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any ideas I am tired of looking

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#1 · Posted: 24 Jan 2006 18:05


I am a new member. I am a stay at home mom of two. I have a Master's in social work but tht doesn't seem to be relevant when looking for an at home position. If any one has any ideas that does not involve selling please let me know. I am only interested in working about 15-20 few hours. I would greatly appreciate any advice.

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#2 · Posted: 25 Jan 2006 04:22

At the moment the hot making Money easily is get into and invest that can be afford for you and you'll be get paid after 12 days... lots of people earning in this passion and me too and you can found most of the users in this forum also earning... but my best advice dont put lots of investment straight away there... best try with small one and if you satisfied then double it... and go on...

FREE Report How To Make Money Online for FREE
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#3 · Posted: 25 Jan 2006 21:51

Hello lisamichelle,

No doubt about it, it's difficult for stay at home Mom's to make money. But you have to keep trying and not give up... there are the paid surveys, which can earn you enough for grocery money every month to checking out employment boards and sites that offer something for just about anyone.

You have to be willing to learn new things. I am very proficient in Word, for example, but didn't have much experience using Excel. Well, when I see frequent jobs listed that require experience in Excel, it's natural for me to learn more about it.

I may not know how to do many things, but that's what forums like this are for; for those of us who don't know, to learn from those who do.

Check out the posts in this forum. I'm sure you'll find useful advice scattered in every topic. Keep at it, you'll find something!

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#4 · Posted: 25 Jan 2006 23:39

Hi Lisa,
I'm a few years from a retirement with AT LEAST health care.
Right now I'm looking to build something on the monetary side
for a good future.
Being very new at this I have a couple things going but I can't
recommend things without seeing results yet myself.
Stay here! as whitephoenix said. You know, everytime someone says "NOW....think of 10 friends & family members..." I CRINGE!!!
Haha! I'm not selling anything that doesn't work. If things start to happen, I WILL call everyone I know. Because at least THEN I know I wont be chasing them away!
I put up a post on surveys. They're for only a certain type person.
Just for fun, mostly.
Stick with it, Lisa. I am.
When I start seeing results, my "friends" and family will be the FIRST to know!
The money's here....Just SEND it to me!!
PS: I have dumped some dough into a few "programs".
Learned a lot, so I consider it a value for a value.
Don't spend because I can about TELL you what
you're charge!

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#5 · Posted: 19 Feb 2006 20:01

Hi Lisa

Are you looking for a job or for a business? Please be clear on that or you'll get people who have "opportunities" responding all day long. If you're looking for a job, then you need to look for something like telecommuniting. I'm not totally familiar with that but if you go to, a message board for Work At Home Moms, you'll find information on things like this.

And I don't like to be negative but have to say, 12dailypro is not the place you want to be right now. Too much investigation, people aren't being paid, things are being questioned and shut down, it's not working any more. I never was a part of it but am a part of a message board that just had a huge discussion on this. This is one of those things "if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is". Sure, people made lots of money but it fell apart because of the structure. Just be advised.


People Are Not Really Looking For An Opportunity. They're Looking For A Solution.
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#6 · Posted: 22 Feb 2006 17:37


I think you are looking just as a lot of us are. My wife and I have been in a business for a little while now, but we are also trying to find a way to become "financially free". My wife stays home with the kids, and I work a full time JOB! I would love to not go to this job and stay home with her and the kids. We will continue to work our business, and we are always learning new ideas and something from others. I think one of the biggest keys is you have to be doing something, always. We have learned that you can read, and search, and talk until you are blue in the face. Action speaks volumes, and we are still working on this. Hang in there and do lots of research until you find the one that is right for you. Make sure you get on board with a company that has a proven track record.

Good Luck,
Jeff and Shelly Martin

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#7 · Posted: 23 Feb 2006 13:23

There are lots of opportunities avalible out there.

Try this site:
Good luck

Brian Hayes
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#8 · Posted: 23 Feb 2006 16:53

Hi Lisa, I would advise you to visit my website listed below. View the opportunity video and see if it is something that you would be interested in finding out more about. Can we agree that many of your friends are probably in similar circumstances? I can promise you that there is no selling involved. People are either looking to save money or make money. While helping them save money, you make money, all from the comfort of home.

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#9 · Posted: 25 Feb 2006 08:41

Hi Lisa,
Im working at home myself and I love every minute of it.

It gives me more time to spend with my family and for us to do the things we normally wouldnt do.

I started this home business in October, and its going like wild fire.

If you would like more information , just let me know

Wishing you much success in your search,

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#10 · Posted: 27 Feb 2006 21:35

Hi, Lisa

You could try freelance writing What I have done is ask people I know who have contacts in magazines and stuff like that. Actually, you could also try writing on the 'net.

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#11 · Posted: 6 Mar 2006 23:43


I've been online trying to make money for about
4 years now with very little success.

And I'm losing my day job in a couple months - but
thankfully my internet business is starting to look
very promising.

And it's so nice to be making money online.

But I do invest alot in ezine solo ads to promote
it - so I don't know if this is for you or not.

You may want to check it out.

Good luck,

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#12 · Posted: 6 Jul 2006 20:12

Hi. If you are still searching for a job, you can try Kasamba. ( This isn't my website, but I know that you can make money working as an online host on it if you're in social work.

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#13 · Posted: 7 Jul 2006 02:47

I have tried over 30 different home businesses, and I can totally relate to that feeling! I've got a GREAT LIST of businesses *not* to do ! (lol)

There we so many times I wanted to give up trying to find a home business that would really work. But there *ARE* real businesses out there. Don't give up hope. Just be sure to carefully check out every business you come across to make sure it is what is claims to be.

Success is attainable. It is within your reach. Once you learn everything you need to know, you will be able to succeed in any business you ever try. Any opporunity can make you money, once you reach that point.

I really enjoy what I do now. I've been doing it for almost 7 years. But becuase of what I have learned, I know I could start over again in any business out there and duplicate the success I have now. It's all about what's on the inside. Once that lightbulb comes on, it doesn't matter what product you represent.... you will attract success like a magnet.

So don't give up... keep looking. Keep learning. Keep experiencing. Once you have all the puzzle pieces, it will all come together. If it can happen for me, it can happen for anyone.


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#14 · Posted: 1 Sep 2006 15:28

Agreed. Keep doing research and looking for reviews on different options. You'll eventually find something you can sink your teeth into and enjoy.

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#15 · Posted: 3 Sep 2006 02:46


I just joined today so that I can learn a few things about marketing online. I too, like many others have tried several homebased business and have had little success, mainly because I don't have the time for it. I am working full time right now.

Just recently, I found an online business that eliminates most of the things that prevent the average person from being successful in homebased businesses. This is great for those of us who have very little time to spend and the best part of all, there is no selling involved:biggrin:

One thing I have learned along the way, is that it is very beneficial to have multiple streams of income, and that is something I am working on right now.

Hope you find what you are looking for.

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#16 · Posted: 4 Sep 2006 20:57

Any luck findng something that works? There are so many scams out there... Can someone post the real wk at home plans that have a true profit track record and won't waist our time and money?

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#17 · Posted: 11 Nov 2006 20:53

Hello Guys,
I am a work at home mom who is doing very well If anyone is still looking let me know.

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#18 · Posted: 28 Nov 2006 05:51

If you are looking for home business, you can sell things on ebay or earn money from your blog. You can also try for some home based jobs such as forum posting, freelance writing.

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#19 · Posted: 28 Nov 2006 16:29

Quoting: aanglin2006
Hello Guys,
I am a work at home mom who is doing very well If anyone is still looking let me know.

Feel free to share. I'm sure anyone who comes to this site is looking for ways to make money by staying at home.

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#20 · Posted: 1 Dec 2006 04:59

I am a work at home mom who does very well and willing to share what i do and how i do it.

I get to take my kids to and from school.

I have been working at home for 13 years .

Feel free to ask me anything.

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