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Joined: 15 Jun 2007
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# Posted: 15 Jun 2007 05:47
Are you guys of the opinion that it is a must to have your own website to make quality money on the internet or marketing your own blogs would suffice? Theoritically I know that it is possible, but practically has anyone made loads of money by just blogging?
Joined: 20 Feb 2006
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# Posted: 20 Jun 2007 20:08
You CAN definately make money online without a website - talk to someone with a Squidoo lens and they will attest to that. However, I think it helps to have a website, but the trick is getting your website (or Squidoo lens or blog) to convert.
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# Posted: 10 Aug 2007 22:59
Theoretically it is possible, but if you make a decent amount of money, why risk it using a free service with no customer support
Joined: 19 Aug 2007
Posts: 535
# Posted: 19 Aug 2007 09:09
I've found it helpful to use several ideas. If you're going to have a presence on the net why not create your own site? At the very minimum you should have a main/contact type page, and if you can convert your website into a money maker in the process there is definitely no harm in that.
If HTML programming is not your bag then you can always use a site builder type program to help you along the way.
Like I was saying you should at the very minimum have a informationi type page. Mix that with some adsense and you can usually make your hosting fee up whiel using the site to promote yourself or other items(clickbank,affiliate signups, etc)
Joined: 6 Aug 2007
Posts: 38
# Posted: 19 Aug 2007 23:05
I think that having a website or blog definitely expands the possibilities for making money. Whether you're doing it online or offline, having even a landing page that describes who you are and what you do can be a great marketing tool. If you can generate content then you can put ads and affiliate programs for some extra income. Nowadays, whenever people look for information they tend to google it, so having a website is a quick way to reach more people with your service or product.
If you look at the site in my sig, it reviews blogs, websites and forums about making money, and all of them, without exception, recommend having a website. It's definitely worth having one.
Joined: 24 Sep 2005
Posts: 76
# Posted: 20 Aug 2007 12:03
It is certainly a good idea to have your own site. Blog has certain limitations. Your own site gives you many opportunities for monetizing.
Joined: 6 Sep 2007
Posts: 26
# Posted: 6 Sep 2007 19:19
No you don't need your own website but it doesn't hurt. It depends on what you want, do you want the host to get most of your income as well as control, majority of ads and space, the domain rights, the official blog rights or you.
Logical steps:
1. affiliate marketing (not your site) or affiliate provides 2. blog w/host (not your main blog, your test blog) (not your site) 3. Your own web host-paid not free host 4. Your own domain (not linked to the web host) -rights thing again 5. Your own blog hosted by your web host
Joined: 14 Aug 2007
Posts: 1084
# Posted: 7 Sep 2007 01:59
I have to weigh in on the side of websites. If for no other reason than that I have 2 so far.
Personally, I have wondered if I could do as well with a blog or squidoo lense, but I don't have any experience with them, and not sure I want to try to learn something different at this point. If I had a friend that lived close who was using them, I'd be tempted to lean over their shoulder for a bit and see how they do it.
Right now, I guess I'll just stick with my site building as I've already proven that they work to my own satisfaction.
Sorry I couldn't help you more.
Joined: 12 Aug 2006
Posts: 1594
# Posted: 7 Sep 2007 10:39
Hosting is very cheap, and when you use free hosting, you get a lower share of the revenue.
Joined: 9 Apr 2007
Posts: 23
# Posted: 7 Sep 2007 19:37
Squidoo is very good and you can get a lot of traffic and it's all free.
Many people have an opt in page or squeeze page.
It depends partly on what you are marketing.
I always recommend Squidoo at a minumum as it doesn't cost anything as I previously said.
Who doesn't like free traffic?
Joined: 13 Sep 2007
Posts: 44
# Posted: 18 Sep 2007 13:00
Short answer: yes, you need a website. Everything else lacks longevity.
__________________ - Over 500 offers that are all free to the end user. What's that mean for you? Unreal conversions! The resident affiliate manager - PM me if you want some guidance.
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# Posted: 18 Sep 2007 17:54
Having a website creates endless possibilities if you have a blog although it is free it does have limitations. Nower days hosting is cheap, you can get a cheap domain from many places like godaddy and you can find a free website builder online so all the tools are therefore a low price
Joined: 25 Sep 2007
Posts: 12
# Posted: 26 Sep 2007 00:17
Having your own website is a Plus. But like myself I look for other income to fall back on in case the income slows down or stops. That is why I have joined the new wave. if your interested click my sig. Its not a get rich fast scam. There is no way to get rich quick. You must work work work and be determined.
Joined: 29 Aug 2007
Posts: 32
# Posted: 4 Oct 2007 22:44
You don't necessarily need a website to promote your business, but it certainly helps when warm or cold contacts are running out.
You then get inquiries from the net anyway, on a constant basis.
besides, it's not too difficult to build your own website with all the support out there...
Regards, Peter
Joined: 28 Jun 2005
Posts: 52
# Posted: 6 Oct 2007 13:53
Having a website helps, but you don't need one if you want to just get started online.
Joined: 14 Oct 2007
Posts: 4
# Posted: 14 Oct 2007 20:18
I think having a website helps because you have a place to send people where they can check you out and whatever business your doing. If you pay a small fee for your domain, you have a lot of freedom and you can use it for multiple things.
I'm using the different pages on my website for different things. I have the home page where I basically talk about why I decided to start a site.
My so called BLOG page, (I say it that way because it's not set up like a normal blog just yet, but it will get there), where i talk about different things that are on my mind, stuff in the news, stuff in my life, etc.
My photos and news page has family photos that I can share with my family all over the place by just having it up on my page and they can all get online. I have 14 siblings and then a lot of neices and nephews, so a website is a good way to stay in touch.
Then I have a page where I put my links to the businesses I'm involved with and any other stuff I think are good links for people.
I also have a page that I'm currently building that is called Daves Dream Garage and I'm going to use that as a place to put pics and info on the stuff I would like to have and places I'd like to go eventually, kind of as a way to keep it all in front of me, so I don't give up when the going gets tough.
So, do you have to have a website? NO. BUT IT SURE DOES HELP. And just so you know, they are really easy to set up. I was surprised at how easy, fear of the unknown and all. I used a free site builder that was available where I got my website. I knew NOTHING about it and have done okay so far. then I've tweaked it with a little html. I learned anything I know about html from an html tutorial on neopets for goodness sake. It's a quick easy tutorial and it has given me enough knowledge to put my site up and it's not too bad for the knowledge I do have.
You should check into the different ones available though. I did and the 100% free ones aren't as great as they sound when you check into them. Plus I wanted my site name to be what my nickname has been for years without having to add a bunch of number to it and with a lot of the free ones the names have to be adjusted. I got the name I wanted exactly the first time. PM me if you want the info on where to get the site and I will send you the info.
Dave Davidson Blink and Life Changes Don't let your Dreams Slip away with Time http://www.mstngdav.wsGet your website & hosting for $10.00 & a business for FREE
Joined: 28 May 2007
Posts: 86
# Posted: 15 Oct 2007 00:07 · Edited by: sdcindy
Well, I have used blogs to promote my business opportunities in the past. But this last week I decided to try to build a site myself because I thought my own website would have a better look and feel than a blog. I don't think my first project turned out half bad I used a WYSIWYG web builder called SiteSpinner. Check out my first link in my signature to see my webpage. The only thing I had to pay for was the Flash movie.
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# Posted: 15 Oct 2007 08:00
Hosting is so cheap, there's no reason not to have your own website. Some hosting companies give out a free domain with their hosting packages.
I'd also start a free blog.
Later, I'd take the revenue from the two above setups and host my own blog.
You can add other income streams after that - indefinately. Hopefully, there will come a day where you have so much going on with all of your sites, you will have to hire one or more copywriters, promoters, and webmasters.
Find out what works and repeat it to your heart's content.
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Joined: 1 Sep 2007
Posts: 61
# Posted: 23 Oct 2007 22:54
marketing blogs is great but I don't think anything can really beat a website. Closest thing would be a site like squidoo or hub pages. You can make pretty good money from them. Its just like a website but free to use and easier.
Joined: 5 Nov 2007
Posts: 260
# Posted: 17 Nov 2007 08:07
its also depends on what you want to sell or do . if you are on affiliate marketing then having awebsite is good idea, it will set you apart. sometime you may need only a mini site
Joined: 1 Oct 2007
Posts: 132
# Posted: 17 Nov 2007 14:30
squidoo works well got about 10 so far... same seo stuff needed to get traffic etc etc but with a website you can do more wizzy stuff...
Joined: 14 Aug 2007
Posts: 1084
# Posted: 18 Nov 2007 00:32
Are you guys actually making decent money from your squidoo lenses? A few of you have mentioned them. Since my earlier post in this thread, I bit the bullet and built a couple just to see.
They are pretty simple to do, but I can't say as I've had much in the way of results. I've only made a couple of dollars (I assume from the Adsense), but then I have to admit I really haven't promoted my lenses much. I put them in my sig on a different forum.
It is my understanding that we can only have about 10 modules per lens or something like that. Not a lot of room for growth. I've only had a handful of visitors to them - again, I haven't actively promoted them, so...
Anyway, back to the thread question. I still think having an actual site is the best way to go.
My first site is a year old this week and the stats are really good for a beginner. I've got 175 of the 232 pages in the top 30 of Google and 91 of them in the top 10. That was a pleasant surprise.
I get about 400-500 visitors a day to the site and that is without paying for any traffic in any way, shape, or form. Of course, I wish those numbers were double that, but the way things are going, I expect they will be before too long. 
All that to say, I just followed the instructions in SBI and built a site based on the CTPM principles and the results are coming in as promised. I think having your own site is the best idea if you want long term success.
However, that is not to exclude what everyone else is doing. Some people are having plenty of success (or so they say) with other things, but this is really the only thing I know personally.
Just wanted to give that update. All the best.
Joined: 12 Aug 2006
Posts: 1594
# Posted: 18 Nov 2007 20:16
Quoting: happywife I get about 400-500 visitors a day to the site and that is without paying for any traffic in any way, shape, or form. Of course, I wish those numbers were double that, but the way things are going, I expect they will be before too long
These are good numbers. What is the subject of your website?
Joined: 14 Aug 2007
Posts: 1084
# Posted: 18 Nov 2007 20:28
These numbers are for my first site, Chocolate Candy Mall in my signature, the one that is a year old.
The other site (Auto Insurance Helper) is only 2 months old and is only getting about 40 or so visitors a day. Well, hey, that's a start!