internet and offline marketing to generation an unlimited amount of free leads. For the past 2 years ive been using the lead providers but using my warm market , the internet as well as offline methods to generate my own targeted leads. Now in my opinion I think these leads are the best and I believe everyone should know how to generate their own leads whether they want to or not. This is invaluable to your business.
The Coastal Forgotten will now have the opportunity to get back in the fold. You wont be forgotten anymore. Stay tuned for more details about all that is on the horizon or contact me directly.
The A-Team will continue to bring the heat and set the Coastal Opportunity on fire.
Adam Frederick Coastal Level III Director 302 613 4632
Joined: 22 May 2007 Posts: 759
#143 · Posted: 4 Mar 2008 12:04 · Edited by: ateamfuntimer
Remember the childrens game ( can remember if it was on Sesame Street or Electric Company) where you had to pick which object didnt belong? One didnt fit in the crowd. There is alot to be said about that in the internet marketing game. Lets expand.
The internet is a vast entity that is constantly growing. Each and every day thousands of people create websites as well as join business opportunities and begin to advertise them on the net. Their goal is to get the highest ranking and have people see their products and services and buy from them or join their opt.
How is the best way to achieve this.? Well there are many ways to get seen. PPC (pay -per - click), SEO (search engine optimization), good keywords and so many more options. I have been using a method that has worked for me and can work for anyone else. It takes some creativity but we can work that out together.
Be yourself and be different. Huh? How is that possible you ask. Its totally possible. Each of us is a special human being with our own talents. When you represent yourself on the web that should shine through. So much has been taught about your why in this Coastal business. You write it down , you study it, you keep it in front of you to motivate yourself to move forward. Why not translate that into your website so others can relate to you. In sales training I received from a major training company back in NYC I was taught that people buy from people they like. Well the best way for someone to get to like you is to get to know you. Your website should reflect who you are.
Recently I created a blog that has link to many of the opportunities im involved with. I placed it on a traffic exchange called Link Referral and the hits have been pouring in. In addition many have clicked on alot of the affiliate programs I have as well as learning about Coastal Vacations. Now I still have all my lead capture pages in effect so I can continue to grow my list but the blog has become my central location. The blog reflects me. It has my favorite song ( Unbreakable by Alicia Keys...many of you that were at the CSG even in Chicago will remember April and I came out to that and it reflects us so much). It has pictures of us. I have my articles. Many ive taken from this very forum. I even have a new program I found that will allow a person to call me right from the site.
As you can see I have personalized my approach and the results are amazing. The last few days have been incredible. For months now ive been putting together projects to help all Coastal members and after putting my blog up everything I needed came into place. I know have a new marketing system available to all that run a Coastal business. Its called C.H.A.M.P.S. (Coastal Highly Anticipated Marketing + Prospecting System) as we are all champs. You see ive set myself apart from the pack. Ive created my own niche. Didnt we all get into Coastal to be in business for ourselves? So why do we so quickly fall back into the mentality of being an employee? We should all be growing everyday. Do any of you think Jeff Mills, a Coastal Millionaire, is content being just a member of a group and following their every move? I think not. Ive not always agreed with him but I do applaud him for always being an innovator.
Through looking at others and what they have done here is how ive set myself apart.
1- I created my own websites + systems
2- I create my own leads ( for free) as I control where I get them from
3- Ive been able to show teammates how to cut their advertising budget to almost nothing
4- Ive established a presence on the internet so if you search for Adam Frederick (or A-Team) + Coastal Vacations you find my articles and post
5- I have branded myself as a leader in this industry so people know me and my story.
These are steps you should thrive to take yourself. Learn to establish yourself as a force to be reckoned with in this industry. If you need assistance give me a buzz id be more than willing to share my thoughts and strategies. If you need detailed info maybe we could schedule a coaching session. The choice is yours but the fact of the matter is to thrive in this industry you must set yourself apart. The major players all have something that makes them stand out. The question is do you?
Which one of these doesnt belong is a catchy way to thing of your business. If you do you will see if you stand out or not.
Adam Frederick Internet Entrepreneur + Mentor 302 613 4632
Joined: 22 May 2007 Posts: 759
#144 · Posted: 6 Mar 2008 01:33
One of the hardest things to do in any business is be the LONE RANGER. In terms of internet knowledge, sales + marketing, training , presentation skills and people skills I rank pretty high on the scale. This is not to toot my own horn but rather to make a point. With all of those skills I cant be successful all by myself. The day doesnt have enough hours for me to be able to focus all of those avenues. I always need help. In the past ive learned to automate some things as well as outsource alot.
Recently ive learned to partner up alot more. My dad, God bless his soul, taught me alot growing up. You see he was a real people person. He worked for the Dept of Parks + Recreation in the Bronx where I grew up. Now he started as a regular worker cleaning the parks but worked himself up to the point of being in charge of a few districts. That position meant he was two positions away from the top slot. His boss was the district manager who's boss was the Park Commissioner. Not bad for a guy that started from the bottom. He taught me an incredible work ethic. What I learned most was how to work with others. Now in any situation there will be some you cant work with no matter what but hey thats life. But on a whole im pretty good at working with others.
Recently ive been attracting people with major skills and credibility. Ive been looking to create a project to give business some free tools as well as advertising and found a guy putting that project together. Im going to supply every business that is part of that program with travel incentives for their businesses. I was looking to complete my own project of the free Coastal Vacations Option and the last piece of the puzzle came to me and now I have websites, autoresponders, leads, conference lines and other innovative tools to promote it. I was looking for a tool to help all of my teammates take their business to the next level and I met an gentlemen that gave me a proposition that should handle that. Life can be good when you learn to team up with others.
I met a young lady the other day that signed up for my free option that is a fireball. I was looking into doing some work with a new tool that I found on the internet and lo and behold she is an expert at it and has a big following. You call it law of attraction I call it God blessing and putting me in alignment with my destiny but whatever you call it I know its because ive learned the value of joint ventures.
Joint ventures can really allow you to take advantage of the power of teamwork. So many of us in this very forum compete and bicker back and forth. Ive been at fault with that b4. Ive had my run-ins with a few people (im actually in the middle of one of those run-ins now). But as I see that all they do is take my focus off of what I need to do. As Jay Z the rapper would say "Im focused Man". Im focused on networking with any of you that are ready to be part of the runaway train. Big things are going on. Im not afraid to say that or share that im in the midst of making some major major moves. Id love to bring as many as want to take that ride along with me. The only thing you have to do is be ready for real work. If you are real and ready to do the task needed to be done then lets do it.
I can only let the cap off of a few things as not everything has been finalized yet but here goes:
1- My new system for Coastal Forgotten ( as well as members looking for an affordable alternative) is about ready for launch
2- Im looking to make a move to team up with a major player in the Coastal market ( this is still in the works)
3- My new Coastal Presentation calls will be starting soon (8pm est M-Th nights) - details will be available soon
4- Im looking for a team of 5 leaders to sit down with and revamp some of the way we post in the forum. Imagine 6 leaders each one posting on a topic of the week each day. Six perspectives on a topic. Thats would really be useful to all.
The train is moving. Lets create some JOINT VENTURES and take Coastal to the top in 2008. This is the best home based travel opportunity on the market and its time we showed that to be true again.
Adam Frederick Internet Entrepreneur + Mentor 302 613 4632
Joined: 22 May 2007 Posts: 759
#145 · Posted: 9 Mar 2008 16:18
Ok let's try this again. I thought my post had taken but apparently not.
How do you build a well rounded business with Coastal Vacations? Building a solid Coastal business takes a few components.
1- Leads
Leads can be looked at in two categories. First we have business opportunity leads. These are people that are looking to have a business opportunity and see Coastal as a viable option. There are many ways to generate these leads. I create leads by posting in forum such as this, blogging ( I use blogger + now wordpress), traffic exchanges ( list lotto, trafficsplash, free traffic bar, link referral + list joe to list a few), post in the social networks ( yuwie, ojeez, apsense, ryze and a few others), write articles, do press releases as well as creating lead capture pages. It seems like alot but making a schedule and doing the task in a sequence works. Plus you dont have to do each of them but only the ones you like. In addition I get 80,000 opt in leads a month ( free ) as well as 800 survey leads (free). Links to get yours are in my signature lines.
2- Making calls
The phone is a necessity for many in this business. I make calls to my leads during the day as well as answering my phone from the inquiries I get from my online activity. Im adding another component to my calling structure in the upcoming week as well. I actually joined a call center. Yes take a deep breath. For years I wasnt their biggest fan but ive found a center that actually makes outbound calls. I think its a good addition. Its like having a phone team. I'll update everyone as time goes on as to the progress.
3- Create a retail division
Retail is huge. You can retail to business. You can have travel parties. You can do so much on the retail end. Actually more people will just buy the travel package then wanting to do the business opportunity. I focus most of my energy on this aspect of my business.
4- Network for referrals
Give away vacations like crazy. Helping other business owners endears them to you and they become more willing to refer potential customers your way. Help them close their deals by giving them a cruise voucher. Show them how this package works for them and many will buy a package from you.
5- Get a good autoresponder
This can make or break your business. Have a prospecting campaign as well as a follow up campaign and if you can create an information campaign. I send out emails of free tools I find on the net to my prospects. Many sign up for them and become more open to things im selling as ive given them something useful. My free leads campaign is going exceptional. Its really opened up alot of dialog wih many of these prospects.
6 - Use the system.
Live calls are your best friend. Im actually creating a series of live calls that my team as well as anyone in Coastal can attend. The live Coastal Calls are a bit too late for east coast people so im going to make a solution. If you want details be sure to contact me. The calls will be open to all but understand as im hosting them I will be promoting the systems I use but will always talk about there being choices and everyone can use what is best for them.
If you follow these simple steps you can create a well rounded business model that will work . I hope this information has been helpful and as always my door is open for questions.
Adam Frederick Internet Entrepreneur 302 613 4632
Joined: 22 May 2007 Posts: 759
#146 · Posted: 15 Mar 2008 15:19
Ive spent past three years trying to wrap Coastal Vacations and what it takes to be successful through my mind. For many of you that know me personally will attest to the fact im a fierce competitor. I hate to lose. My wife April teases me about it. Well that drive is what propels me to succeed. Now we have have great success in Coastal Vacations but ive lost alot of teammates on the way. Are any of you out there with me on that one? How can we all succeed is something I want to touch on today.
Ive created a very simple formula for Coastal Success. Its goes as follows:
or for any of you that are math geeks like I am ( if you dont believe me when you see me have a Rubiks Cube and I bet you any amount of money ill solve it in way under 5 minutes...unless you rigged the stickers at which time ill call you out on it)
GL + SS =$S$
Im copyrighting that formula for a training so dont take it. But seriously if you get the right amount of leads and put them in a good sales system then you will make sales and have success. The hard part is putting this into practice. Lets tackle the first part of getting leads.
Im a big fan of not paying for leads. Dont get me wrong many are having great success with the leads they buy. I just think that many are overpriced and for the amount of leads you need to be successful most cant afford the prices. I use either free or inexpensive leads. The reason behind this is because of our product. Ive been in sales a long time and understand a few simple rules. People buy things to get out of pain or to receive pleasure. Its that simple. They are strong motivators. Travel is a huge source of pleasure that can cause alot of pain. If you save for years and take your family to Disney and they love it I can assure you next year they will want to go again. Now the trip was a source of pleasure but mom and dad will go through pain to repeat the trip the next year. Our Coastal package resolves that. They get a lifetime of pleasure without the pain of having to pay the big bucks from now on. So if you get any lead you should be able to show them the value of the product and if they are looking for a business opportunity they should get started.
Now whats better is generating your own leads. Now I could go on for the next year with all the various methods and have talked about them in various other posts but here are some simple ways to do so.
1- Lead Capture Pages 2- Social Networking 3- Article Posting 4- Blogging 5- Classifieds ( free or otherwise) 6- Travel Parties 7- Customer Appreciation Days
And the list goes on and on. The leads you generate from your own methods that come looking for you are like gold. I love when I get an email or call from someone that has seen me advertised somewhere. They have usually read the Coastal Profile and are steps ahead in the sales process.
Getting leads can be rather simple. You pay for them or join one of the free lead programs or generate them yourself and its like set it and forget it. The sales system is where most falter. By nature most people arent good salespeople and the used car salesmen of the world have made salesman a very long 4 letter word. People hate to be sold and usually run from sales people. I am usually good to salespeople being one myself but how many of you run from the retail salesperson in the store. I bet most of you do.
So how can we get a system to overcome this. The various groups have created innovative websites and movie presentations to do alot of the selling for you. Ive even become invloved with the Coastal Closers as they have a team of sales people making calls for you to your leads. Talk about set it and forget it. The point is you have to decide what system will do the work for you and you have to feed it. Whether its bringing leads to a call center or getting people to your website or presentation. You have to feed the machine.
I think you need a combination of the websites, the presentations and the calling. The more you add to the pot the better it gets. Its like a casserole ( my wife got me to break down and try one recently). The more stuff in it the better it becomes. Also you have to be willing to adapt and try new things. Im always adding new facets to my business. The marrket changes so dont get stuck. The formula for success is constant but the components are ever changing.
By combining the components you will have success. Its bound to happen as we have a product people like. So get all the leads you can and flood your system and watch the sales start falling out the bottom. Its worked for me and will work for you.
Adam Frederick Internet Entrepreneur 302 613 4632 [email protected]
Joined: 22 May 2007 Posts: 759
#147 · Posted: 16 Mar 2008 14:53
For the past three years I have done great with Coastal Vacations. It has alot to do with the great product we market as well as the high commissions we receive. The last piece of the puzzle to my success is my salesmanship. Ive been told I could sell ice to an Eskimo and get top dollar for it. Unfortunately not all of my teammates are as talented. In fact the reason most people (90%) fail in home based businesses is their lack of sales experience. No matter what was told to you. No matter how great the website is or the presentation or that the product sells itself for a transaction to be made someone is going to have to close the deal.
In the past weeks ( after a 3 year extensive search ) I have found a solution. The Coastal Closing Center. They have various innovative ways for existing members to get started as well as entry levels starting at $69.95. They resolve the issue that so many have of getting on the phone and closing a deal as they have a team of professional closers. In addition they do something many of the other call centers don't do. They make outgoing calls. Now what does that mean for you as a member? It translates to the fact that even if you are totally lazy or maybe just want to take some time off you have a staff making calls for you. That is huge. Lets expand on that. Imagine continuing to grow your business yourself and having the call center make calls as well. That's a double income. How much quicker will you achieve your dream?
Now of course for many this isnt the best option and thats really okay. My goal as always has been to share the best information with all member in Coastal. I come with a world of experience as I have had extensive experience in many home based businesses plus I was privileged to have served on Leadership Board of the CSG. Ive counseled with all the leaders in this industry and count many of the top leaders as personal friends. So my endorsement comes with alot of weight. Most of you are aware of how I never thought highly of the Call Centers before. But after seeing what is offered ( making outgoing calls is hugh) as well as all the innovative ways to get started and be profitable my stance changed.
Id love to see you guys at our next presentation that goes over the info in detail. This is a real life solution to help anyone that is already in Coastal Vacations and trying to generate those training sales from teammates or just want a back-up in your own business. You can go out and enjoy the vacations we get at great discounts and not have to worry about losing momentum in your business. Not to mention the way this can rapidly grow your team.
Let me give you an example. You get involved in the call center and they make outbound calls to your leads. They close a few deals for you. Now as these new teammates get started there is no learning curve the closers begin to close deals for them. So your two teammates becomes four real quick all the while you are collecting commissions and seeing a viral growth in your business.
I wish I had learned this long ago. Ive had numerous teammates drop out because they didnt have the proper sales skills. Now being a trainer I tried my best to educate them but some people will never be good on the phone so this option really helps them.
Dates - Tues , Wed, Thurs Time - 4pm est or 10pm est ( other times coming soon) Website address - (this is the generic site and not my personal site) If you want my site just contact me. Phone number - 308-344-6400 pin 694128
Lets find a solution to achieving the financial success you want in life.
Adam Frederick Internet Entrepreneur + Coastal Level III Director 302 613 4632 [email protected]
CoastalToday Forums Member
Joined: 2 Apr 2007 Posts: 150
#148 · Posted: 17 Mar 2008 13:48
Congratulations Adam,
Better late than never, I say, and its about time everyone "saw the light" regarding the Coastal Closers. Welcome to the group!
I have been a member of their team since (almost) the beginning. They are now running strong and I am glad to be a part of the Closers. The flexibility to have others close sales allows any Coastal Director to build their business in multiple ways - the Closers run in the background giving you the freedom to sell retail, sell on your own, anything you can think to do.
And, of course, it is a major benefit for those who just don't want to sell period, yet still reap the rewards that Coastal has to offer.
One of the most important things about the Closers is that Jim knows how to change with the demands of the market. He is always looking for bigger and better ways to get things done. In fact, he's working on yet another improvement now, and I'm very excited to be on board.
With these new options and the upswing in place, now is the time to join. I second Adam's invitation to the webinar for those who are considering Coastal.
Tonya Kopp Platinum Director Coastal Vacations
Joined: 22 May 2007 Posts: 759
#149 · Posted: 19 Mar 2008 21:22
Getting into the groove
Life is beginning to get back to normal for me. I'm still not getting any sleep as my son has as much energy as I do and likes to keep mommy and daddy up. But I will say I'm getting into a bit of a groove.
In the past few weeks ive been putting some finishing touches on a few websites ( my own and a big project) as well as have joined the Coastal Closing Center. This is a major move. For years I was against anything to do with a call center. I had various reasons. But needless to say I've rethought them and joined the Closing Center for one big reason. That is support.
The one thing I have learned in my 3 years in Coastal is that not everyone is a good salesperson. The biggest challenge most have is picking up the phone and goign through a script and handling objections. They seem to fold and after getting beat up over and over on the phone they stop making calls. No calls no sales. Unless you can advertise like some of us and have people calling you then you need to be on the phone ( the other option is retail ). The calling center gives my teammates that advantage.
Coastal already has the best product. The commissions are the best and the entry fee is more than worth it. All that was missing was that real training and support. Now I always teach my team to become self sufficient and learn the sales skills but in the interim they can still make money with the center.
So im back in my groove. All the pieces to my puzzle of creating the most successful travel scenario for anyone to join are coming together. Im excited for anyone joining my team. so if you are looking to get started in Coastal Vacations then lets talk soon.
Adam Frederick Internet Entrepreneur 302 613 4632 [email protected]
[Post edited - Admin]
Joined: 22 May 2007 Posts: 759
#150 · Posted: 25 Mar 2008 18:04
The train is moving. The new option in my business is a great asset. For the past 3 years I have had a challenge getting my teammates up to the level of success they desired. There are many reasons for it. One is that as one person I don't have enough hours in the day train everyone in all the nuances of being great sales people individually. No one person does. Now of course I could do group trainings but they aren't as effective to get to the real challenges for each person.
Sales are what make any business go and without making sales you don't have a business. My new addition gives my teammates the added support they need. Now I have met some resistance from a few people with this change. My outlook is this. Why not increase the amount of people I have calling my leads? Why not have more hours worked in my business? Why not have some lower priced options for people to get started in Coastal. For $720 you can get started and have the sales team make calls to your leads. For $69.95 you can get started and have a website fee of $49.95 a month ( that is until one sale is made then its free and then the staff will make calls for you as well).
Think of what that means for someone in Coastal already. You can get a team calling your leads for as low as $720. For $69.95 and passing up one sale you can even get started. What a deal. Now I promote you getting started as at the highest level but even for the toe-dippers and even those having financial challenges there are no excuses. The options are there.
Im happy that I made the decision to revitalize my business and the support it now gives my team by adding the call center option. Many of you know that for years I never considered them as a viable option. Times and attitudes have changed. There are so many disenfranchised Coastal members that were part of one organization that left Coastal to start their own new product and opportunity. Now I wish them all the best but how about those that didn't want to change what options are there for them? Well now they have one and its not expensive.
So I would love to field any question anyone has on the subject.
Adam Frederick Internet Entrepreneur + Coach 302 613 4632 [email protected]
[Post edited - Admin]
asebf Forums Member
Joined: 11 Sep 2007 Posts: 267
#151 · Posted: 29 Mar 2008 00:00
ateamfuntimer: So I would love to field any question anyone has on the subject. .................. Why are people avoiding this CV sub-forum?
Joined: 22 May 2007 Posts: 759
#152 · Posted: 1 Apr 2008 21:38 · Edited by: ateamfuntimer
What has been the biggest challenge many have had with running their Coastal Vacation business? I've asked that question to many Coastal business owners. The answer that I've received back are varied. Many talk of the lack of good leads these days. They have a good point. Others talk of not getting their teammates to the same success that they have achieved. I can relate. Some talk about the challenge of teaching people how to sell. This is a huge one. Listen in as I chime in one how to overcome some of these challenges.
A lead is a lead is a lead and only as good as the person working it. The biggest question that anyone should ask the person they call on the phone is if they are looking. Are you looking to make some extra money from home is my usual question. Its a put up or shut up question. Now I have learned that the best leads are ones I generate myself but it doesn't matter where the lead comes from as it really comes down to if they are looking or not.
This is an industry buzzword. I bet everyone has heard it. This has been my biggest challenge. My talents are vast and learning what to teach my team is always a challenge. Being someone that loves to teach from time to time I can over teach. So recently I have begun to make things simple. Ive added a new facet to my business that will allow me to free up my time. As I free up that time I can spend the time needed with the teammates that need the most help. I'm also creating more training that will go on a website that will be an unofficial Coastal training guide. This is help me duplicate my success with my team as they will have a clear picture on exactly what to follow. So to duplicate its important to create an easy to follow system.
This is the biggest challenge. Many don't have the aptitude to sell but if you can put a few systems in place it will help the sales process. In the Coastal Closing Center a webinar was created to help in this process. The goal is to get as many people as possible to the webinar so they can see a presentation in living color. It adds flair to the website that just present the info in a straight forward manner. Many of the groups have created incredible presentations as they understand this is a great sales tool. In addition I think its important to have an easy to follow website that has enough information for the info-seeker but has enough glitz and glamor for the visual person as well.
Another way to make selling easier is to present the package in a down to earth way. Relationship selling is good in this aspect. When you meet someone learn to relate to them. Its been called mirroring. Many even do trainings on "Colors" and the personality types. All of these are great. I say keep it simple. People love to travel and we offer it at a discount. Ask people where they have travel and how much they spent. Then ask them if you could save them money on the same trips they already are going on would they be willing to look at a website. I even offer them a reward for going. A free vacation voucher. Its sort of like giving out samples.
I hope something I have said will inspire someone to achieve greater success. As always my door is open for questions. In addition I encourage you all to click my links and found out about an incredible webinar where you can learn how many have been successful in building amazing Coastal businesses.
Joined: 22 May 2007 Posts: 759
#153 · Posted: 9 Apr 2008 10:16 · Edited by: ateamfuntimer
For years the various Coastal groups have been like countries in the Middle East. We all market the same product but have been infighting as to who is the best. Leaders have switched groups with much fanfare and some groups have even broken off from the Coastal fold to pursue their own dreams. Its enough to make your head spin.
I've been involved with a few of these breaks. My wife and I started with the now defunct CSG on their board of directors and shortly after a group left that board to become the Coastal Wealth Builders. Now being the person I am I wished them the best and even used to attend their calls. The break did create alot of confusion for some as well as creating some bickering back and forth.
My next break came when we left the CSG. In hindsight I believe my instincts were right as now I see that Coastal wasnt the focus of the leadership of the CSG but rather their new project was the prize to pursue. Im glad I moved on before the split. Now as I moved many of my team members moved with me to the COA system. This led to some disruption for some as well as a bunch of confusion for many. They had to learn a new system and again the infighting between groups reared its ugly head. More ugliness.
Well I have made another break. But this time I've learned how to make this work. As I make websites Ive created my own set of sites for Coastal Vacations. Ive found an autoresponder that is very effective and not pricey at all. No more monthly fee for anyone that might like a site. One time payment. In addition I have added a new facet to my arsenal. Its a call center option.
Now in this case I dont see a need to try and pit one group versus another. The reason is simple. For a one time fee of $720 you can get the unlimited use of a call center. Now in this option you do pass up some sales ( many qualified directors take offense to this) but in a long term scenario you should look at the big picture. Is it worth the fee ( btw their are other buy-in options as well so you dont pass up any sales) to have another "profit center"? A team of closers to market to the leads you are already buying when you are doing whatever else you want to spend your time doing. The math is simple if more that you are making calls to leads the amount of deals you will close will increase. Its a no brainer in my opinion. Plus there is no reason to fight among the groups or put another group down. You can continue to run your Coastal business status quo but for the cost of a generous set of leads you get a sales team to work for you.
This transition for me is so much better. I dont have to try and relearn a new system nor would you. You would buy your leads as normal and let the new system make some calls for you. I like time freedom so I look forward to gaining those hours back. Think of how this effects your bottom line as well. You have teammates that owe you sales but might not have the time to really buckle down and get on the phone as much as you might like. If they are part of the call center then they have others making calls on their behalf thus increasing the opportunity for you to get those training sales. Seems like a smart plan to me.
I hope that what I have said has sparked some ideas in your mind and as always my doors are open to any questions. Just like most in the forum my signature line has some great links for you to take a look at. So check everything out and lets talk soon.
Adam Frederick Internet Entrepreneur 302 613 4632 [email protected]
Joined: 22 May 2007 Posts: 759
#154 · Posted: 13 Apr 2008 20:18 · Edited by: ateamfuntimer
For the past few months my excitement level for Coastal Vacations had waned. This business has chewed and spit out many people who I have become fond of. But last week that spark came back.
My goal has always been to help as many people as possible. Back in my days with the CSG I was a huge advocate of finding less expensive ways for my team members as well as anyone I came in contact with to generate leads , keep their website cost down as well as learn to market more effectively. This passion lead me to searching the internet on ways to generate leads, creating lead capture pages , one time fee websites as well as showing people how to market our amazing Coastal Package. I have created numerous streams of income by everything I have learned in that time. I now have a booming marketing business that has become my baby. I did this so I would never have to rely on solely making Coastal sales. In the past week my focus has changed. Now I will never stop promoting my marketing business but a change has happened in Coastal Vacations that truly excites me.
Many of you have heard that I became part of the Coastal Closing Center. It was a decision that I am extremely happy with. Jim Stevens the owner of the call center is a very different individual. He possesses a strong personality and can be stubborn at times but that is why I like him. For years I have been in close contact with many leaders in Coastal Vacations and to be honest have become disillusioned with many of the groups as well as the politics that seem to follow the various groups. Can any of you relate? In an ever changing market there is always a need for innovative thinking. Now I will be the first to say that there will be times when Jim and I disagree but the one think I truly appreciate is his forward thinking.
In the past week he has created an incredible pay system where members can begin to make money from the start. Now couple this with the fact that his system was already a step ahead of the traditional Coastal model I really became excited. The traditional Coastal model calls for a 2up system that is really stacked in favor of the director. In this model myself as well as many other successful Coastal directors have done very well. But as I look back I have to ask at what cost. There are so many that have fallen short of the goal on this journey. My philosophy has always been "NEXT". If one member didn't produce I always replaced them. While this worked well for me what about all that didn't make it. What about them? Well the Coastal Closing Center system was created with them in mind.
This system has rekindled my fire for Coastal. My question to you all is this. Are you open to at least looking at the model? There is no cost to look and you have nothing to lose. My dad always used to say to me if you don't have an open mind and at least check out the details you will never know if it could be the right decision to affect your future. So the question is are you looking or not? If you are then let have that conversation and make a decision if this is for you or not. All my contact info is listed below so I look forward to your call.
Adam Frederick Internet Entrepreneur + Coach 302 613 4632 [email protected]
Joined: 22 May 2007 Posts: 759
#155 · Posted: 20 Apr 2008 11:26
Are you like most Americans and wondering what can you do to secure a financial future for you and your family? Are the rising gas prices and lack of job security causing you to be concerned about your future? Most people are nervous about what the future holds. Well there is a solution. That solution is starting a home based business.
Home based business opportunities have been around for decades but recently there has been a rise in the amount of people truly investigating the options. So how do you pick what is right for you?
Imagine being in an industry where everyone loves the product. That industry is travel. Who doesn't like to go on vacation? Now think of being able to give people vacations at incredibly low prices and making an income doing so. You can even get started at an investment level that is comfortable. I have a free option as well as an option that amounts to an $69.95 investment. You can't go wrong.
Creating targeted prospects can be done very easily with buying leads or generating your own with many of the tools available on the internet. Following up with these prospects can be done the use of inexpensive auto-responders or with using the call center option. This truly maximizes your time.
Anyone can do this. You don't need a degree or specialized skills. Desire and the right system takes care of it all. So my question to anyone looking is are you really looking for an opportunity? If you are then the home based business arena is where you need to focus. For the past 20 years I have been trying various opportunities and have found my niche with the Coastal Vacations Business Opportunity. The price is right, the commissions are top notch and all of the tools needed are right at your fingertips. So what are you waiting for? Do your research and then contact someone like myself to get your questions answered.
Adam Frederick Internet Entrepreneur + Coach 302 613 4632 [email protected]
[Post edited - Admin]
Joined: 22 May 2007 Posts: 759
#156 · Posted: 14 Sep 2008 23:09
IT'S BEEN A LONG TIME COMING 
Hello to all of you in cyberland. I have been absent from the forum for some time now but will be back in force again. My goal is to share as much knowledge as I can about the home based business arena and specifically Coastal Vacations. I will share my thoughts on what works and why I think it works.
I look forward to any feedback from the rest of the forum in terms of comments on my post as well as questions and topics you would like to see me post about.
I wish everyone the best in the best opportunity I have ever become involved in. For me Coastal Vacations is a winner.
Joined: 22 May 2007 Posts: 759
#157 · Posted: 17 Sep 2008 11:53
Here is a practical tip to generate some leads in your business. Have any of you ever seen the girl scouts selling those amazing cookies ( I like the samoas)? I bet many of you have. Well why not go to one of the mom's and offer a chance to win a Carnival Cruise to whoever buys cookies. The cost of the cruise voucher is what $30? So you eat the cost but look at the upside. Everyone of the hundreds of people that buy cookies becomes a lead for you. That's pretty cost-effective.
In this scenario you help raise more money for the girl scouts as well as generate leads for your business. After awarding the winner their prize be sure to call or email all the other leads to say even though they didnt win they have a chance to win a vacation by just looking at your website. We have used this method with much success.
Stay tuned for more insights and tips on becoming successful with Coastal Vacaions as I bring you various methods we have used to run our business.
Joined: 22 May 2007 Posts: 759
#158 · Posted: 21 Sep 2008 18:25
Many of us miss an important market in building our Coastal Business. The focus on most of the live calls is in bring new members on to your team. This method does make financial sense as each new member might be worth 2 new members to you as they try to receive their own directors release. So I understand the focus. But we are missing the boat if we dont learn to retail.
Understand that our market is travel. Now more people travel than people that want to be in business for themselves. Everyone loves to save on travel. Most people can use our package. Whether its to just visit family or to go on an awesome vacation they will save more year after year by buying a lifetime travel package.
I teach all of my team members to retail. Its an important market that I dont think is pushed as it should be. Thats not to knock anyone that focuses on being a business builder. That is how we ( The A-Team) gained our success to start our business. But that success came because of a few factors. I was well versed in home based businesses having been involved with them since I was 18 ( im 41 now) as well as being an excellent salesman. I came in ahead of the game.
Retailing can be a challenge for many but by creating a system You can learn how to take advantage of this very lucrative market. Ask your upline how to retail or contact some that has retailed and learn the tricks of the trade.

Joined: 22 May 2007 Posts: 759
#159 · Posted: 23 Sep 2008 19:37
The Ultimate Marketing Tool
Unlimited is a huge word. Imagine a business being able to give each and every person that comes in their doors a Carnival Cruise. With our package we can do that. Again that word unlimited is huge.
Most new members to Coastal dont comprehend this point. Not only do you get the greatest travel package but you can use it to promote your business. Now understand it is your responsibility to stay on top of all the new updates that are part of the package. This is your business.
I have an extensive sales background so I focus alot of my effort in B2B ( business to business ) ventures. By using the "unlimited principal" I am able to show business owners how to increase their sales, retain customers as well as reward employees. In these trying economic times that means alot to business owners.
I wish you all luck in your B2B ventures and stay tuned for updates on various programs on how to run an efficient B2B leg of your business in my future post.
[Link removed - Admin]
Joined: 22 May 2007 Posts: 759
#160 · Posted: 2 Oct 2008 08:23
With an presidential election pending and the US Congress working on a rescue bill ( it passed the Senate last night) the talk of the town is the economy. What does the state of the economy mean for us home business owners? Are we in a good position? What can we do to take advantage of this state of the economy?
This is a great time for home business owners. So many companies are laying people off and the job market is bleak. Many of those leads we buy or generate ourselves will be of people taking a more serious look at home businesses. Just this past week a local fitness club in the Delaware are called Leisure Fitness went bankrupt. A few years ago I had the pleasure of meeting the owner at a Chamber of Commerce mixer. This was after she had won businesswoman of the year here in Delaware. Now her company has filed for bankruptcy.
Now all of her employees are in positions with no jobs. Many dont know how they will survive. Well imagine if they could work from home? Many home based opportunities are relatively inexpensive to start and the upside is unlimited. Money Travel Time and Freedom is what we offer in Coastal.
What about businesses at this time? They are all feeling a crunch for customers so why not show them how they can use our package to draw customers to their doors. We can do that very simply with our package.
Timing is everything and success is when opportunity meets preparedness. Well now is the time as the opportunity has presented itself. The question is are you prepared to take on the challenge. Ive got my ducks in a row and am grabbing the bull by the horns. What about you?
As always my door is open to anyone looking for simple ideas to increase their business. Stay tuned as I divulge more tips and strategies in the upcoming weeks.
