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My blog not indexed in Google?

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Joined: 11 Mar 2008
Posts: 4

# Posted: 11 Mar 2008 10:22

Hi, I'm new here. I've just started a blog documenting my experiences with making extra money to support my family. I created this blog in Wordpress one week ago. Why can't my site be indexed in Google? What should I do to promote my site? Many thanks.

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Joined: 5 Nov 2007
Posts: 260

# Posted: 12 Mar 2008 15:40

write artricles and post on directory. its take time for google to indexed new sites or blog . l week is too early. what l would do is try to get as many back links as you can, link with importance blog . when google see that , then it consider your blog important since some one is willing to link back to you. read on this forum, you will get ways of promoting your blog.


Joined: 12 Aug 2006
Posts: 1633

# Posted: 12 Mar 2008 21:26

It takes time for the blog to be indexed by Google. Sometimes, the domain is banned


Joined: 20 Jan 2008
Posts: 73

# Posted: 13 Mar 2008 02:03

I use a site called WEB CEO. It's KILLER! You can try it out for free. You put your main page into it and it will tell you where it's lacking optimization. It blew me away. Also, make sure you check out for more FREE SEO training. I learned more in a week studying these two sites than I learned in 18 months on my own.

With Web CEO, there may be a small learning curve. Worth it!

Have fun!


Joined: 11 Mar 2008
Posts: 4

# Posted: 13 Mar 2008 14:29

My blog finally got indexed by Google today. What a encouragement! Thanks all for your suggestions. What I need to do next is to keep posting and find a way to get it ranked high in the search results.


Joined: 18 Jan 2008
Posts: 209

# Posted: 20 Mar 2008 15:00

Google is retarded. My blog was indexed by Google for awhile and now it's nowhere to be found. Fortunately I've been working on gaining traffic outside of Google anyway, because if I depended solely on Google I would hardly be getting any traffic at all. I don't know what their deal is. I'm just hoping that someday soon I will see my site back in their index again.

My traffic has been pretty consistent, but I did happen to notice when I was no longer getting referrals from Google. I wasn't getting a whole lot of referrals from Google, so it wasn't that much of a loss anyway. Hopefully, in time, Google will index my site better and I'll get some extra traffic from them.

But as far as Google goes, I've given up trying to make any sense out of what they're doing. There's really not much point.

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Joined: 29 Mar 2008
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# Posted: 29 Mar 2008 16:08

try pinging it at pingoat


Joined: 8 Jan 2008
Posts: 219

# Posted: 31 Mar 2008 15:08

Here's a Free Tool that lets you see how friendly your page is to whatever keyword you are marketing for:

(not an aff. link)

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Joined: 9 Sep 2008
Posts: 7

# Posted: 14 Nov 2008 07:00

I use a site called WEB CEO. It's KILLER!

Hi I am new to the forum and am trying WEB CEO to get indexing with my first website. I too am very impressed but am confused about one piece which I need advice on if anyone can help? The optimization report tells me both the text and background have the same colour. Apparantly it can be seen as spam and my site could be banned! I have looked through the CSS sheet and HTML code and cannot see any instances of this but the report keeps bringing it up? Would really appreciate any advice. My Christmas site I am talking about is in my signature. Its my first site so if anyone has any comments on this please let me know. I'd like some feedback on how it looks.

Best to all



Joined: 1 Jan 2008
Posts: 283

# Posted: 15 Nov 2008 10:33

Hi, I'm new here. I've just started a blog documenting my experiences with making extra money to support my family. I created this blog in Wordpress one week ago. Why can't my site be indexed in Google? What should I do to promote my site? Many thanks.

It also helps to submit your site to directories. The more backlinks the better!

Take care,


Silver Member

Joined: 14 Aug 2007
Posts: 1010

# Posted: 15 Nov 2008 21:49

Hi Lois,

I took a quick look at your page source and I can't see the problem you are referring to. I'm not much good with CSS so that may be why I'm not seeing it.

It may be a good idea to go to a css forum and post your question there. People who can read coding better may be able to spot it right away.

Your site looks cute.



Joined: 9 Sep 2008
Posts: 7

# Posted: 16 Nov 2008 15:43

Hello Angie

Many thanks for getting back to me and your feedback on the site.

I'll certainly check this out on a CSS Forum and see what they come up with. I have looked it up on Google as well and there are suggestions that if the colours are similar this gets picked up so I might make them totally different and see if that helps.

Best wishes



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