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Newbie Shield
Joined: 22 Sep 2007 Posts: 2227
#1 · Posted: 27 Jul 2008 21:45 · Edited by: Newbie Shield
What is your favorite paid education / hands-on program or membership for learning how to make money online?
There are hundreds of significantly popular paid programs out there and quite a few freebies too. Let's focus on the ones that are most popular on this forum.
Some will be a one time charge while others will require a monthly fee. Though every program has similarities, some come with an active forum, some have a one time fee (more affordable), some offer TLD (Top Level Domain) hosting, while others require a monthly fee but offer more and are evolving quickly in quality and scope as time passes.
What is your favorite and why?
~Newbie Shield~
fatman Forums Member
Joined: 6 Jun 2008 Posts: 127
#2 · Posted: 27 Jul 2008 23:01
I have heard good things about all of these sites, but I personally have only used Wealthy Affiliate, and I love it. Actually I owe all my IM success (however small it may be) to this forum. A few months ago I was researching online surveys and stumbled upon this forum and heard of Wealthy Affiliate. I joined the next day, and have never looked back.
Out of all the choices, Wealthy Affiliate looked the most professional and legitimate, which is why I joined. However, I would definitely be willing to try any of these other choices too. I love WA and truly believe that if it wasn't for that site and this forum, I would not have been able to make any money online.
WA is great, but is by no means perfect. It has tons of tutorials and a great forum (those are the two best features I think), but some of the research tools, Site Rubix, and free hosting are nice too. However, I'm not too big on the RapidWriter tool. It seems like too much hassle to use it to spin new articles, so I prefer to just write my own original articles since it is easier.
WA is also geared toward beginners, which is another reason it appealed to me. I started with no IM experience, and that site has taught me everything I know. Anyways....I love the site, and recommend it to any beginning marketers (and yes, even if you didn't join through my links, I still would recommend it).
I wouldn't mind trying any of these programs though, and would encourage anyone to try them all if they could.
Hemjoe Forums Member
Joined: 6 Feb 2007 Posts: 554
#3 · Posted: 30 Jul 2008 11:14
I owe most of my education to the profit lance course and never looked back once purchasing it, however out of all the courses i have bought following profit lance, honest riches was the best and I thought it deserved a special mention.
Nice poll Newbie Shield
Joined: 20 Feb 2006 Posts: 2073
#4 · Posted: 30 Jul 2008 20:39
I used to really like Honest Riches, as it made a big difference early on in my internet marketing career, but my current vote is Wealthy Affiliate. I can't say that I would be where I'm at today if it were not for Wealthy Affiliate, and like Fatman eluded to, the WA forum is a goldmine of information which is second to none when it comes to getting an edge on your competition and getting the information that you REALLY need to be successful online.