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Joined: 28 Feb 2008
Posts: 7
# Posted: 28 Feb 2008 20:23
Hi I am new to your forum,I have been searching for a way to earn money online. I am sick of paying 3.00+ for gas to make my boss rich! And more importantly I want to become debt free! I am having a hard time finding a way to make real money online, legitimately, most I have found are scams. So I have come up with an idea, a Niche maybe. I want to develop a membership website. That will have the members design and develop a new and honest way to earn money online. Once developed it will belong to all members to do with what they want and earn 100% of the profit from this newly develop idea. I know what you thinking i,m trying to get everyone else to carry the load, no that's not it. What I am trying to create is something everyone is apart of so it will be real for them as it will be for me. I was thinking that the membership fee will commissioned back to the members at 50% so that is one way we could make money. The other 50% will cover hosting of members personal websites, so they will have their own web presence and a place to market this new product. Also we will have tools and tutorials to help the members. This would be the initial incentive to join. As new products are developed they would have full access to those products.
I am looking for people that are interested to help develop this, and all opinions are welcome. Thanks
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Joined: 14 Aug 2007
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# Posted: 29 Feb 2008 17:23
Hi Patriot,
Welcome to the forum!
Before I forget, you need to change the ending of your signature code to [/url] so that it will work. You've got it in the wrong order, but easily fixed. 
Your idea is very ambitious sounding. If this is your first foray into online business it might be a bit much to tackle as a starter.
I wonder how many members you would be able to find that would actually be able to "develop new and honest" ways to make money online. And if you did find some folks of that caliber, would they want or need to join the type of site you have in mind? Perhaps they would be so far advanced that they wouldn't bother?
Sorry. I'm not trying to dampen your spirit, just give you something to think about. It's all much to far advanced for me, anyway, but I do wish you well.
Joined: 28 Feb 2008
Posts: 7
# Posted: 29 Feb 2008 22:38
Thanks for the reply Happywife, Thanks for pointing out the [url] mistake, I will fix that. As far as finding people interested as you point out, You have a valid observation. You are probably right, if someone is capable of developing something new, they might not want to share or get involved. I am just brain storming ideas, maybe the "thing" will be the fact that it is "Honest". That would be new wouldn't it?  Seriously my real goal is to build a community of folks that are willing to work together, to provide a place where we can have fun and make some money. Maybe something "new" is the way the Community interacts with one another. For example; What if someone is real good at writing articles but don't no how to compile it in e-book form, and there is someone else that can. working together they both win. This is the type of thing I trying to build. A Community of Freedom seeking people that will work together and do what ever it takes to succeed. As far as me being new to internet marketing, I have been around I just have not ever made good money at it. I just think it would be more fun helping others succeed together then struggling alone. Thanks again for you reply.
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Joined: 14 Aug 2007
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# Posted: 1 Mar 2008 01:23
I see what you are getting at. Yes, that kind of a community would be gold. It is hard to find something like that because usually we all have an "agenda" of some sort.
If you can create that kind of environment you will definitely have something worthwhile. This forum is very nice and you can tell I enjoy it because I'm here so often. 
However, there is a "membership" forum that I belong to that is very much like you describe. It is the SBI forums. I haven't seen anything else quite like it online. It is rigorously monitored by a couple dozen moderators.
Absolutely no promotion of affiliate links, re-directs, etc. The rules are pretty strict, but we all love it. An amazing group of people combine their efforts to help each other out on almost any aspect of online business. I am constantly surprised by the generosity of time and knowledge that is shared in that forum with no personal gain to the members except the joy of helping others. In fact, the forum motto is 'help and be helped.'
If you can create something like that, you'd have something special, indeed.
You can't post in that forum unless you are an SBIer, but if you'd like to take a look around see how it is done, let me know by private message and I'll tell you how you can access it as an outsider looking in if you like. You'll be able to read the posts, just not reply.
To send a private message, just click on the envelope under my name on the left.
Joined: 28 Feb 2008
Posts: 7
# Posted: 1 Mar 2008 10:31
Quoting: happywife I see what you are getting at. Yes, that kind of a community would be gold. It is hard to find something like that because usually we all have an "agenda" of some sort. I think a common "agenda" is to earn a living online. I also think that allot of people, especially those that are new to online marketing, are looking for the puzzle pieces. It is why good Forums like this one are so popular. Everyone is good at something, we just are not good at everything. Internet Marketing is a very skill intensive endeavor, this is why most people do not ever earn the money they dream of online. You need to be a expert at allot of different areas to succeed, or you need access to one. I want to provide that place, and give everyone an opportunity to succeed. I believe I can, but I do not know it all. Most of all I want to build a Community, I not talking about "just a forum" type community. Not putting down forums, they are essential for gaining knowledge, and building relationships. I talking about a website that is totally interactive, where the members actually continually build the site and it is ever changing. This now can be done with the Joomla Content Management System, or CMS. It is very cool, and perfect for a Community.
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# Posted: 1 Mar 2008 13:21 � Edited by: A8ch
Hello Patriot,
At first glance your idea seems intriguing, but the way you present it raises many question as to what exactly you have in mind.
You said:
1. Your site "will have the members design and develop a new and honest way to earn money online."
Would that be a SINGLE way or SEVERAL ways to earn money?
2. "Once developed it will belong to all members to do with what they want and earn 100% of the profit..." If you allow members to do what they want, unless there are strict guidelines in place, you'll end up with chaos and confusion, and the original purpose of the site will get lost in the shuffle.
Here's something to consider:
You could create a hand-picked panel of experienced marketers who are making honest money in a variety of ways. This exclusive panel would be the core source of fresh and unique content by contributing articles, tools, strategies, tutorials and other useful information on an ongoing schedule... perhaps monthly.
As an incentive, you could offer them a significant percentage of any membership fees that come in through their referrals, for as long as the member is active. Of course this panel would also have access to the entire site.
This format would allow you to...
1. retain control of the site 2. have a source of unique content 3. draw on a reservoir of expertise 4. offer a wide variety of money making methods 5. and so much more
Legal details attaching to copyrights, exclusivity and non disclosure can be worked out in an agreement between you and the panelists.
Newbie Shield
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# Posted: 1 Mar 2008 14:21
Hi Patriot,
Welcome to the forum.
I think that you are over-shooting a bit. You are a new entity on this forum; an unkown. Why don't you wait a while before taking on something so big.
There are many communities in existence that share tips already. This forum is one of them. We've been sharing ideas for quite some time. I doubt that you'd be able to create something as good or better than this forum.
Why don't you hang out for a while and dig through previous posts. You might be surprised at what you can learn. You might even spend a few days doing that. That is what I did before I first posted here. That's what I do before I post at any forum or blog.
If you have some money making ideas, you can share them after you've familiarized yourself with the forum and the members.

~Newbie Shield~
HTML Squidoo TricksSquidoo-specific HTML how to tutorials, tips and tricks to make your lens stand out from the crowd. Code samples and step-by-step all the way through. 100% free. Made by yours truly ;)
Joined: 28 Feb 2008
Posts: 7
# Posted: 2 Mar 2008 15:29
Quoting: A8ch At first glance your idea seems intriguing, but the way you present it raises many questions as to what exactly you have in mind.
Ok A8ch, I will try to explain further. Bare in mind this is a "work in progress" . I am trying to bring something that is fresh and new to Internet Marketing. What I would like to have is a Membership website that will allow members to be interactive, with the site. Not just join a site that is "Static" and controlled by a just the owner.
What do I mean by interactive? (short List) 1. Joomla CMS allows control over content, with the use of Modules that can be controlled by members. 2. IRC (chatting system) will be used to allow members to interact with potential members or customers. And each other. 3. Of course a forum, will be utilized probably 2 a public and private. 4. Download area that is used by members to market their products. This could be set up similar to a classified format, to allow members to market their own or affiliate products. 5. Advertisements on the main page will be run by members, and the revenue will be used for product development. This could be done in a contest or bid format. Not just text ads but banners and graphic ads.
Quoting: A8ch You said: 1. Your site "will have the members design and develop a new and honest way to earn money online." Would that be a SINGLE way or SEVERAL ways to earn money? 2. "Once developed it will belong to all members to do with what they want and earn 100% of the profit..."
1. Would pertain to mostly how the site is run and managed by the members. Bare in mind that much like a forum you will end up with a key few that will participate in different manners. Of course there will be moderators and admin. to keep things in line. Some members will be very active some will not.
There many ways for people to interact, there can be teams that form up to create something. Then make it available to the other members. Some may create tutorials on how to do SEO or Build a E-book in a manner that is step by step, so even the newest people to online marketing can utilize it.
These idea's or products that result from this will be available to the entire membership to use as they wish.
Maybe someone needs to set-up an auto responder , and they go to the article archives within the site and can access the info they need. or maybe they offer a service to members to set one up for them.
One of the core products for members is going to be Hosting, and website templates, and the tools that they need to build and manage their own website. This will be the incentive to join, and there will be a 50% commission for recruiting members.
This will be set up to be included with membership, but also available for members to resell in whole or broke up into separate products. The tools and methods on how to do this will be what we create, giving members there own web presence. It will be done with honesty and integrity.
And just for fun we will have contests and bonuses to reward those who participate.
Quoting: A8ch Here's something to consider: You could create a hand-picked panel of experienced marketers who are making honest money in a variety of ways. This exclusive panel would be the core source of fresh and unique content by contributing articles, tools, strategies, tutorials and other useful information on an ongoing schedule... perhaps monthly. As an incentive, you could offer them a significant percentage of any membership fees that come in through their referrals, for as long as the member is active. Of course this panel would also have access to the entire site. This is why I'm here I'm searching for this "Core" group. They will be the founders and have special incentives. What they are exactly not sure I haven't got that figured out yet.
I hope this answers you question, Thanks A8ch for you reply.
Joined: 7 Mar 2008
Posts: 7
# Posted: 11 Apr 2008 19:28
getting out of debt and starting a business shouldn't be used in the same sentence. Starting a business will require tons of research, time, and start up.
Joined: 13 Apr 2008
Posts: 31
# Posted: 17 Apr 2008 08:09
This sounds like a great idea. But wouldn't it be a lot of work for you? My suggestion is to find an automated system that will do a lot of this for you and with a product that most everyone likes and wants. It took me a long time to find the right company and I'm very happy with my decision. You are not alone but keep researching.
All the best-
Joined: 30 Aug 2007
Posts: 513
# Posted: 17 Apr 2008 09:42
Patriot: I am looking for people that are interested to help develop this, and all opinions are welcome
I guess I am too simple-minded - lol. I feel like taking a nap when I read thru things like this because it is too overwhelming for me.... 
Newbie Shield: Why don't you hang out for a while and dig through previous posts. You might be surprised at what you can learn. You might even spend a few days doing that. That is what I did before I first posted here. That's what I do before I post at any forum or blog.
You know what - it's really not that hard to make an honest income from home. In fact it is so simple, most people miss it.... What it takes to do the simple tasks , is something that doesn't come as easy - persistence and consistency...