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Joined: 24 Oct 2009
Posts: 7
# Posted: 2 Nov 2009 05:16
For years, I have heard that hobbies can earn you money. I have always taught how would I do that, but never really got an idea going.
I am really into soccer and I have great knowledge about it as far as I and people around me concerns. Also I have a great database of players due to a soccer manager game. However, I could never find a way to turn that into a business?
I would love to hear any suggestions about it, maybe those would get me going somehow?
Joined: 30 Aug 2007
Posts: 2025
# Posted: 2 Nov 2009 08:59
Oh, you would have fun with an SBI site on that. Even if your database is offline, once you have your site up you could use that website as an additional training source - there is NO END to how you could monetize it.
You can go to my SBI site at and see what I do with mine - you will see links going to various products and ebooks, also you will see adsense ads which is another way you can monetize your site...
So basically what you could do is build pages of soccer information that would benefit both your offline database and with an opt in ezine you could build an online database....
The beauty of SBI is that you can have a website without having to know a thing about building one.
Maybe happywife will pop on soon - she has a much better way of explaining things that I do....she is another SBI fan...
Joined: 1 Nov 2009
Posts: 9
# Posted: 2 Nov 2009 10:12
Well, you could create a "VIDEO TUTURIAL" on the hows of how to play soccer the best way possible. Soccer is a HUGE sport for young children, and many of their parents are AVID soccer buffs and want their child to be super!!
So if you know any "tips or tricks" as they say on how to play the game, mentally, or physically...any way that could give them a boost over the competition, you could get a video camcorder on you to demonstrate it and possibly get a young soccer player and teach him on film...from a beginner to advanced level skills....
And then SELL THEM on your own website or even on Ebay or Craigslist....or Amazon even. You could create an EBOOK on all the 20 best soccer tips for kids to play their best...that kind of thing...
Whatever you know, get the info down is the best way, you can ask for more money too, and most people learn best by VIDEO...
HOpe that helps!!!
Joined: 24 Oct 2009
Posts: 7
# Posted: 2 Nov 2009 16:26
I think you must be the most active and quickest member of this forum mountainmom. Thanks for that and your reply.
The thing is I don't now what to write about. I mean, I can right about daily updates in soccer worldwide. I can write comments about the games I watched. I can analyze player skills that I watch and so on.. I just can't decide what to do and how to do it/
By the way, I watched the 30 min video of SBI and am pretty psyched about it. Once I find something to make a website about, I am sure I'll start using SBI.
Joined: 30 Aug 2007
Posts: 2025
# Posted: 2 Nov 2009 16:32 · Edited by: mountainmom5
lol - Mondays happens to be the day that I play more than I work - so I am on here more those days... 
I totally understand what you are saying - I actually had built an SBI site a few years ago on working at home and things in that niche... but I just couldn't write enough pages about it so I let it go... and now with my survival site there is no end to things I can write about and still stay in the same niche.
So once you find your niche it will come together for you .. 
Good luck!
Joined: 24 Oct 2009
Posts: 7
# Posted: 2 Nov 2009 16:58
Your site is really a great idea. Congratulations! I hope you are making great profits out of it.
This gives me an idea of actually putting together soccer information all the way from League Updates to Soccer Agency firms and Soccer Book and many other things. How do you think that would work out? And how long do you think will it take to set it up?
Joined: 30 Aug 2007
Posts: 2025
# Posted: 2 Nov 2009 19:39
Thank you! It is still a work in progress as I only work on it a few hours a week right now with everything else I have going on, but at first when I was building the first 30 pages or so, I spent a lot more time on it.
It is about 5 months old at this point and just now starting to get a lot more traffic from google... It has gotten traffic from the first month but it takes time for it to get momentum - most people say to give a website like that anywhere from 6 months to a year till you start seeing a lot of results.
I do make money with mine every day ( esp with adsense) but it is nothing big yet - although the potential is very great and I just need to spend more TIME on it!
I think the soccer thing would be great as there are a lot of things such as fitness programs etc, that you could promote on it as well - and if you are passionate about soccer that is all that matters!
A good way to tell if you are in a good niche is to go check out the keywords for it at
(that's a free keyword tool to use and I use it a LOT)
p.s. I checked out the word soccer and it looks good!
Joined: 30 Aug 2007
Posts: 2025
# Posted: 2 Nov 2009 19:45
oh..forgot - you wondered how long it would take to set it up... a few weeks - depending on how much time you have....but the setting up is never really done as you will constantly be adding new pages and things to it once your juices get rolling...
But it does take some time to go through the training videos and get the feel for it all - and if you DO get SBI - please do yourself a favour and DO IT EXACTLY AS THEY TEACH YOU!
I had to force myself to follow the video training as I am a do it now and learn later kind of a person but I am SO SO glad I made myself do it right with this!
Okay - I gotta run for tonight - have a good one....
Joined: 24 Oct 2009
Posts: 7
# Posted: 2 Nov 2009 20:43
You're an angel. Thank you for all your help. I will try to get going as soon as possible
Jean LA
Joined: 2 Oct 2009
Posts: 103
# Posted: 4 Nov 2009 17:05
eytanfb: For years, I have heard that hobbies can earn you money. I have always taught how would I do that, but never really got an idea going. I am really into soccer and I have great knowledge about it as far as I and people around me concerns. Also I have a great database of players due to a soccer manager game. However, I could never find a way to turn that into a business? I would love to hear any suggestions about it, maybe those would get me going somehow? Yes, hobbies can earn. I have been writing article for a long time and I realy love doing it. Right now, I am currently earning from the article I write for other people and for myself.
Joined: 24 Oct 2009
Posts: 7
# Posted: 4 Nov 2009 17:25
Thanks Sheila. I can try that too