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Where/How to Reach Certain Professions

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Joined: 19 Jan 2008
Posts: 2

# Posted: 19 Jan 2008 19:53

My opportunity features lots of different types of products. Some of the products may be geared to average consumers and/or to certain professions (beauticians, hair stylists, barbers, house cleaners) Does anybody know a good place to reach individuals in these professions that will allow you to post your opportunity (website) ?


Joined: 24 Dec 2007
Posts: 67

# Posted: 22 Jan 2008 22:30

thats really smart stuff Kelly, ALL the Best to You

well, for each profession... Map out their Universe...

hehe i mean try figuring out what other sites they are likely to visit...

find the experts of the Profession and find their Website and Blogs and try to jo a Joint Venture with them, that will get your services fast forward...

Look at their respective Journals or Ezines for their Respective Profession,... for example for lawyers, there are lots of Law related journals and for beauticians too there loads of famous beauticians and their related magazines of fashion as well....

this is the starting point ,, then you can slowly leverage on what you get and move on to bigger point of contact and reaching them like the Newspapers or Demographic or even their Associations Meetings . for ex.. Always there are a Natiowide Doctors Meet , where doctors from all round the world come to meet ... so thats it you can be their too.....

hope this helps... take care


Joined: 12 Aug 2006
Posts: 1398

# Posted: 23 Jan 2008 00:43

Make a list of forums and blogs for each profession and contact them


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