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Joined: 30 Aug 2007 Posts: 3099
#41 · Posted: 13 Aug 2008 09:12
annadenise: I also work with a fantastic, high quality team of people that I am thankful to know!
I know the feeling - it's almost like your second family because there are so many things you have in common with your you grow and learn with them you just automatically build a bond.
What is really neat is when you meet in person after having met online and gotten to be good friends thru conference calls etc...
Newbie Shield
Joined: 22 Sep 2007 Posts: 2226
#42 · Posted: 17 Aug 2008 21:40
040107: Have you guys noticed a bunch of people signed up during August, September, October, and November of 2007 only to post a few posts in this thread and then is never heard from again?
Hi 040107,
I've noticed that it seems to happen every month across most of the bigger forum sites. It kind of makes you wonder doesn't it? I don't sign up for a forum unless I know I will stay a while and participate consistently.
~Newbie Shield~
marketingcoach Forums Member
Joined: 27 Aug 2008 Posts: 3
#43 · Posted: 27 Aug 2008 00:56
Great Idea
yakapo563 Forums Member
Joined: 27 Aug 2008 Posts: 5
#44 · Posted: 27 Aug 2008 16:32
I think that is a great idea. It will motivate people to actually do something. I don't know if I'll make it. I'm just starting out. Hopefully you'll have other contests down the road when I'm running full steam.
I'm a single dad pressing forward with a great venture
nmullett Forums Member
Joined: 11 Sep 2008 Posts: 1
#45 · Posted: 11 Sep 2008 19:13
thats a really good idea
kevink88 Forums Member
Joined: 13 Sep 2008 Posts: 31
#46 · Posted: 15 Sep 2008 22:30
Great idea. We will all succeed if we exchange ideas and help each other. That's why I collect and share ideas at my blog.
Phia Forums Member
Joined: 20 Sep 2008 Posts: 1
#47 · Posted: 20 Sep 2008 22:20
Wow! I am probably the newest newbie. I have been with my new Ground Floor Business for not even 2 months now and doing great! It has taken me years to get here, and within the next few months, I would probably be one of your great success stories. This is a great idea!
Sarah Recruiter,Trainer, Distributor "My 03 World"
janisrae Forums Member
Joined: 29 Sep 2008 Posts: 3
#48 · Posted: 29 Sep 2008 14:11
A great idea and a place to tell my story. (read on)
I had a website up for 2 years and never made a dime. One day I received a small check in the mail, and I didn't really pay much attention to it, since it was for under $20.00. The next month I received a larger check and I took notice.
The check was from the affiliate program that I had created a website for 2 years earlier. I logged into the affiliate site to find that I had a subaffiliate sign up under me, and was selling the products like crazy.
I continued to receive checks monthly and my curiosity was peeked as to how this affilate could, after just joining under me, was already making a substantial income.
I felt pretty pathetic, but this has served to be a lesson to me and I am now doing research as to how this affiliate, with no website, could generate the sales that I only dreamed of.
Thanks for reading.
Affiliate Marketing On Demand Profits
newpage Forums Member
Joined: 13 Aug 2008 Posts: 32
#49 · Posted: 9 Oct 2008 12:39
One of my successes with making money online has been with Cash Gifting. Before I joined it however, I did some research on the program. It seemed pretty easy. And like most things if it sounds too easy it usually isn't. But I tried it anyway and one month later succeeded in reaching the only goal the site expects you to reach. Which is to refer 10 more people.
Now, I've read a lot of comments about cash leveraging and how personal they respond to this concept. Some people are down right angry while expressing their opinions of it. However, it seems to me that this "backlash" usually comes from the personal experience of either, being ripped off or by not being able to succeed with it. These are exactly the same types of comments I've seen about most any affiliate program training, mlm opportunity or any business where the opportunity is hyped up. Or where the person who failed didn't run it like a business.
So, my success was achieved by NOT paying attention to the negativity surrounding the cash gifting controversy. I instead focused on practicing the philosophy behind the idea, which is basically to help other people by gifting them. Then helping others to get gifted. There is nothing wrong or illegal about gifting money, so long as this money is reported as taxable income. That's where I think we all have a grievance with people who claim you don't have to report that income. I don't think anyone would argue that if you gifted your children $10,000 that you should be thrown into jail because you gave them cash. The IRS just expects you to pay the gift tax. It's that simple.
However, my over all point is you can succeed in anything you do. If you are not succeeding as fast as you feel you should be, then you need to reevaluate how you are doing things. Perhaps your pricing strategy needs to be changed, perhaps your advertising message isn't written to appeal to the target audience.
Here's a tip for succeeding that you might want to apply. In one of my businesses I was, at first, focused on selling equipment. I was making big money by leasing the equipment. However, my overall sales volume was lower than I hoped. I would sell about 7 machines a month and bring in about $4000 in profit. However, along with the machines I would sell an ongoing monthly service plan. For each service pack I sold, I would get back a monthly residual income check. So, the more service accounts I setup the bigger my residual check. I knew that if I could get more accounts setup, the bigger my residual checks would increase.
So, I kept spending more money on advertising and hiring people. However, my own sales people had a hard time making similar sales and got similar results as I got. I knew something had to change but I could not figure out the secret.
Then something dawned on me, if I focused on selling the service account and not the equipment, I could make more money. So, what I needed to do was practically give away the equipment. From that day on I changed my website, sold all my equipment at wholesale - not even making a dime because I simply give the same price my wholesaler provides it to me for and pass it along to my customers.
As a result my account sales went through the roof. I went from 7 accounts being brought in, to over 40 accounts a month within a short time.
So, succeeding often requires that you focus on selling the lowest priced product in your business, by triggering your pricing plan to increase the overall volume that can be generated. It can mean that you go from high ticket sales / low volume, to low ticket sales / high volume. Overall the objective is to increase your overall income. In my case I exponentially grew my income from $75 monthly to $1000 a month. Each month my income has been doubling.
I'm now making over $10,000 a month and expect to be making over $20,000 a month by next year. At first it was risky for me to take that leap of faith and do without the upfront big checks, but it has definitely paid off.
I hope this advice helps you along as well. Good luck.
promlmer Forums Member
Joined: 11 Oct 2008 Posts: 8
#50 · Posted: 12 Oct 2008 11:11
Great idea. It could be a legitimate way for people to find the best opportunities. I will not believe anyones' income figures unless they are willing to provide documental evidence on the forum. I would make that a requirement to make this all credible.
I would post my story with an understanding of the terms.
Check out If you like my business opportunity, call me at 901.428.7007. We are a real opportunity because we are food, we're first and it's a lot of money. I provide full disclosure on the above website.
janisrae Forums Member
Joined: 29 Sep 2008 Posts: 3
#51 · Posted: 13 Oct 2008 10:16
Reply from promlmer
promlmer: Great idea. It could be a legitimate way for people to find the best opportunities. I will not believe anyones' income figures unless they are willing to provide documental evidence on the forum. I would make that a requirement to make this all credible. I would post my story with an understanding of the terms.
Thank you for the reply promlmer
I understand your concerns about documental evidence, however in this situation, I did not make copies of my checks, as I didn't know at the time that I would be needing to document them. So much for "at the time".
I just wanted to tell my story, and I was not prompting anyone to join or look at the affiliate program that I was referring to. So just enjoy the story for what it is, as I am not trying to make any outragous claims.
Affiliate Marketing On Demand Profits
bndream Forums Member
Joined: 3 Nov 2008 Posts: 3
#52 · Posted: 3 Nov 2008 11:15
A newsletter with real success stories would be a great addition. As long as they are real stories and not inflated projections of what they want to make. Or a sales pitch. Just Real stories from real people having real results.
mbache Forums Member
Joined: 4 Nov 2008 Posts: 11
#53 · Posted: 4 Nov 2008 12:43
Hi Vishal,
I have a success story for you. It is not a huge one yet, I am making money but only �40 on a good day. But I still see this as a huge success for me. It makes a big difference to my family as this covers my entire mortgage most months.
I have just started a new online business of my own using these ideas but for something completely different. It is showing really promising. I will keep you posted, if this works then I hope to make more then �40 a day it would be great to add another "0" on the end of that �40!.
BigD Forums Member
Joined: 28 Oct 2008 Posts: 37
#54 · Posted: 12 Nov 2008 21:10
Vishal you mentioned that people sign up then never to be heard of again.
I have recently signed up an am very grateful to the friendly people and useful advice.
I wish I were in a position to give good advice but as I am still learning myself I am not in that position. I still come on to the forum to read threads but do not have the experience to answer many queries.
Maybe that is why many people just drop off but it would be nice if they have learned things through the forum to come back and advise other newbies. Ultimately that would be what I would like to do some day.
parfumbynumbers Forums Member
Joined: 9 Jan 2010 Posts: 2
#55 · Posted: 9 Jan 2010 17:02
Hey Vishal
Im a newbie here too just got registered today!! Im very impressed with your idea, and would definitley be interested in coming back to you in a few months, because the business ive set up has got to have the most comfortable way of achieving the residual income ive seen, so heres hoping im chatting to you before 2010 is out!!!
keep thinking as you do, and you keep getting what youre getting..make 2010 YOUR year for change dont wait till 2012!!
justinhand Forums Member
Joined: 15 Mar 2010 Posts: 6
#56 · Posted: 15 Mar 2010 19:54
Hey forum buddies! My name is Justin Hand. I've been reading these forums since 2008 and I saw the thread on My Online Income System when it was first posted.
All the success stories made me feel very inclined to try this product out, but I'm a poor college kid with no money to spare haha! Well I finally decided to just jump in and do it. I am happy to say that I won't be needed any more loans to pay for my tuition 
Hope you all have a wonderful day and NEVER GIVE UP!
SwiftUK Forums Member
Joined: 17 Mar 2010 Posts: 1
#57 · Posted: 17 Mar 2010 09:23
Hi Everyone, I have to say that Shaun Smith is doing very well and I'm learning more from him than I have from anyone else online! His down to earth approach is very easy to follow, and I'm finally seeing some results by following his lead Keep up the good work Shaun!
shmeeko69 Forums Member
Joined: 23 Apr 2009 Posts: 117
#58 · Posted: 17 Mar 2010 13:28
Hi justinhand, If you did genuinely buy the product then good luck with it. I purchased the product a year ago & did the sixty day plan & asked the arppropriate questions on their forum. It is a good product for a beginner, but they seem only to want you to promote their products & services & kimberley bombards you with emails, about the next best think - this annoys me. It was a good education, but have moved on to other internet ventures. It is a good product, but the MOIS internal promotion machine & emails are off putting & they seem keen on getting you to part with even more money when you buy their product, which I find quite rude, especially when your vulnerable & need to be careful with your money at the start of your new career.
[url= ][b]Product Review Site[/b][/url] [b]Mr $5 Man[/b]
dougster77 Forums Member
Joined: 31 Dec 2009 Posts: 60
#59 · Posted: 21 Mar 2010 06:07
Yes, this is a good idea since many times you can get discouraged and reading a success story can brighten your day while keeping you motivated.