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ummm did anyone notice ASD is shut down?

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#41 · Posted: 2 Aug 2008 01:55

My initial dismay was oh NO......dangit to heck (well, that isn't an exact quote)......but on my drive home, I remembered why I sent that cashier's check.....this company has integrity....I can't believe Andy Bowdoin would deliberately ruin his reputation. Why would he after a long life of establishing it?

I'm glad to know, Jenny, that they've already undergone this process and passed......of course they did and of course they will. Ultimately, this will serve (imo) to reflect even better on ASD....good publicity and stamp of approval from the Attorney General's Office.....though I'd be happier if we didn't have to DO it right now, when we were gearing up to go again. Poo.....

Appreciate the posting of the conference call and updates from talking with staff.....

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#42 · Posted: 2 Aug 2008 02:36

Hi All, my very first post here, though I have been watching for a while. I am a member of ASD ad have money in as well. My most recent purchase rom Chicago just hit yesterday. Yippee!

I do have to say, after having been to 3 rallies and meeting all the wonderful people involved, from Andy on down, that I'm confident this will be our greatest moment.

If anyone wanted to run away with ur money, they would have done it after they took in $92 million in June alone.

I'd just like to say that ASD has grown beyond anyones imagination in the last 3-4 months. There are several companies out there losing reps, distributors, and revenue to ASD, including the MLM company I'm currently with, that would like nothing more than for ASD to go away.

My current company is an email provider, and is blocking any emails from ASD or Ad Cash Generator. That's one of the reasons I am using a gmail address.

It is standard practice for the AG to freeze the accounts of a particular company until they have met with those involved and investigated a complaint. I think it is a credit to ASD to immediately post this information for their members. They are not trying to hide anything. ASD is 100% positive that this matter will be cleared up this coming week, and that they will walk away with the full blessing of the U.S. Attorney General.

This may seem like a setback at the moment, but think of how your business will explode when this matter is cleared and you have supreme confidence knowing ASD is the real deal!

It's mind boggling the things that Mr. Bowdoin has planned and in the works for ASD. This is an advertising company that has it's sights on internet giants like Google and eBay, and is priming itself to be included in their lofty ranks.

I am certain Andy Bowdoin wouldn't jeapordize those goals by doing anything off the straight and narrow. Those of you who have been with us for a while have expressed these same feelngs.

I just wish I could see the look on the naysayers faces when the site goes back up and it's full steam ahead, though I certinly wouldn't refuse if they want to join up under me!!

Yours In Success, Mike
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#43 · Posted: 2 Aug 2008 03:35

The mark of character is how one responds to pressure. I think that all will be well with ASD, although the timing is certainly frustrating for advertisers who have already been patiently waiting for the site upgrades and wanted to introduce others.

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#44 · Posted: 2 Aug 2008 04:04

Wow I was one who put in $6000. into ASD and I'm afraid it will be gone. I read some very negative info on other websites I googled and there is some VERY negative info on Andy Bowdoin (owner). there was sooo much bad info..... I dont believe anyone could have spent the time to make it up. I pray the company is still good. My son's varsity basketball high school coach put in $1000 after in told him about it. He was a starter on the team. probably not now.
when things are too good to be true... they usually are. Dang I'm screwed if i lost that $. Please some of you fellow ASD people help me through this. I read andy has used different names. has many businesses that have done nothing, the white house has never heard of him and the award he received from Bush doesnt exist. DAMN!!!!!!!

#45 · Posted: 2 Aug 2008 04:50

hi, I found this site that has some better info. It has an Audio recording of whats going on, and I want to pass it around to ease the minds of the members

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#46 · Posted: 2 Aug 2008 05:28

Okay guys. REEEELAAAXXX. When a company has success like this in such a short period of time there is jealousy, envy, and malice. A company or individual that is jealous knows that by filing a complaint that this is the operating procedure by the District Attorney's office. They also hope that some of the members(being humans) will freak out and suffer from a self fulfilling prophecy. In case you don't know what that means think about Y2K. Remember everyone freaking out thinking that we could lose our money in our accounts or the banks would shut down in 2000 because of a computer glitche. If we all went and withdrew our money from the bank on the same day the bank would shut down and then we could all say I knew it. The truth is we would've caused it ourselves. So if you want to contribute to your own demise keep worrying and saying negative things.
As for how this will affect ASD. This will be the best thing that ever happened. The next time I meet with someone after the site is back up the first words out of my mouth will be: "The District Attorney's office just investigated our company and froze the assets and deemed it to be a legit company........Then I will say our site was growing so fast they had to shut it down before the servers imploded but now is the optimum time to join because we've already been investigated and the site has been revamped to run at top speed.
By the way I have a business degree and I aced "Global Business Strategies" and "Quantitative Analysis" in college and I do a lot of reading and studying of money and marketing. It is possible that Adsurf Daily could become one of the largest online advertising companies in the history of the world. I am not ready to say number one because Google is worth 177 Billion dollars and they have a big head start. However, a large group of regular people can do a million times more than a small group of genius's. If 80% of the people in ASD decide it will become the largest advertising company in the history of the world then there is no doubt it will.

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#47 · Posted: 2 Aug 2008 06:29

I have been ASD avid supporter
AND of GoldenPanda
BUT after reading this:
it sounds like once they seize assests its basically over.

Trust me I really hope I am wrong this time.

Question is why are they allowing all the others especially popular ones like the one that just started and starts with an "M"
or the one that starts with a "Q"?

Maybe because they set it up offshore?

One person I know called me last night crying and said
how will I face my family now....

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#48 · Posted: 2 Aug 2008 06:30 · Edited by: logicalusa

there is some VERY negative info on Andy Bowdoin (owner). there was sooo much bad info..... I dont believe anyone could have spent the time to make it up. ------------------------ I read andy has used different names. has many businesses that have done nothing, the white house has never heard of him and the award he received from Bush doesnt exist. DAMN!!!!!!!

That info. is coming from a few sources including a guy who posts here . About the businesses that "have done nothing", every Secretary of State has thousands of those. Many many people have formed corporations in the past they have done nothing with. The Secretary of State just closes them. "Forfeited", "Dissolved", "Suspended", "Inactive". Check your own Secretary of State's website. It's a common thing. NOTHING shady or illegal about it. In fact, in the list of companies that you probably saw, posted by the same person, you should notice how he repeated the same names a few times for effect. Andy Bowdoin is an older person. He's been around for a while. I'm not surprised one bit by having started many corporations including some he never used.

About the infamous award, you realize there's pictures of it right? You realize thousands of people saw it in Chicago. You say "no one could spend the time to make it up"? You would be wrong. Read this thread and realize what these people are capable of making up: Here is Medal of Distiction given in June

Now I don't know what's gonna happen with ASD. BUt I'm hopeful this is just a bump on the road. Everybody however, should consider the source of the garbage that's out there. It's the same names, the same posters and as the thread I posted above shows, they will resort to anything to make Andy Bowdoin and ASD look bad.

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#49 · Posted: 2 Aug 2008 07:00

A follow up on the corporations thing: one of Andy Bowdoin's corporations was formed in 1975. 33 years ago. ESI Inc 1980. Perry Technology 1978
Waterfall Fantasy 1983. Etc etc.

Use your heads people. Consider the sources of the negative stuff. Always the same posters.

Anyone can go out and form 100 corporations next Monday if they want. It means nothing.

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#50 · Posted: 2 Aug 2008 07:03 · Edited by: luvtravel

Now I don't know what's gonna happen with ASD. BUt I'm hopeful this is just a bump on the road. Everybody however, should consider the source of the garbage that's out there. It's the same names, the same posters and as the thread I posted above shows, they will resort to anything to make Andy Bowdoin and ASD look bad.

Look its not about making Andy look good or bad, its about people who lose money BECAUSE the bashers complained and thousands of people lose money.

CLEARLY GoldenPanda did nothing yet they are shut down because of association.

YET (name that stsarts with a "m and a pop") stays open BECAUSE a jealous basher doesnt complain and whine.

Know what? Quite frankly I just worry about MY reputation with MY family and friends when I join something and it is shut down. NOT Andy's reputation! As will thousands of people who couldn't sleep last night because of this!!

Andy's reputation be dam*ned when thousands loose money and they are afraid to face their families!

How does that saying go?
Something intentions....

BUT know what I truly hope I am wrong and ASD pulls it all out of the fire, but I wont sit around in DENIAL either!!!
I am going TODAY and putting stop payment on some cashier checks I sent to goldenpanda , hopefully ASD will survive and I will be the first to :::::clap:::::

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#51 · Posted: 2 Aug 2008 07:29 · Edited by: logicalusa

Look its not about making Andy look good or bad, its about people who lose money BECAUSE the bashers complained and thousands of people lose money.

No kidding. I don't care about Andy looking good or bad. I do care about people misrepresenting stuff and thus I posted some examples of how low some will stoop. So go unload on someone else.

I remember how I posted the reasons why I wasn't gonna touch golden Panda and you strongly disagreed. Maybe you should read that thread again.

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#52 · Posted: 2 Aug 2008 08:00

remember how I posted the reasons why I wasn't gonna touch golden Panda and you strongly disagreed. Maybe you should read that thread again.

That's it start attacking each other now. hey go take your frustration out on someone else!

I disagreed about GP because of Busby
I didn't take my own advice
and I lost
there does that make YOU feel better?

"go unload on someone else"?
I wasn't "unloading on you or anyone, I stated fact, when folks have to face family and friends because of this who's reputation will they protect? Andy's?

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#53 · Posted: 2 Aug 2008 08:07

ASD is going through the furnace!
In only a few days we will know what will come out the other end.
The biggest internet scam ever? Or the biggest online pot of gold ever!

This is going to be ASD finest hour. Let stay positive.

Here is a recorded call by ASD management that talks about the Us Attorney General office.

(Not sure if the link will be deleted)

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#54 · Posted: 2 Aug 2008 08:13

That's it start attacking each other now. hey go take your frustration out on someone else!

I wasn;t attacking you. You attacked my post. And I'm not the frustrated one my friend. Well, I am, but I'm not taking it out on anyone. Read your own posts for crying out loud.

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#55 · Posted: 2 Aug 2008 09:31

Because it's Washington D.C. This is National now. (Federal)

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#56 · Posted: 2 Aug 2008 10:20

I found out this morning that ASD's attorneys and the Attorney General's office are moving fast on this and the issue should be resolved by Wednesday, August 6th.

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#57 · Posted: 2 Aug 2008 10:31

You're right about that. I had a friend who did that when he got involved in regular day trading and lost everything. Twice! What ever people get into, they should use money that won't devastate them if something goes wrong. There is a difference between healthy risk and laying you neck on the block!
This is a great website and forum.

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#58 · Posted: 2 Aug 2008 11:33

Golden Panda isn't shut down. You can still access your account and surf, and I was credited my rebate for yesterdays surfing. I think they just said that you can't add any funds or take anything out till the investigation into ASD is completed.
I don't think anyone should speculate that ASD and Golden Panda is shut down or that you lost anything. There is no need to panic and just assume you lost your money, that is NOT what was said in the call. As of last night the SEC was not involved in this, just the US attorney generals office and I don't think anything has changed since then..has it?

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#59 · Posted: 2 Aug 2008 12:27

you know what really stinks is that I was reading about some people (here and other forums) that took cash advances/loans from their credit cards to invest in ASD...that has really got to hurt if they don't get it back

Shame on them!!!

I looked at this like going to Vegas... what was I willing to risk?

Life will teach us what we are meant to learn to move on to the next lesson! There are no VICTIMS!

Still a believer in ASD!

This post is either my opinion or my relative truth based on the information I have to this point in my journey!

Take what you like and leave the rest!
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#60 · Posted: 2 Aug 2008 12:31

I have been trying to get my freinds, family and coworkers to get into ASD. Luckily all my freinds and family arent as stupid as I was to fall for this scam. I have zero referals, the only person I can blame is myself for being so stupid. Instead of my freinds getting angry with me for sucking them into this Ponzi scheme, all I have to worry about is my freinds telling me, "I told you so" stupid. So for $500 I learned a valuable lesson. If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is. Best of luck to those of you who have to face freinds and family who may have lost lots of money.


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