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Unemployment and Foreclosures!!

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Joined: 20 Jun 2008
Posts: 29

#1 · Posted: 11 Jul 2008 12:06

Has anyone been keeping up with the results of foreclosures and unemployment in the U.S.?

Foreclosures are on the rise and 62,000 people lost their jobs in June. If you're in the market to buy a home, now may be a good time to purchase one while prices continue to go down. I recently relocated from Dallas, Texas to Phoenix, Arizona and purchased a brand new home. The builder practically gave the house to me.

As far as the people who lost their jobs, many of them thought they had job security and would never lose their jobs. Several of my friends have lost their jobs. For months I preached to them about the benefits of having a home-based business so they could have an additional income stream. Now, they are looking for another JOB (Just Over Broke) while collecting their unemployment checks. If they had only listened and started some type of business from home, they would have had a Plan B to fall back on.

So, as more and more people have their jobs eliminated, they will become the perfect prospects to share your opportunity with.

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Joined: 5 Mar 2008
Posts: 197

#2 · Posted: 11 Jul 2008 13:35

Good point, Marcus. I used to be one of those people that thought like your friends. After several layoffs, I finally wised up and starting looking for an alternative to a job. My only regret is that I didn't see the light sooner.

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Joined: 10 Jul 2008
Posts: 37

#3 · Posted: 11 Jul 2008 16:16

Great point Marcus. I recently left the Real Estate business after investing quite a chunk of change to get licensed.

I worked exclusively with a builder, which normally would be any real estate agents dream, but the builder had overbuilt, and despite thousands of dollars spent to market these properties, many of them are now in foreclosure.

I'm very happy I found Traverus. Every day is more exciting than the next. I feel more secure about my future, and I love what I do!

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